8:30 - 9:00 开幕式

9:00 - 10:40 Multifunctional nanocomposites/多功能纳米复合材料
Zhanhu Guo/郭占虎
郭占虎教授现执教于英国诺森比亚大学机械与建筑工程系,1996年本科毕业于山东科技大学化学工程专业;1999年硕士毕业于北京化工大学化学工程专业;1999-2000在北京化工研究院任工程师设计。2000-2005年博士毕业于美国路易斯安那州立大学化学工程专业;2005-2008年在加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校机械和航空航天工程系博士后。2008年-2014年在美国德克萨斯州拉马尔大学任助理教授,2015年-2022年在美国田纳西州大学诺克斯维尔分校任教,于2023年1月被英国诺森比亚大学授终身教授。郭博士目前的研究兴趣集中在多功能纳米材料、先进纳米复合薄膜、电磁波屏蔽材料等领域,曾以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Sustainability, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Advanced Materials, Chemical Society Reviews等国际顶级期刊发表论文800余篇,文章引用次数6万余次,H指数超140;其中“ESI高被引与热点”引论文100余篇。
Prof. Zhanhu Guo is currently teaching in the Department of Mechanical and Architectural Engineering of Northumbria University, UK, and graduated from Chemical engineering of Shandong University of Science and Technology with a bachelor's degree in 1996; In 1999, he graduated from Beijing University of Chemical Technology with a master's degree in Chemical engineering; From 1999 to 2000, worked as an engineer and designer at Beijing Institute of Chemical Engineering. From 2000 to 2005, he graduated from Louisiana State University in Chemical engineering; From 2005 to 2008, he was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles. From 2008 to 2014, he served as an assistant professor at the University of La Marre, Texas, USA, and from 2015 to 2022, he taught at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA. In January 2023, he was granted a Academic tenure by Northumbria University, UK. Dr. Guo’ research interests are concentrated in the fields of multifunctional nanomaterials, advanced nanocomposite films, electromagnetic wave shielding materials, etc. As the first author or corresponding author, he has authored/coauthored more than 800 articles on top international journals, such as Nature Sustainability, Angelwandte Chemical International Edition, Advanced Materials, Chemical Society Reviews, with a total citation of more than 60000 and H-index more than 140; Among them, more than 100 papers are in the list of "ESI Highly cited papers” and “ESI Hot papers".

15:00 - 16:40 Nanostructure design for solar water splitting/用于太阳能水分解的纳米结构设计
Wouter Maijenburg
Wouter Maijenburg教授,博士,现任职于德国马丁路德·哈勒维腾贝格大学(德国,萨克森安哈特州,哈勒市)化学研究所无机功能材料系主任,创新能力中心SiLi-nano氢之光(the Light for Hydrogen)课题组负责人。2016-2022年担任青年教授,2023年任正教授。同时,2020年以来,担任弗劳恩霍夫CSP, IST 和IKTS多家研究所Neo-PEC项目外部顾问委员会委员。2014年获荷兰特文特大学博士学位。在攻读博士学位期间,获得富布赖特访问学者奖学金于2011年秋季在美国普渡大学进行了为期4个月的研究。2012年,担任第一届戈登电沉积研究研讨会(GRS)主席。博士毕业后,获得了洪堡博士后基金资助于2014-2016年在德国达姆施塔特的GSI亥姆霍兹重离子研究中心进行了两年的博士后研究。目前, Wouter Maijenburg教授的研究主要集中在太阳能水分解为目的的纳米结构设计上,为此,他的团队正在研究几种不同的合成方式(例如模板电沉积、阳极氧化、静电纺丝、共蒸发和原子层沉积)以获得不同材料(例如金属有机框架(MOFs)、Cu2O、CuBi2O4、BiVO4、Si、CuGaSe2/CuGa3Se5和CoP)的优化纳米结构。为了解半导体材料和纳米结构中发生的物理现象,他的团队除了使用常规标准的表征方法外还使用动电位(光)电化学阻抗谱(P-EIS/P-EIS)等技术。
Prof. Dr. A. Wouter Maijenburg currently holds the chair of Inorganic Functional Materials within the Institute of Chemistry of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (Halle (Saale), Germany), and he is the leader of the Light for Hydrogen group within the Centre for Innovation Competence (ZIK) SiLi-nano. From 2016-2022, he held this position as a junior professor, and since 2023 as a full professor. Additionally, since 2020 he is a member of the external advisory board for the Neo-PEC project of the Fraunhofer Institutes CSP, IST and IKTS.In 2014, he obtained his PhD degree from the University of Twente (Enschede, The Netherlands). During his doctorate studies, he performed 4 months of his PhD research at Purdue University (West Lafayette, Indiana, USA) in the fall of 2011, for which he obtained a Fulbright Visiting Scholar scholarship. Additionally, in 2012 he was the chair of the first Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) on Electrodeposition. After his PhD, he obtained a Humboldt Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers, which he used for performing 2 years of postdoctoral research at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research (Darmstadt, Germany) from 2014-2016. Wouter Maijenburg’s research is mainly focused on the nanostructure design for solar water splitting, for which his group is currently investigating several different synthesis procedures (e.g. templated electrodeposition, anodization, electrospinning, co-evaporation and atomic layer deposition) in order to obtain optimized nanostructures of several different materials (e.g. Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), Cu2O, CuBi2O4, BiVO4, Si, CuGaSe2/CuGa3Se5 and CoP). In addition to the standard characterization methods, his group is also using techniques like potentiodynamic (photo)electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (P-EIS/P-PEIS) in order to understand the physical phenomena that take place in their semiconductor materials and nanostructures.

