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2024年03月20日  浏览次数:

The 1st International Conference of Resilient Conservation and Sustainable Development of Historic and Cultural Urban Landscape


Historical and cultural landscapes are the abundant accumulation of economic, social and cultural information in human civilizations, condensing the evolution and cultural essence of urban and rural changes over the centuries. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, China's urbanization rate has increased to 65%. The development of urbanization has entered a new stage of stable and high-quality development from a period of rapid advancement. In the new stage of urban renewal and rural revitalization, the conservation and sustainable development of historical and cultural landscapes are facing different tasks and challenges.


Archaeological sites, as a typical historic and cultural urban landscape, showcase the distinct features of each historical era within the evolution of civilization. The conservation and sustainable utilization of these heritages have persistently stood as a shared concern in the international realm of heritage conservation. The Central Plains region in China possesses numerous ancient sites and relics, which are collectively vast in scale, diverse in form, and rich in variety. These relics witness the origin and evolution of Chinese civilization, holding immense historical and cultural significance. The overlapping characteristics of historical and contemporary sites continuously exert a profound impact on the urban and rural development of the region. Furthermore, these relics epitomize typical features within the discourse on the preservation and resilient development of historic and cultural urban landscapes in the context of China.


This conference centers around the theme of " Resilient Conservation and Sustainable Development of Historic and Cultural Urban Landscape " and is rooted in the practical demands of local urban and rural contexts. This conference will explore in depth the organic development paths of the conservation and sustainable utilization of archaeological sites in the context of global climate change, the development of digital China, the new urban-rural relationship, and the renewal of urban communities in the new era. The conference will invite experts and scholars from various domestic and international fields, including architecture, urban planning, history, geography, archaeology, and heritage conservation, aiming to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and initiate a shared platform for related academic discourses.

一、大会主题与议题 Main Theme and Topics


Main theme: Resilient Conservation and Sustainable Development of Historic and Cultural Urban Landscape


This conference plans to initiate discussions on aspects of the conservation and sustainable development of cultural landscape and heritage, the relationship between large heritage sites and urban and rural area, the application of digital technology in the conservation and etc. The proposed topics are not limited to the following:


Session Topic 1: Historic and Cultural Urban Landscape Conservation and Coordinated Development of Urban and Rural Area


Session Topic 2Creative Conservation and Development of Historic and Cultural Urban Landscape in Digital Intelligence Era


Session Topic 3Historic and Cultural Urban Landscape Conservation and Community Building


Session Topic 4: Resilient Conservation and Development of Historic and Cultural Urban Landscape under Climate Change

会议议题5: 自然与文化环境中的规划设计创新

Session Topic 5: Creative Urban Design Under the Conservation and Development of Natural Landscape and Cultural Heritage


Open Session


The conference established the Outstanding Paper Award for graduate student and the Outstanding Innovative Design Award in Historical Context (undergraduate).

二、会议信息 Conference Information

会议日期:2024 061416

Conference Date: 14th-16th June, 2024

会议地点:中国·郑州, 郑州大学

Conference Venue: Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China

二、会议组织 Conference Organizer

主办单位 Organizer


Henan Provincial Development and Reform Commission


Henan Provincial Administration of Cultural Heritage


Zhengzhou University

承办单位 Hosting Organizer


School of Architecture, Zhengzhou University


Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology


School of Archaeology and Culture Heritage

协办单位 Assisting Organizer


UNESCO Chair in Cultural Landscapes and Archaeological Sites

支持平台 Supporting Units


Urban Planning Society of China


Professional Committee on Archaeological Heritage, Archaeology Society of China


Key Scientific Research Base of Urban Archaeology and Conservation, State Administration of Cultural Heritage


Key Scientific Research Base of Archaeological Sites Conservation and Sustainable Development, Henan Provincial Administration of Cultural HeritageZhengzhou University


Henan International Joint Laboratory of Eco-community & Innovative Technology

联合国教科文组织·国际文化遗产保护和修复研究中心 亚洲遗产管理学会


支持期刊Supporting Journal


City Planning Review, Heritage Architecture, New ArchitectureHuaxia Archaeology,

三、参会费用 Conference Registration


This conference does not charge a registration fee, and the accommodation for participants will be arranged uniformly (optional for attendees to choose).

四、会议投稿 Conference Paper Submission


1) Abstract submission.

Please submit an abstract to the conference email hcul2024@outlook.com, by 12:00 pm, March 31st, 2024. The abstract must be less than 500 words. The committee will send acceptance results to all persons who submitted abstracts no later than April 12th, 2024.  


2) Paper submission.

Please submit the full paper by 12:00 pm, May 15st, 2024. (Please follow the attached document for paper format.)


Design submission.

Please submit the soft copy of your design panels related to the conference topics and the author's portfolio to the conference email hcul2024@outlook.com. The design panels should be in A1 size (W594mm x H841mm). Submissions will be presented as a themed exhibition during the conference.

五、主要议程: Brief Conference Schedule  614-16

2024年0613 参会代表报到

June 13th, 2024, Conference Registration

2024年0614 开幕式、领导致辞、主旨报告

June 14th, 2024, Open Ceremony, Session Presentation

2024年0615 分论坛报告、经验交流、大会总结

June 15th, 2024, Session Presentation

2024月0616 考察,离会

June 16th, 2024, Heritage Tour

六、会议联系 Contact Information

刘老师 hcul2024@outlook.com

Mr. Liu hcul2024@outlook.com

上一条:建筑学院2024年硕士研究生复试录取工作实施细则                 下一条:建筑学院“建筑遗产保护学术周”(第一期)——探寻历史脉络:建筑与考古的对话与展望

关闭 打印 责任编辑: 王亘