《Challenges and Opportunities of Hydrological Modeling for Climate Studies》学术报告


报告题目: Challenges and Opportunities of Hydrological Modeling for Climate Studies

报 告 人:Prof. Xu Liang(梁旭教授)




梁旭教授致力于陆-气间水与能量循环机理,以及生态环境伴生过程的研究。她开发的陆面水文模型VIC已被广泛应用于世界各地进行大尺度区域的径流模拟,以及不同尺度下的大气-植被-土壤间物理交换过程的模拟及研究。她在VIC陆面模型建模的原创性工作中首先深入考虑并研究了由土壤属性、植被、降水、土壤湿度等因素所引起的在次网格上的空间变异性对水与能量交换的影响以及其他陆面模式建模中的挑战性问题。在近期的有关VIC+模型的研究中,她进一步系统地研究了植被在土壤-植被-大气连续体中对水的运动及水与能量交换过程的影响。新的VIC+模型引进了根系水力再分配、碳同化、植被储水等过程以及他们与地下水的动态间的交互过程,能够系统地模拟土壤-植被-大气连续体中植被对水运动及能量和碳交换的影响。除了在陆面模式研究领域的突出贡献,梁旭教授在水文科学的数据分析、数据挖掘、以及基于互联网的数据及信息模型的开发、环境监测传感器、无线传感网络等领域也做出了重要的贡献。她的研究得到了美国NSFNASANOAADOEDOT等机构的资助。SCI(science citation index)2019418日为止的数据显示,其发表的论文被他人引用次数达5301次,总引次数达5535次,H指数为26Scopus迄今(2019418日)为止的数据显示,其发表的论文被他人引用次数达6027次,总引次数达6316次,H指数为29Google Scholar迄今(2019418日)为止的数据显示,其发表的论文总引用次数达9587次,H指数为34。她的研究成果获得以下奖励:

  1. 美国匹兹堡大学2016年度校长杰出研究奖

  2. 美国气象学会(AMS)会士(fellow)since2016

  3. 美国2014年度卡内基环境科学奖

  4. William Kepler Whiteford教授, 美国匹兹堡大学, 2014-present



It is an exciting time for researchers not only to study the exchanges of energy, water and momentum across the land-atmosphere interface, but also to investigate how ecosystems respond to the atmospheric environment through the water, energy, carbon, and nitrogen cycling within the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. With rapid advance in the fields of ecology, biology, hydrology, and atmospheric sciences, an ever increasing number of physiological, physical and hydrological processes are being understood and identified to play important roles. The opportunities of including these processes into a hydrological model for climate and environmental studies mean that we could, through proper integration and cooperation, substantially improve our capabilities in reproducing and predicting water, energy, carbon, and nitrogen budgets. These opportunities also pose various challenges, such as increasing number of model parameters, choices of resolutions, and model uncertainties. In this talk, I will use VIC and VIC+ modelsas examples to illustrate my views in the development of large-scale hydrological modeling and possible approaches to overcome the challenges.



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