9:00 - 10:40 Multifunctional nanocomposites/多功能纳米复合材料
Zhanhu Guo/郭占虎
郭占虎教授现执教于英国诺森比亚大学机械与建筑工程系,1996年本科毕业于山东科技大学化学工程专业;1999年硕士毕业于北京化工大学化学工程专业;1999-2000在北京化工研究院任工程师设计。2000-2005年博士毕业于美国路易斯安那州立大学化学工程专业;2005-2008年在加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校机械和航空航天工程系博士后。2008年-2014年在美国德克萨斯州拉马尔大学任助理教授,2015年-2022年在美国田纳西州大学诺克斯维尔分校任教,于2023年1月被英国诺森比亚大学授终身教授。郭博士目前的研究兴趣集中在多功能纳米材料、先进纳米复合薄膜、电磁波屏蔽材料等领域,曾以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Sustainability, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Advanced Materials, Chemical Society Reviews等国际顶级期刊发表论文800余篇,文章引用次数6万余次,H指数超140;其中“ESI高被引与热点”引论文100余篇。
Prof. Zhanhu Guo is currently teaching in the Department of Mechanical and Architectural Engineering of Northumbria University, UK, and graduated from Chemical engineering of Shandong University of Science and Technology with a bachelor's degree in 1996; In 1999, he graduated from Beijing University of Chemical Technology with a master's degree in Chemical engineering; From 1999 to 2000, worked as an engineer and designer at Beijing Institute of Chemical Engineering. From 2000 to 2005, he graduated from Louisiana State University in Chemical engineering; From 2005 to 2008, he was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles. From 2008 to 2014, he served as an assistant professor at the University of La Marre, Texas, USA, and from 2015 to 2022, he taught at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA. In January 2023, he was granted a Academic tenure by Northumbria University, UK. Dr. Guo’ research interests are concentrated in the fields of multifunctional nanomaterials, advanced nanocomposite films, electromagnetic wave shielding materials, etc. As the first author or corresponding author, he has authored/coauthored more than 800 articles on top international journals, such as Nature Sustainability, Angelwandte Chemical International Edition, Advanced Materials, Chemical Society Reviews, with a total citation of more than 60000 and H-index more than 140; Among them, more than 100 papers are in the list of "ESI Highly cited papers” and “ESI Hot papers".

