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2014年01月16日 18:03  点击:[]

邵涛,中国科学院电工研究所研究员、博士生导师,郑州大学河南省输配电装备与电气绝缘工程技术研究中心硕士生导师。国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金获得者、长江学者(青年学者)、国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金获得者,英国皇家学会牛顿高级学者基金获得者。2006年获中国科学院研究生院高电压与绝缘技术专业工学博士学位,2011年8月-2012年7月美国University of New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM USA)访问学者,2015年11月英国University of Liverpool (Liverpool, UK) Honorary Research Fellow。首批中科院青年创新促进会会员,IET Fellow,IEEE高级会员,中国电机工程学会高级会员,中国电工技术学会等离子体及应用专委会委员、秘书长,中国电工技术学会电工测试专委会委员,中国电工技术学会绝缘材料与绝缘技术专委会委员,电力行业高压试验技术标准化委员会委员,包括ICOPS/IPMHVC系列会议等国际知名会议的技术委员会委员或国际委员等;担任《电工技术学报》、《高电压技术》、《绝缘材料》、《高压电器》编委,剑桥SCI期刊《Laser and Particle Beams》编委,2015 《IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul.》: Co-Guest Editor,2015《IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci.》:Co-Guest Editor,2016《IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci.》: Chief-Guest Editor。


1.  2011年获中国电工技术学会科学技术奖二等奖(排名第2)
2.  2011年获中国电机工程学会2009-2010年度学术会议优秀论文一等奖
3.  2010年获吉林省电力公司科技进步奖二等奖
4.  2010年获中国电工技术学会科学技术奖一等奖(排名第3)
5.  2009年获中国电工技术学会2009年学术年会优秀论文奖
6.  2009年获首届脉冲功率学术交流会优秀论文二等奖
7.  2009年获中国核学会2009年学术年会青年优秀论文奖
8.  2004年获中国科学院院长奖学金“优秀奖”
9.  2002年获中国电力教育基金会“电力高科奖学金”

1.  主持国家自然科学基金(NSAF基金)-面上项目(11076026)(2011-2013)
2.  主持完成国家自然科学基金-青年基金(50707032)(2008-2010)
3.  主持完成中科院知识创新工程重要方向项目前沿领域项目(KGCX2-YW-339)(2008-2010)
4.  主持完成“电力系统及发电设备安全控制和仿真国家重点实验室”开放基金重点课题(SKLD09KZ05)(2009-2010)
5.  主持完成中国科学院电工研究所青年优秀人才自由探索项目(2008-2009)
6.  主持完成吉林省电力科学研究院科研合作开发项目(2007-2009)
7.  主持完成中国科学院“优秀博士学位论文、院长奖获得者科研启动专项”项目(2006-2008)
8.  参与完成自然科学基金面上项目(50207011、50677066)、重点项目(50437020)

