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作者:王雷 来源: 阅读次数: 日期:2019-05-08

报告题目:On Eigenvalues Problems for Sub-elliptic Operators
报告人:武汉大学数学与统计学院 陈化教授
报告时间:2019年05月10日 08:00-12:00

Let be a bounded connected open subset in with  smooth boundary . Suppose that we have a system of real smooth vector fields defined on a neighborhood of that satisfies the Hormander's condition. Suppose further that is non-characteristic with respect to . For a self-adjoint sub-elliptic operator on , we denote its Dirichlet eigenvalue by . We will provide a uniform upper bound for the sub-elliptic Dirichlet heat kernel. We will also give an explicit sharp lower bound estimate for , which has a polynomially growth in of the order related to the generalized Metivier index.