15:00 - 16:40 Two-dimensional metal oxides as building blocks for the design of functional materials/以二维氧化物为结构单元构建功能材料
Johan ten Elshof
ten Elshof教授是荷兰特文特大学无机纳米材料化学课题组组长。1997年获荷兰特文特大学博士学位,之后加入阿克苏诺贝尔涂料公司工作并担任研发组组长。后来,他回到特文特大学担任助理教授,专注于先进无机和杂化纳米材料的合成,特别是溶液法制备纳米电子学和分子分离膜用功能氧化物薄膜的合成研究,取得了用于渗透蒸发和气体分离的水热稳定微孔杂化有机硅膜的重大突破,该技术已以HybSi®为商标产业化。ten Elshof教授是特文特大学化学和工程本科研究生课程计划主任,是《Scientific Reports》和《Batteries》等期刊编委成员。目前为止,在国际期刊上发表了200多篇论文,出版了多本著作章节和专利。ten Elshof教授目前的研究集中在以二维和层状材料开发用于电化学能量和存储器件的新型功能材料(例如,锂电池、超级电容器、太阳能电池和热储能介质)。Dr. ten Elshof works as a professor of inorganic nanomaterials chemistry at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. He received his PhD degree in 1997 from the University of Twente, after which he worked for several years as research chemist and research group leader in industrial R&D at Akzo Nobel Coatings. He returned to the university to become assistant professor, focusing on the synthesis of advanced inorganic and hybrid nanomaterials, in particular solution-processed functional oxide thin films for nanoelectronics and molecular separation membranes. A major breakthrough from that period are the hydrothermally stable microporous hybrid organosilica membranes for pervaporation and gas separation that have been commercialized under the name HybSi®. Next to his work as programme director for the bachelor and master programmes Chemical Science and Engineering of the University of Twente, his current research projects are focused on the development of new functional materials for electrochemical energy generation and storage devices (e.g. Li batteries, supercapacitors, solar cells, and thermal heat storage media) from 2D and layered materials. He has published over 200 papers in internationally reviewed journals, and several book chapters and patents. He has served in the editorial boards of Scientific Reports and Batteries.

9:00 - 10:40 Introduction and application of 3D printing technology/3D打印技术的介绍与应用
15:00 - 16:40 Introduction and application of 3D printing technology/3D打印技术的介绍与应用
Zhangwei Chen/陈张伟
陈张伟,深圳大学长聘教授,博士生导师,深圳大学增材制造研究所所长、深圳大学优秀学者、增材制造方向带头人、广东省高校优秀青年创新人才、广东省特支计划高层次人才、连续两年入选美国斯坦福大学与Elsevier联合发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家年度影响力榜单(2020/2021)、2022年入选国际先进材料学会会士(FIAAM)。曾获得帝国理工JKP优秀博士论文奖、中国产学研合作创新奖、中国硅酸盐学会特陶优青奖、以及国际先进材料学会科学奖奖等。2007年起在国内较早开展光固化增材制造研究。博士与博士后曾师从帝国理工学院权威学者美国国家工程院院士N. Brandon教授。发表高水平论文120余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Progress in Materials Science、Nano Energy、Additive Manufacturing (10篇)、Journal of Advanced Ceramics (5篇)、Virtual and Physical Prototyping、Journal of the European Ceramic Society、Ceramics International、《机械工程学报》、《无机材料学报》、《硅酸盐学报》等涵盖增材制造和材料领域的权威期刊累计发表论文近90篇(其中50余篇中科院大一区、20篇IF>10),近5年被美国国家工程院院士、中国科学院院士、世界陶瓷学院院士等国内外权威学者及Nature和Science子刊、Advanced Materials等系列权威期刊引用逾4000次,单篇最高SCI他引近1000次,共入选ESI高被引论文和热点论文6篇。申请发明专利30项,授权10项。成果亦被《科技日报》、《新华网》、《人民网》、《环球网》等主流媒体长篇专访报道与转载,以及3DPRINT、3D Printing Industry等外文媒体长文报道。受邀担任中国机械工程学会增材制造分会全国委员、中国硅酸盐学会测试技术分会全国理事、中国材料研究学会增材制造材料分会委员、中国光学光电子行业协会激光应用分会青年委员、SCI期刊《Journal of Advanced Ceramics》、《Journal of Materials Science & Engineering》、《Engineering Reports》、《Rare Metals》、《无机材料学报》和EI期刊《材料工程》等编委/青年编委等职。作为发起人并任主席组织承办了《全国首届陶瓷增材制造前沿科学家论坛》。受邀参加国内外陶瓷增材制造会议做特邀报告20余次,并多次担任论坛共同主席和主持等。受邀担任三十余本SCI期刊审稿人,以及中国、欧盟、加拿大、新加坡、瑞士、荷兰、新西兰等国家基金项目函评专家和广东、北京、深圳等多个省市项目评审专家。2016年以来主持和参与陶瓷增材制造相关国家省市级项目20余项,累计经费近2000万元。指导硕士研究生近30人,博士研究生7人、博士后10人。指导的学生获得“国家奖学金”、“校优秀毕业生”、“学院科研优秀奖”、“深圳大学百篇优秀本科毕业论文奖”等奖励。
