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发布者:  时间:2024-05-13 14:58:37  浏览:








1. 20名美国籍青少年学生。如学生年龄在18周岁以下,则需要有监护人书面同意书。

2. 20名郑州大学学生参加交流活动。






1. 参加项目的美国籍学员往返郑州的机票等旅费自理;

2. 郑州大学将承担参加项目的美国籍学员在郑州期间的课程、城际交通及住宿费用;

3. 合作院校如指派带队教师,教师所产生的费用不在本支持计划资助范围内。




孙老师 0371-67739661







Notification for Sino-American Youths' Camp on Central China Culture 2024

To all friendly school units:


The Youths’ Camp adheres to the concept of "people-oriented, open and equal, respectful and inclusive, understanding and appreciation, exchange and mutual learning, and cooperation and win-win", based on the rich historical and cultural heritage resources of the Central Plains, covering traditional Chinese cultural knowledge and modern life experiences. By organizing research and study camps, we aim to promote American youth's understanding of China and strengthen communication and exchange between Chinese and American youth.

2. Theme

The theme of this study camp is "Experience China in the Central Plains." Zhengzhou University welcomes outstanding young people from partner schools or institutes to sign up for this program. The magnificent Chinese civilization originated in the Central Plains region. "The History of Henan is said to be Half of Chinese History." Henan, as a representative region of Central Plains culture, has a long history and rich cultural heritage. The Youths’ Camp allows students to experience the charm of 5000 years of Chinese civilization up close, appreciate the rich connotations and profoundness of Central Plains culture, and personally feel the tremendous changes brought to China by the reform and opening up, achieving the goal of "experiencing beautiful China by walking through the Central Plains". "

3. Enrollment

1) 20 American adolescent students. For students under the age of 18, a written consent from their guardians must be provided.

2) 20 students from Zhengzhou University will form a volunteer team  to participate in training activities.

4.Courses and Activities

The courses of The Youths’ Camp are divided into centralized training courses, culturaltours, and social practice activities. Among them, the centralized training courses include expert lectures, professional courses, cultural courses and others, covering the history of the Central Plains, cultural heritage, politics, economy, Chinese language and other courses; Cultural inspection activities include world natural and historical cultural heritage sites such as Songshan Mountain, Shaolin Temple, Songyang Academy and Longmen Grottoes; Social practice activities covering Henan Opera, Taijiquan, Shaolin Wushu, calligraphy, Paper Cuttings as well as China's intangible cultural heritage, to provide students with immersive experience of Central Plains culture and China’s development.

5. Project Time

June 23rd - July 6th, 2024

6. Fee

1) American student participating in the project will be responsible for their own round-trip airfare and other travel expenses to and from Zhengzhou

2) Zhengzhou University will bear the cost of courses, transportation and accommodation for the American student participants during their stay in Zhengzhou;

3) Zhengzhou University is not responsible for any expenses incurred by leaders or teachers assigned by partner schools or organizations to accompany students to and in China.

7. Application Deadline

Units are invited to fill out the Registration Form and send an electronic copy to fao@zzu.edu.cn by 30th May, 2024.

8. Contacts

Dr. Sun 0371-67739661

Ms. Xu 0371-67739662


1. Application Form for the " Sino-American Youths' Camp on Central China Culture";

2. Schedule of the " Sino-American Youths' Camp on Central China Culture";

Zhengzhou University

May 9th, 2024