10th IUPAC International Conference on Novel Materials and their Synthesis NMS-X, 10th-15th October, 2014, Zhengzhou
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhengzhou University
Website: http://www.nms-iupac.org/present/
由郑州大学主办,复旦大学和澳大利亚悉尼科技大学协办的“IUPAC第十届新材料及其合成国际会议”定于2014年10月10-15日在郑州大学召开。大会由郑州大学教授曹少魁、复旦大学教授吴宇平和澳大利亚悉尼科技大学教授汪国秀共同担任大会主席,郑州大学教授徐慎刚为会议秘书长。目前已有美国、英国、法国、日本、德国、澳大利亚等33个国家和地区的境外代表140人,以及复旦大学、中科院等国内代表50人拟参加此次大会。大会将以国际著名学者作大会报告、主题演讲和分组讨论等形式进行。会场设在郑州高新区瑞达路光华大酒店。会后注册代表将在SCI期刊Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering出一期专辑。大会的第一轮会议通知、第二轮会议通知、会议注册表、会议摘要模板和专辑出版投稿要求等见上述网址。
IUPAC NMS-X是有关高分子材料、无机非金属材料、能源材料、碳材料、纳米材料、陶瓷材料等材料合成、表征、性能和应用的国际学术会议。会议包括如下九个主题:
- Innovative chiral and achiral compounds, their novel preparation methods including catalytic ones, properties and applications.
- Innovative bio- and biobased materials and composites, their preparation, properties and applications.
- Innovative polymers such as conducting, semiconducting ones, supramolecular (supermolecular, dynamers), and their preparation, properties and applications.
- Innovative energy systems including fuel cells, solar cells, lithium batteries and supercapacitors, and their key materials, performance and applications.
- Innovative nanomaterials, their characterization and application.
- New ceramic materials such as super- conductors, electronic, dielectric, ferroelectric, piezoelectric, opto-electronic and magnetic materials, their preparation and applications.
- Novel materials related to coal, carbon, fullerene, graphene and graphite, and their applications.
- Other novel materials related to perfumes, agricultural chemicals, photosensitive materials, displaying materials, fine ceramics alloys, their preparation, properties and applications.
- New characterization methods and application in fundamental and applied researches based on new materials.
会议联系人:郑州大学材料科学与工程学院 徐慎刚教授。
邮件:xusgcn@gmail.com, xusg@zzu.edu.cn