Professor Zhangwei Chen is currently the director of the Additive Manufacturing Institute at Shenzhen University. He is now an editor of Journal of Advanced Ceramics (SCI) and Journal of Materials Engineering (EI, in Chinese), a board member of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering - Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) Branch and a board member of the Chinese Ceramic Society Testing Branch. Prof. Chen holds a Ph.D. from Imperial College London (2014), with his PhD thesis awarded the prestigious John Kilner Prize. He has been working on the fields of materials processing, advanced manufacturing and characterizations etc. He has spent over 10 years particularly on the research of 3D printing of ceramics and the property-structure relationships. Prof. Chen is PI or Co-I of a number of projects supported by NSFC, Guangdong Province and Shenzhen City, totaling up to 20 M RMB. He has published about 120 peer-reviewed articles in various top international academic journals including Additive Manufacturing, Acta Materialia, Journal of the European Ceramic Society etc. Some have been selected as front cover articles, feature articles and review articles. He has also actively engaged in the organization/chairing of national/international conferences and forums including the 1st National Ceramic 3D Printing Forum held in SZU. He is also a panel referee of funding agents to an international level, including Singapore A STAR Fund, New Zealand Marsden Fund, NSFC and so on. Prof. Chen works closely with domestic and overseas research institutes and industries related to 3D printing domains. Prof. Chen is currently supervising 30 postgraduate students, 7 PhD students and 10 postdocs. Some of the students have received prestigious awards, honors and scholarships.

9:00 - 10:40 Multifunctional nanocomposites/多功能纳米复合材料
Zhanhu Guo/郭占虎
郭占虎教授现执教于英国诺森比亚大学机械与建筑工程系,1996年本科毕业于山东科技大学化学工程专业;1999年硕士毕业于北京化工大学化学工程专业;1999-2000在北京化工研究院任工程师设计。2000-2005年博士毕业于美国路易斯安那州立大学化学工程专业;2005-2008年在加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校机械和航空航天工程系博士后。2008年-2014年在美国德克萨斯州拉马尔大学任助理教授,2015年-2022年在美国田纳西州大学诺克斯维尔分校任教,于2023年1月被英国诺森比亚大学授终身教授。郭博士目前的研究兴趣集中在多功能纳米材料、先进纳米复合薄膜、电磁波屏蔽材料等领域,曾以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Sustainability, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Advanced Materials, Chemical Society Reviews等国际顶级期刊发表论文800余篇,文章引用次数6万余次,H指数超140;其中“ESI高被引与热点”引论文100余篇。
Prof. Zhanhu Guo is currently teaching in the Department of Mechanical and Architectural Engineering of Northumbria University, UK, and graduated from Chemical engineering of Shandong University of Science and Technology with a bachelor's degree in 1996; In 1999, he graduated from Beijing University of Chemical Technology with a master's degree in Chemical engineering; From 1999 to 2000, worked as an engineer and designer at Beijing Institute of Chemical Engineering. From 2000 to 2005, he graduated from Louisiana State University in Chemical engineering; From 2005 to 2008, he was a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of California, Los Angeles. From 2008 to 2014, he served as an assistant professor at the University of La Marre, Texas, USA, and from 2015 to 2022, he taught at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA. In January 2023, he was granted a Academic tenure by Northumbria University, UK. Dr. Guo’ research interests are concentrated in the fields of multifunctional nanomaterials, advanced nanocomposite films, electromagnetic wave shielding materials, etc. As the first author or corresponding author, he has authored/coauthored more than 800 articles on top international journals, such as Nature Sustainability, Angelwandte Chemical International Edition, Advanced Materials, Chemical Society Reviews, with a total citation of more than 60000 and H-index more than 140; Among them, more than 100 papers are in the list of "ESI Highly cited papers” and “ESI Hot papers".

