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刘兵兵 副教授

2020/12/15 发布人:姜高亮 浏览次数:




l 招生方向:化学工艺、材料与化工、有色金属冶金

l 研究方向:化工冶金分离技术、选冶废水净化技术、冶金固废资源化利用技术

l 主讲冶金工程专业本科生/研究生课程:《冶金传输原理》、《材料科学基础》、《低品质矿产资源综合利用》

l 邮箱:liubingbing@zzu.edu.cn




l 2020.05至今,郑州大学,化工学院冶金工程系,副教授

l 2018.12--2020.05,郑州大学,化工学院冶金工程系,直聘副教授

l 2015.09--2018.11,中南大学,冶金工程,博士学位

l 2012.09--2015.06,中南大学,矿物加工工程,硕士学位

l 2008.09--2012.06,武汉科技大学,矿物加工工程,学士学位


l 国家自然科学基金面上项目2022.01-2025.12,主持;

l 国家自然科学基金青年基金,2020.01-2022.12,主持;

l 河南省自然科学基金优秀青年基金,2022.1-2024.12,主持;

l 河南省高层次人才特殊支持“中原博新”,化学工程与技术学科,2020-2021,主持;

l 中国博士后科学基金第1批站前特助,2019-2020,主持;

l 中国博士后科学基金第66批面上一等,2020-2021,主持;

l 郑州大学优秀青年人才创新团队,2022.1-2024.12,主持;


l 《中国有色金属学报》、《工程科学学报》第一届青年编委

l 国家自然科学基金通讯评议专家

l Materials》国际SCI期刊Advances in Processing and Characterization of Mineral Materials专刊客座编辑,2021https://www.mdpi.com/journal/materials/special_issues/adv_process_charact_miner_mater

l 2017年至今,任美国矿物、金属与材料(TMS)学会会员

l Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Separation and Purification Technology, Ceramics International, Minerals Engineering, Applied Surface Science, Powder Technology, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, JOM等国际SCI学术期刊通讯评委。


1. Huang Yanfang, Zhang Bei, Liu Bingbing*, Han Guihong **, Du Yifan, Su Shengpeng. Adsorption behaviors of strategic W/Mo/Re from wastewaters by novel magnetic ferrite nanoparticles: Adsorption mechanism underlying selective separation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 424 (2021): 127675.(中科院TOP期刊)

2. Huang Yanfang, Zhang Bei, Liu Bingbing*, Su Shengpeng, Han Guihong Han*, Wang Wenjuan, Guo Hui, Cao Yijun. Clean and deep separation of molybdenum and rhenium from ultra-low concentration solutions via vapidly stepwise selective coagulation and flocculation precipitation, Separation and Purification Technology, 267 (2021): 118632.(中科院TOP期刊)

3. Han Guihong, Du Yifan, Huang Yanfang*, Yang Shuzhen, Wang Wenjuan, Su Shengpeng, Liu Bingbing**. Efficient separation of hazardous benzohydroxamic acid (BHA) contaminants from the industrial beneficiation wastewaters by facile precipitation flotation process. Separation and Purification Technology, 279 (2021): 119718.(中科院TOP期刊)

4. Han Guihong, Du Yifan, Huang Yanfang*, Wang Wenjuan, Su Shengpeng, Liu Bingbing**, High-efficiency removal of hazardous azo dye Congo red from wastewaters via metal ions chelation flocculation followed by flotation separation: Optimization and chelation mechanism, Chemosphere, 289 (2022) 133109.(中科院TOP期刊)

5. Zhang Li, Su Shengpeng, Liu Bingbing*, Han Guihong**, Huang Yanfang, Wang Yubi, Wang Yizhuang. Sustainable and high-efficiency recycling of valuable metals from oily honing ferroalloy scrap via de-oiling and smelting separation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 413 (2021): 125399.(中科院TOP期刊)

6. Liu Bingbing, Xue Yubin, Han Guihong*, Zhang Li**, Huang Yanfang, Hou Cuihong, Cao Yijun. An alternative and clean utilisation of refractory high-phosphorus oolitic hematite: P for crop fertiliser and Fe for ferrite ceramic, Journal of Cleaner Production, 299 (2021): 126889.(中科院TOP期刊)

7. Zhang Li, Liu Bingbing*, Zhang Yuanbo, Han Guihong, Huang Junjie, Ye Jing, Li Yuelong. New perspective on the interface reaction and morphology evolution in the reduction of manganese silicate for silicomanganese alloy production. Applied Surface Science, 539 (2021): 148210.(中科院TOP期刊)

8. Liu Bingbing, Zhang Li, Zhang Yuanbo*, Han Guihong, Zhang Bei. Innovative methodology for co-treatment of mill scale scrap and manganese ore via oxidization roasting-magnetic separation for preparation of ferrite materials. Ceramics International, 47 (2021): 6139-6153.(中科院TOP期刊)

9. Han Guihong, Wang Zhixiao, Liu Bingbing*, Huang Yanfang**, Su Shengpeng, In-situ improved corrosion resistance of corundum-mullite refractory for the incineration of hazardous spent high-salt organic liquor by Cr2O3: Interfacial anti-erosion mechanism, Ceramics International, 2022.(中科院TOP期刊)

10. Liu Bingbing#, Zhang Bei#, Han Guihong*, Wang Meimei, Huang Yanfang**, Su Shengpeng, Xue Yubin, Wang Yizhuang, Clean separation and purification for strategic metals of molybdenum and rhenium from minerals and secondary resources: A review, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 181 (2022) 106232.(中科院TOP期刊)

上一条:朱广丽 副教授                 下一条:万浩 直聘教授