主要论著 [1] Liao X H,Xiao J B,Wang Z G,et al.Research on Distributed Power Quality Disturbance Detection Based on ILMD[C].2019 4th International Conference on Advances in Energy and Environment Research,Shanghai,2019. (EI检索号:20194307585641) [2] 宁康,廖晓辉.一种基于改进的HHT 短期风电功率预测方法[J].电测与仪表,2018,55(15):86-90 [3] 廖晓辉,赵肖健,梁恒娜. 一种基于Hilbert-Huang 变换的电力电缆故障测距方法[J].电力系统保护与控制, 2017,45(3):20-25 [4] 廖晓辉,周冰,杨冬强,等. 一种基于HHT的短期电价组合预测方法[J]. 郑州大学学报(工学版),2016, 37(1):10-14 [5] Liao X H, Wang H, Niu J L,et al Research on simulation training system of immersive substation based on virtual reality[C]. 2019 4th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering,2019(EI检索号:20193207295319) [6] Liao X H, Niu J L, Wang H,et al.Research on Virtual Reality Simulation Training System of Substation[C]. International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization,2017. ICVRV .(EI检索号:20192407048102) [7] Xiaohui Liao, Bing Zhou, Dongqiang Yang. Short-term Electricity Price Forecasting in the Power Market Based on HHT[C]. 2015 4th International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection, ICEEP 2015.(ISTP检索) [8] Liao, Xiaohui, Ding, Qian. Application of LS-SVM in the short-term power load forecasting based on QPSO[C]. International Conference on Logistics, Engineering, Management and Computer Science, LEMCS 2014.(EI检索号: 20151700775788) [9] 廖晓辉,梁恒娜,丁倩. 基于小波变换的电力电缆故障测距研究[J]. 郑州大学学报(工学版),2013,34(3): 6-9 [10] 杨育霞、许珉、廖晓辉等.《信号分析与处理(第二版)》,中国电力出版社,普通高等教育十二五规划教材, 2012. |