15:00 - 16:40 Toward total synthesis of molecular metal nanomaterials/金属纳米团簇的全合成研究
Qiaofeng Yao/姚桥峰
姚桥峰,天津大学理学院化学系、天津市分子光电科学重点实验室、有机集成电路教育部重点实验室教授、博导,入选国家级海外青年人才项目(2022年)、福建省级高层次人才,获2021年度国家优秀自费留学生奖学金(b类)。先后于中国科学技术大学、新加坡国立大学获得学士(导师:俞书宏 院士)、博士(导师:LEE Jim Yang院士、谢建平教授)学位。长期从事金属纳米团簇的精准合成、功能化、自组装和实际应用研究,着重致力于在分子和原子层级上解析上述过程的机理。共发表论文110余篇、专著章节2章。以第一/通讯作者身份发表论文25篇,包括Nat. Chem. (1)、J. Am. Chem. Soc. (1)、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (3)、Nat. Commun. (4)、Adv. Mater. (1)、Acc. Chem. Res. (1)。论文总被引>9000次,H因子49。
Dr. Yao is currently a professor at Tianjin Key Laboratory of Molecular Optoelectronic Sciences, School of Science, Tianjin University. He received his Bachelor and PhD degrees from University of Science and Technology of China (2010, Supervisor: Prof. Shu-Hong YU) and National University of Singapore (2015, Supervisors: Prof. Jianping XIE and Prof. Jim Yang LEE), respectively. He then stayed in Prof. Jianping XIE group for his postdoctoral research until 2021, when he was appointed as an associate professor at Joint School of National University of Singapore and Tianjin University. He has become a full professor at Tianjin University since 2023. Dr. Yao’s research interest mainly focuses on synthesis, functionalization, and self-assembly of atomically precise metal nanoclusters. He has published 25 papers as first/correspondence author in peer-reviewed journals like Nat. Chem. (1), J. Am. Chem. Soc. (1), Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (1)、Nat. Commun. (4), Adv. Mater. (1), and Acc. Chem. Res. (1). He has been cited for over 9000 times with a h-index of 49.
9:00 - 10:40 Chemistry of advanced functional materials/先进功能材料化学
Donghong Yu/于冬宏
于冬宏博士,教授,任职于丹麦奥尔堡大学化学与生物技术系。 研究领域涉及有机太阳能电池材料、 分子印迹聚合物 (分子识别,生物传感) 、 以及无机有机纳米杂化材料等。先后主持承担了丹麦技术创新部基金、 丹麦国家自然科学基金以及丹麦国家战略研究基金等多项研究项目。发表SCI收录的学术论文 145篇 (代表性杂志:Advanced Materials 先进材料,Advanced Energy Materials先进能源材料,Angewandte Chemie International Edition 应用化学,Journal of Materials Chemistry-A 材料化学杂志 A 辑,Chemistry of Materials 材料化学,Biosensor & Bioelectronics 生物电子生物传感器, ACS Applied Materials & Interface 美国化学会应用材料与界面等)。H-因子: 32,被他引次数达到 3400余次。 指导博士后 5 名,博士 14 名,指导硕士研究生 60余 名, 曾获得2009 年丹麦奥尔堡大学最佳教师奖。
Professor Dr. Donghong Yu is currently working in the department of chemistry and bioscience at Aalborg University, Denmark. His research interests include organic/hybrid materials for solar cells, biosensors and molecular recognition et al. Prof. Yu is PI of a number of projects supported by Danish National Research Foundation and the Danish Council for Strategic Research and others. He has already published 111 papers in the related fields in top academic journals, such as Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Journal of Materials Chemistry-A, Chemistry of Materials, Biosensor & Bioelectronics and ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. His H-index is 32 with a total citation of 3400. Prof. Yu has supervised 5 postdoc, 14 PhD students and 60 master students. He was awarded the Techer of the year in 2009.

