
作者: 时间:2022-03-22 点击数:













Ø  2021/12-至今,郑州大学,电气与信息工程学院,讲师

Ø  2019/07-2021/11,广东工业大学,自动化学院,博士后

Ø  2015/01-2015/08,日本冈山县立大学,计算机与系统工程学院,访问学者


Ø  中国自动化学会青年工作委员会委员、人工智能与教育专委会委员

Ø  IEEE SMCIEEE Trans.   CyberneticsIEEE   TIVInternational   Journal of ControlJournal   of the Franklin Institute等期刊审稿人


Ø  2024年,获河南省教育厅科技成果奖优秀科技论文一等奖

Ø  2024年,指导学生立项郑州大学本科生科技创新项目-重点项目

Ø  2024年,指导学生获得中国大学生计算机设计大赛河南省一等奖

Ø  2024年,指导学生获得郑州大学第十二届挑战杯大学生创业计划竞赛铜奖

Ø  2021年,获得广东工业大学优秀博士后

Ø  2019年,获得北京科技大学优秀博士学位论文

Ø  2019年,获得北京科技大学优秀毕业研究生


Ø  (主持)中国博士后基金面上项目(2023M741070),2023.12-2025.02

Ø  (主持)国家自然科学基金青年项目(62203398),2023.01-2025.12

Ø  (主持)郑州大学留学生教改专项(2023ZZUJGXM-LXS021),2023.10-2025.10

Ø  (参与)国家自然科学基金面上项目(62073088),2021.01-2024.12

Ø  (参与)广东省重点领域研发计划项目(2021B0101200005),2020.09-2023.12


[1]     Yaqiang Liu,   Weili Zhang, Jun-Wei Wang, Yanhong Liu, Jinzhu Peng. Event-triggered    feedback control for nonlinear parabolic distributed parameter systems with   time-varying delays[J].IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and   Engineering, 2024.

[2]     Yaqiang Liu,   Jun-Wei Wang, Zongze Wu, Zhigang Ren, Shengli Xie. Robust H   control for semilinear parabolic distributed parameter   systems with external disturbances via mobile actuators and sensors [J]. IEEE   Transactions on Cybernetics, 53(8): 4880   - 4893, 2023.

[3]     Yaqiang Liu,   Zongze Wu, Jialun Lai, Zhigang Ren, Shengli Xie. Iterative learning feedback   control for linear parabolic distributed parameter systems with multiple   collocated piecewise observation [J]. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 359(4): 1407-1426, 2022.

[4]     Yaqiang Liu,   Zongze Wu, Jialun Lai, Jianzhong Li, Shengli Xie. Lyapunov-based iterative   learning feedback control design for parabolic MIMO PDEs with time-varying   delays[J]. IET Control Theory & Applications, 16(8): 799-815, 2022.

[5]     Yaqiang Liu,   Jialun Lai, Zengwang Jin, Zhigang Ren, Shengli Xie, Yalin Wang. Iterative   learning control for linear parabolic distributed parameter systems with   multiple point sensors [J]. Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, 44(3),   1174-1184, 2021.

[6]     Yaqiang Liu,   Jianzhong Li, and Zengwang Jin. Trajectory tracking control for   reaction–diffusion system with time delay using P-type iterative learning   method [J]. Actuators. 10 (8):186, 2021.

[7]     Ya-Qiang Liu,   Jun-Wei Wang, and Chang-Yin Sun, A Lyapunov-based design of dynamic feedback   compensator for linear parabolic MIMO PDEs [J]. IMA Journal of Mathematical   Control and Information, 37(2): 455-474, 2020. 

[8]     Ya-Qiang Liu,   Jun-Wei Wang, and Chang-Yin Sun, Observer-based output feedback compensator   design for linear parabolic PDEs with local piecewise control and pointwise   observation in space [J]. IET Control Theory & Applications, 12(13):   1812-1821, 2018.

[9]     Ya-Qiang Liu,   Weili Zhang, Jinzhu Peng, Wenlong Zhang, Yanhong Liu. Trajectory tracking   control for nonlinear high-order PDE system based on iterative learning   method[C]. The 38th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association   of Automation (YAC), 612-617, 2023.

[10]     Jun-Wei Wang, Ya-Qiang Liu, and   Chang-Yin Sun, Pointwise exponential stabilization of a linear parabolic PDE   system using non-collocated pointwise observation [J]. Automatica,   93:197-210, 2018.

[11]    Jun-Wei Wang, Ya-Qiang Liu, and   Chang-Yin Sun, Adaptive neural boundary control design for nonlinear flexible   distributed parameter systems [J]. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems   Technology, 27(5): 2085-2099, 2018.

[12]    Jun-Wei Wang, Ya-Qiang Liu, and   Chang-Yin Sun, Observer-based dynamic local piecewise control of a linear   parabolic PDE using non-collocated local piecewise observation [J]. IET   Control Theory & Applications, 12(3): 346-358, 2018.

[13]    Jun-Wei Wang, Ya-Qiang Liu,   Yan-Yan Hu, and Chang-Yin Sun, A spatial domain observer design of a linear   unstable parabolic distributed parameter system with spatially discrete   sensors [J]. International Journal of Control, 90(12): 2772-2785, 2017.


[1] 刘亚强,陈柏霖,苏清清,刘思源,赵烯桥,彭金柱,刘艳红.一种仿生机械臂运动轨迹优化控制方法,CN202410221073.7,   2024.

[2] 刘亚强,张伟立,刘艳红,彭金柱,杨磊,吴振龙. 一种离散制造过程中的分布式抗干扰控制方法,CN202410333096.7,2024.

[3] 刘亚强,张伟立,贺威,彭金柱,刘艳红. 一种基于强化学习的机器人自主抓推控制方法,CN202410696831.0,2024.

[4] 刘亚强,李家豪,唐旭博,孟祥桢,彭金柱,刘艳红,杨磊. 一种新型足轮式爬行机器人, CN 202421058574X,2024.

[5]吴宗泽, 赖家伦, 刘亚强, 梁泽逍, 曾德宇. 一种离散制造场景中的强化学习奖励自学习方法,   ZL202010005909.1, 2020.

[6] 赖家伦, 吴宗泽, 任志刚, 李建中, 刘亚强. 柔性制造车间系统中的AGV自适应路径规划实时控制方法.   ZL202010631546.2, 2020.


[1] 刘亚强基于机器视觉的通用检测实验平台V1.02023.

[2] 刘亚强新能源汽车电车冷却系统检测软件V1.02024.

[3] 刘亚强基于AI大模型的智能语音控制软件V1.02024.


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