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名: 蒋平丽


出生年月: 1990.9

贯: 湖南永州

最高学历: 博士

从事专业: 材料科学与工程


称: 直聘副研究员








2021.1-至今 郑州大学 直聘副研究员

2016.9-2020.9 德国基尔大学(德国亥姆霍兹研究所Hereon中心) 工学博士

2013.9-2016.6 厦门大学 理学硕士

2009.9-2013.6 浙江理工大学 理学学士




1. 中国博士后科学基金第71批面上资助(一等)

2. 河南省博士后科研项目启动经费(二等)

3. 二维量子材料的磁性测量(横向课题,主持)

4. 高性能稀土功能材料的磁学性能调控(横向课题,主持)


1. P.L. Jiang, Z.H. Zeng, R.Q. Hou*, D.Mei, S.J. Zhu, L.G. Wang, S.K. Guan, Tunable corrosion protection of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) coating on biomedical Mg2Zn0.2Ca alloy, Materials & Design, 2022, 222, 111073. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2022.111073

2. P.L. Jiang, R.Q. Hou*, S.J. Zhu, S.K. Guan, A robust calcium carbonate (CaCO3) coating on biomedical MgZnCa alloy for promising corrosion protection, Corrosion Science, 2022, 198, 110124. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2022.110124

3. J.J. Yang1, *, P.L. Jiang1, Y.M. Qiu, C.Y. Jao, C. Blawert, S. Lamaka, A. Bouali, X.P. Lu, M.L. Zheludkevich, Experimental and quantum chemical studies of carboxylates as corrosion inhibitors for AM50 alloy in pH neutral NaCl solution, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2022, 10, 555-568. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jma.2021.05.021

4. P.L. Jiang*, C. Blawert, N. Scharnagl, J. Bohlen, M.L. Zheludkevich. Mechanistic understanding of the corrosion behavior of Mg4Zn0.2Sn alloys: from the perspective view of microstructure. Corros. Sci., 2020, 174, 108863. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2020.108863

5. P.L. Jiang*, C. Blawert, J. Bohlen, M.L. Zheludkevich. Corrosion performance, corrosion fatigue behavior and mechanical integrity of an extruded Mg4Zn0.2Sn alloy, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2020, 59, 107-116. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmst.2020.04.042

6. P.L. Jiang*, C. Blawert, R.Q. Hou, J. Bohlen, N. Konchakova, M.L. Zheludkevich, A comprehensive comparison of the corrosion performance, fatigue behavior and mechanical properties of micro-alloyed MgZnCa and MgZnGe alloys, Mater. Design, 2020, 185, 108285. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2019.108285

7. P.L. Jiang*, C. Blawert, N. Scharnagl, M.L. Zheludkevich, Influence of water purity on the corrosion behavior of Mg0. 5ZnX (X= Ca, Ge) alloys. Corros. Sci., 2019, 153, 62-73. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2019.03.044

8. P.L. Jiang*, C. Blawert, R.Q. Hou, N. Scharnagl, J. Bohlen, M.L. Zheludkevich, Microstructural influence on corrosion behavior of MgZnGe alloy in NaCl solution, J. Alloy. Compd., 2019, 783, 179-192. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.12.296

9. P.L. Jiang*, C. Blawert. M.L. Zheludkevich. The corrosion performance and mechanical properties of Mg-Zn based alloys - A review. Corros. Mater. Degrad., 2020, 1(1), 7. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/cmd1010007

10. P.L. Jiang*, R.Q. Hou, C. D. Chen, L. Sun, S. G. Dong, J. S. Pan, C. J. Lin. Controllable Degradation of Medical Magnesium by Electrodeposited Composite Films of Mussel Adhesive Protein (Mefp-1) and Chitosan. J. Colloid Inter. Sci., 2016, 478, 246–255. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2016.06.001


1. 林昌健,蒋平丽,潘金山,侯瑞青,孙岚,董士刚,陈成栋,梁建鹤。基于壳聚糖和贻贝黏附蛋白复合膜的金属表面处理方法,中国,ZL201510226283.6


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