15:00 - 16:40 Introduction and application of 3D printing technology/3D打印技术的介绍与应用
Zhangwei Chen/陈张伟
陈张伟,深圳大学长聘教授,博士生导师,深圳大学增材制造研究所所长、深圳大学优秀学者、增材制造方向带头人、广东省高校优秀青年创新人才、广东省特支计划高层次人才、连续两年入选美国斯坦福大学与Elsevier联合发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家年度影响力榜单(2020/2021)、2022年入选国际先进材料学会会士(FIAAM)。曾获得帝国理工JKP优秀博士论文奖、中国产学研合作创新奖、中国硅酸盐学会特陶优青奖、以及国际先进材料学会科学奖奖等。2007年起在国内较早开展光固化增材制造研究。博士与博士后曾师从帝国理工学院权威学者美国国家工程院院士N. Brandon教授。发表高水平论文120余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Progress in Materials Science、Nano Energy、Additive Manufacturing (10篇)、Journal of Advanced Ceramics (5篇)、Virtual and Physical Prototyping、Journal of the European Ceramic Society、Ceramics International、《机械工程学报》、《无机材料学报》、《硅酸盐学报》等涵盖增材制造和材料领域的权威期刊累计发表论文近90篇(其中50余篇中科院大一区、20篇IF>10),近5年被美国国家工程院院士、中国科学院院士、世界陶瓷学院院士等国内外权威学者及Nature和Science子刊、Advanced Materials等系列权威期刊引用逾4000次,单篇最高SCI他引近1000次,共入选ESI高被引论文和热点论文6篇。申请发明专利30项,授权10项。成果亦被《科技日报》、《新华网》、《人民网》、《环球网》等主流媒体长篇专访报道与转载,以及3DPRINT、3D Printing Industry等外文媒体长文报道。受邀担任中国机械工程学会增材制造分会全国委员、中国硅酸盐学会测试技术分会全国理事、中国材料研究学会增材制造材料分会委员、中国光学光电子行业协会激光应用分会青年委员、SCI期刊《Journal of Advanced Ceramics》、《Journal of Materials Science & Engineering》、《Engineering Reports》、《Rare Metals》、《无机材料学报》和EI期刊《材料工程》等编委/青年编委等职。作为发起人并任主席组织承办了《全国首届陶瓷增材制造前沿科学家论坛》。受邀参加国内外陶瓷增材制造会议做特邀报告20余次,并多次担任论坛共同主席和主持等。受邀担任三十余本SCI期刊审稿人,以及中国、欧盟、加拿大、新加坡、瑞士、荷兰、新西兰等国家基金项目函评专家和广东、北京、深圳等多个省市项目评审专家。2016年以来主持和参与陶瓷增材制造相关国家省市级项目20余项,累计经费近2000万元。指导硕士研究生近30人,博士研究生7人、博士后10人。指导的学生获得“国家奖学金”、“校优秀毕业生”、“学院科研优秀奖”、“深圳大学百篇优秀本科毕业论文奖”等奖励。
Professor Zhangwei Chen is currently the director of the Additive Manufacturing Institute at Shenzhen University. He is now an editor of Journal of Advanced Ceramics (SCI) and Journal of Materials Engineering (EI, in Chinese), a board member of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering - Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) Branch and a board member of the Chinese Ceramic Society Testing Branch. Prof. Chen holds a Ph.D. from Imperial College London (2014), with his PhD thesis awarded the prestigious John Kilner Prize. He has been working on the fields of materials processing, advanced manufacturing and characterizations etc. He has spent over 10 years particularly on the research of 3D printing of ceramics and the property-structure relationships. Prof. Chen is PI or Co-I of a number of projects supported by NSFC, Guangdong Province and Shenzhen City, totaling up to 20 M RMB. He has published about 120 peer-reviewed articles in various top international academic journals including Additive Manufacturing, Acta Materialia, Journal of the European Ceramic Society etc. Some have been selected as front cover articles, feature articles and review articles. He has also actively engaged in the organization/chairing of national/international conferences and forums including the 1st National Ceramic 3D Printing Forum held in SZU. He is also a panel referee of funding agents to an international level, including Singapore A STAR Fund, New Zealand Marsden Fund, NSFC and so on. Prof. Chen works closely with domestic and overseas research institutes and industries related to 3D printing domains. Prof. Chen is currently supervising 30 postgraduate students, 7 PhD students and 10 postdocs. Some of the students have received prestigious awards, honors and scholarships.
9:00 - 10:40 Chemistry of advanced functional materials/先进功能材料化学
Donghong Yu/于冬宏
于冬宏博士,教授,任职于丹麦奥尔堡大学化学与生物技术系。 研究领域涉及有机太阳能电池材料、 分子印迹聚合物 (分子识别,生物传感) 、 以及无机有机纳米杂化材料等。先后主持承担了丹麦技术创新部基金、 丹麦国家自然科学基金以及丹麦国家战略研究基金等多项研究项目。发表SCI收录的学术论文 145篇 (代表性杂志:Advanced Materials 先进材料,Advanced Energy Materials先进能源材料,Angewandte Chemie International Edition 应用化学,Journal of Materials Chemistry-A 材料化学杂志 A 辑,Chemistry of Materials 材料化学,Biosensor & Bioelectronics 生物电子生物传感器, ACS Applied Materials & Interface 美国化学会应用材料与界面等)。H-因子: 32,被他引次数达到 3400余次。 指导博士后 5 名,博士 14 名,指导硕士研究生 60余 名, 曾获得2009 年丹麦奥尔堡大学最佳教师奖。
Professor Dr. Donghong Yu is currently working in the department of chemistry and bioscience at Aalborg University, Denmark. His research interests include organic/hybrid materials for solar cells, biosensors and molecular recognition et al. Prof. Yu is PI of a number of projects supported by Danish National Research Foundation and the Danish Council for Strategic Research and others. He has already published 111 papers in the related fields in top academic journals, such as Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Journal of Materials Chemistry-A, Chemistry of Materials, Biosensor & Bioelectronics and ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. His H-index is 32 with a total citation of 3400. Prof. Yu has supervised 5 postdoc, 14 PhD students and 60 master students. He was awarded the Techer of the year in 2009.