1.  Tao Shao, Victor F. Tarasenko, Cheng Zhang, et al. Generation of Runaway Electrons and X-rays in Repetitive Nanosecond Pulse Corona Discharge in Atmospheric Pressure Air, Appl. Phys. Express, Vol.4, no.6, 066001(3p), 2011.
2.  Tao Shao, Victor F. Tarasenko, Cheng Zhang, et al. X-ray and runaway electron generation in repetitive pulsed discharges in atmospheric pressure air with a point-to-plane gap, Phys. Plasmas, Vol.18, no.5, 053502(6p), 2011.
3.  Tao Shao, Cheng Zhang, Zheng Niu, et al. Runaway electron preionized diffuse discharges in atmospheric pressure air with a point-to-plane gap in repetitive pulsed mode, J. Appl. Phys.,Vol.105, no.8, 083306(7p), 2011.
4.  Tao Shao, Cheng Zhang, Zheng Niu, et al. Diffuse discharge, runaway electron, and x-ray in atmospheric pressure air in an inhomogeneous electrical field in repetitive pulsed modes, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.98, no.2, 021503(3p), 2011.
5.  Cheng Zhang, Tao Shao, Yang Yu, et al. Detection of X-ray Emission in a Nanosecond Discharge in Air at Atmospheric Pressure, Rev. Sci. Instrum. Vol.81, no.11, 123501(5p), 2010.
6.  Tao Shao, Yang Yu, Cheng Zhang, et al. Excitation of atmospheric pressure uniform dielectric barrier discharge using repetitive unipolar nanosecond-pulse generator, IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul. Vol.17, no.6, pp.1830-1837, 2010.
7.  Cheng Zhang, Tao Shao, Yang Yu, et al. Comparison of experiment and simulation on dielectric barrier discharge driven by 50 Hz AC power in atmospheric air, J. Electrostat. Vol. 68, no.5, pp.445-452, 2010.
8.  Tao Shao, Dongdong Zhang, Yang Yu, et al. A compact repetitive unipolar nanosecond-pulse generator for dielectric barrier discharge application, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., Vol.38, no.7, pp.1651-1655, July, 2010.
9.  Cheng Zhang, Tao Shao, Kaihua Long, et al. Surface treatment of polyethylene terephthalate films using DBD excited by repetitive unipolar nanosecond-pulses in air at atmospheric pressure, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., Vol.38, no.6, part.2, pp.1517-1526, June, 2010.
10. Tao Shao, Cheng Zhang, Kaihua Long, Dongdong Zhang, et al. Surface modification of polyimide films using unipolar nanosecond-pulse DBD in atmospheric air, Applied Surface Science, Vol.256, no.12, pp.3888-3894, 2010.
11. Tao Shao, Cheng Zhang, Kaihua Long, Jue Wang, et al. Measurement and control for repetitive nanosecond-pulse breakdown experiment in polymer films, Chin. Phys. B Vol.19, no.4, 040601(5P), 2010.
12. Tao Shao, Kaihua Long, Cheng Zhang, Jue Wang, et al. Electrical characterization of dielectric barrier discharge driven by repetitive nanosecond pulses in atmospheric air, J. Electrostat. Vol. 67, no.2-3, pp.215-221, 2009.
13. Shao Tao, Long Kaihua, Zhang Cheng, Yan Ping, et al. Experimental study on repetitive unipolar nanosecond-pulse dielectric barrier discharge in air at atmospheric pressure, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Vol.41, 215203(8P), 2008.
14. Tao Shao, Ping Yan, Kaihua Long, Shichang Zhang. Dielectric-barrier dsicharge excitated by repetitive nanosecond pulses in air at atmospheric pressure, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., Vol.36, no.4, Part 1, pp.1358-1359, August 2008.
15. Tao Shao, Guangsheng Sun, Ping Yan, Shichang Zhang. Breakdown phenomena in nitrogen due to repetitive nanosecond-pulses, IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., Vol.14, no. 4, pp.813-819, August, 2007.
16. Ping Yan, Tao Shao, Jue Wang, et al., Experimental investigation of surface flashover in vacuum using nanosecond pulses, IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul. Vol.14, no.3, pp.634-642, June, 2007.
17. Tao Shao, Guangsheng Sun, Ping Yan, Shichang Zhang, Experimental study of similarity laws in gas breakdown with repetitive nanosecond pulses, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., PT.1, Vol.46, no.2, pp.803-805, 2007.
18. Shao Tao, Sun Guang-sheng, Yan Ping, et al., Experimental study of polarity dependence in repetitive nanosecond-pulse breakdown, Chin. Phys. Vol.16, no.3, pp.778-783, 2007.
19. Shao Tao, Sun Guang-sheng, Yan Ping, et al. An experimental investigation of repetitive nanosecond-pulse breakdown in air, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Vol.39, pp.2192-2197, May 2006.
20. Tao Shao, Guang-sheng Sun, Yan Ping, et al. Repetitive nanosecond-pulse breakdown in tip-plane gaps of air, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., Vol.34, no.5, pp.1620-1625, Oct. 2006.
21. 邵涛,孙广生,严萍,等. 纳秒脉冲下高能量快电子逃逸过程的计算, 物理学报, Vol.55(11),pp.5964-5968, 2006.