9:00 - 10:40 Chemistry of advanced functional materials/先进功能材料化学
Donghong Yu/于冬宏
于冬宏博士,教授,任职于丹麦奥尔堡大学化学与生物技术系。 研究领域涉及有机太阳能电池材料、 分子印迹聚合物 (分子识别,生物传感) 、 以及无机有机纳米杂化材料等。先后主持承担了丹麦技术创新部基金、 丹麦国家自然科学基金以及丹麦国家战略研究基金等多项研究项目。发表SCI收录的学术论文 145篇 (代表性杂志:Advanced Materials 先进材料,Advanced Energy Materials先进能源材料,Angewandte Chemie International Edition 应用化学,Journal of Materials Chemistry-A 材料化学杂志 A 辑,Chemistry of Materials 材料化学,Biosensor & Bioelectronics 生物电子生物传感器, ACS Applied Materials & Interface 美国化学会应用材料与界面等)。H-因子: 32,被他引次数达到 3400余次。 指导博士后 5 名,博士 14 名,指导硕士研究生 60余 名, 曾获得2009 年丹麦奥尔堡大学最佳教师奖。
Professor Dr. Donghong Yu is currently working in the department of chemistry and bioscience at Aalborg University, Denmark. His research interests include organic/hybrid materials for solar cells, biosensors and molecular recognition et al. Prof. Yu is PI of a number of projects supported by Danish National Research Foundation and the Danish Council for Strategic Research and others. He has already published 111 papers in the related fields in top academic journals, such as Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Journal of Materials Chemistry-A, Chemistry of Materials, Biosensor & Bioelectronics and ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. His H-index is 32 with a total citation of 3400. Prof. Yu has supervised 5 postdoc, 14 PhD students and 60 master students. He was awarded the Techer of the year in 2009.

14:00 - 15:40 Surface analysis with X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)/利用X射线光电子谱进行表面分析
15:50 - 16:30 Microstructure analysis of materials/材料微观结构分析
Lihong Shang
Lihong Shang博士目前是加拿大蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学的研究员。2008年从麦吉尔大学获得博士学位后,尚博士受雇于美国铝业公司(The Aluminum Company of America),担任美国铝业公司亚太技术中心实验室和质量保障系统的高级管理人员。Lihong Shang博士负责建立了六个材料分析和性能测试实验室,其中金属化学成分分析和机械性能测试实验室通过了"ISO 17025实验室认可",并升级为国家一类实验室。Lihong Shang博士自2012年起在工程学院麦吉尔先进材料研究所担任高级研究员。她一直为本科生讲授X射线光电子能谱(XPS)和X射线衍射能谱(XRD)的理论和实践课程;为研究生提供技术培训,并为他们的研究项目提供技术支持,包括各种材料分析和表征技术的实验设计和方法,如XPS、XRD、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和MICRO-CT等。
Dr. Lihong Shang is currently a faculty reserach fellow at MCGill University, Montreal, Canada. After obtaining her Ph.D. from McGill University in 2008, Dr. Shang was employed by Alcoa (The Aluminum Company of America) as a senior manager of laborary and quality assurance system of Alcoa Asia-Pacific Technical Center. Dr. Shang was in charge of the establishment of six materials analysis and performance testing laboratories, in which the laboratories of metal chemical composition analysis and mechanical property testing passed "ISO 17025 Laboratory Accreditation" and were upgrated to state class laboratory. Dr. Shang has worked as a senior researcher at McGill Institute for Advanced Materials of Faculty of Engineering since 2012. She has been teaching theory and practice courses in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray diffraction spectrometry (XRD) for undergraduates; and providing technical training for gradudate students and technial support for their research projects on the experimental design and methodology with a variety of materials analytical and characterizaion techniques, such as XPS, XRD, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and mirotomography (MICRO-CT), etc.

15:00 - 16:40 Frontier interdisciplinary research towards bio-tribology, biosensor, biomimetics and biomedical applications/前沿交叉学科在生物摩擦学、生物传感器、仿生学和生物医学方面的应用
Sheng Zhang/张晟
张晟博士,博士毕业于荷兰特文特大学,现任职于浙江大学宁波研究院研究员,博导,智能仿生与生物传感实验室主任,宁波诺丁汉大学荣誉教授,宁波市江北区产业教授,甬江人才工程创新个人获得者,中国外专局A类科学家。曾在美国哈佛大学担任研究员,并在日本东京大学、日本东海大学、清华大学等全球名校从事科学研究工作,有丰富的海外科研工作经历。主要研究领域为生物传感技术,医工结合等交叉学科。近五年内在国际期刊上公开发表论文 70余 篇, 顶刊14篇。总影响因子超过400,单篇最高影响因子 48.165。申请专利10多项。受邀为十多个SCI国际期刊担任审稿人何客座编辑,多次被评为年度优秀审稿人。多次以主讲人身份参加国际会议。主持国家重点研发计划(子课题)、甬江引才个人创新、宁波市人才引进计划、市级引智重点项目等。主参欧盟重大专项、日本文部科学省(MEXT)研究项目、宁波市重大科技攻关暨“揭榜挂帅”项目等。
Prof. Dr. Zhang Sheng, who graduated from University of Twente in the Netherlands, currently works as a PI researcher, PhD supervisor, director of the intelligent bionics and biosensors laboratory of Ningbo Research Institute of Zhejiang University, honorary professor of University of Nottingham Ningbo China, professor of industry in Jiangbei District of Ningbo City, winner of Yongjiang Talent Engineering Innovation Individual, and Class A scientist of China Foreign Experts Bureau. He was served as a research fellow in Harvard University in the United States, and engaged in scientific research in University of Tokyo in Japan, Tokai University in Japan, Tsinghua University and other world-famous universities. He has rich experience in overseas scientific research. The main research areas are interdisciplinary fields such as biosensing technology and the integration of biomedical and engineering. Published more than 70 papers in international SCI journals, with 14 top journals. The total impact factor exceeds 400, and the highest impact factor for a single article is 48.165. More than 10 patents are granted. Invited to serve as reviewer and guest editor for many SCI international journals, and has been awarded the title of Outstanding Reviewer of the Year multiple times, and attended many international conferences as a keynote speaker. Held national key research and development programs (sub projects), individual innovation for talent programs in Yongjiang, talent introduction programs in Ningbo, etc. Participated in major EU projects, research projects at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan, etc.

15:00 - 16:40 Low dimensional nanomaterials and their applications/低维纳米材料及其应用
Weiqiang Han/韩伟强
韩伟强教授,国家级人才。 2015年任浙江大学求是讲席教授。2015年前任中科院宁波材料所新能源所所长。2012年9月前任美国布鲁克海文国家实验室纳米中心研究员(Scientist)。从事锂/钠离子电池材料和微纳低维材料工作。在Nature、Science等杂志发表论文225篇。文章被他人引用超16000次。作为第一作者的Science论文2002年成为中国当年单篇论文被引用次数最多的论文,这个工作被评为1998年度中国十大科技新闻之一。参加世界上首个纳米管马达的研究工作,2003年被中科院院士和工程院院士评为年度十大世界科技新闻之首。入选2014-2022年爱思唯尔中国高被引学者。获2007年Battelle发明家奖。
In 2015, Weiqiang Han was appointed as the Qiu-Shi Chair Professor at Zhejiang University. Before 2015, Director of the New Energy Institute of Ningbo Institute of Materials, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Before September 2012, Scientist at the Nano-Center at the Brookhaven National Laboratory. Engaged in lithium/Sodium-ion battery materials and micro/nano low dimensional materials. Published 225 papers in journals such as Nature and Science. The article has been cited more than 16000 times by others. As the first author, the Science paper became the most cited single paper in China in 2002, and this work was rated as one of the top ten science and technology news in China in 1998. Participated in the research work on the world's first nanotube motor, and was named the top ten world science and technology news of the year by academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2003. Selected as a highly cited scholar by Elsevier China from 2014 to 2022. Received the Battelle Inventor Award in 2007.