学术成果 先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、中原科技创新青年拔尖人才、河南省优秀青年科学基金项目、中国博士后科学基金面上项目、河南省科技厅科技攻关等项目。以第一/通讯作者在国内外重要期刊上发表SCI/EI收录论文40余篇,代表性论文如下: [1] Zhongwen Li(第一作者), Zhiping Cheng*, Yi Wang, Quan Sui. Distributed Event-triggered Fixed-Time SMC-based AGC for Power Systems With Heterogeneous Frequency Regulation Units [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2024, 20(5): 8031-8043. DOI:10.1109/TII.2024.3367003. [2] Zhongwen Li(第一作者), Zhiping Cheng*, Jing Liang, Jikai Si. Distributed cooperative AGC method for new power system with heterogeneous frequency regulation resources [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2023, 38(5): 4928-4939. DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2022.3218583. [3] Zhongwen Li(第一作者), Zhiping Cheng*, Jikai Si, Shuai Xu. Distributed event-triggered hierarchical control of PV inverters to provide multi-time scale frequency response for AC microgrid [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2023, 38(2): 1529-1542. DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2022.3177593. [4] Zhongwen Li(第一作者), Zhiping Cheng*, Jikai Si, Shuhui Li. Distributed event-triggered hierarchical control to improve economic operation of hybrid AC/DC microgrids [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2022, 37(5): 3653-3668. DOI:10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3133487 [5] Zhongwen Li(第一作者), Zhiping Cheng*, Shuhui Li, Jikai Si, Jinfeng Gao, Weizhen Dong, Himadry Shekhar Das. Virtual synchronous generator and SMC based cascaded control for voltage-source grid-supporting inverters[J]. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2022, 10(3): 2722-2736. DOI:10.1109/JESTPE.2021.3056576 [6] Zhongwen Li(第一作者), Zhiping Cheng*, Jikai Si, Shuyuan Zhang, Lianghui Dong, Shuhui Li, Yixiang Gao. Adaptive power point tracking control of PV system for primary frequency regulation of AC microgrid with high PV integration[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2021, 36(4):3129-3141. DOI:10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3049616 [7] Zhongwen Li(第一作者), Zhiping Cheng*, Jing Liang, Jikai Si, Lianghui Dong, Shuhui Li. Distributed event-triggered secondary control for economic dispatch and frequency restoration control of droop-controlled AC microgrids[J]. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2020, 11(3): 1938-1950. DOI:10.1109/TSTE.2019.2946740 [8] Zhongwen Li(第一作者), Chuanzhi Zang, Peng Zeng, Haibin Yu*, Shuhui Li. Fully distributed hierarchical control of parallel grid-supporting inverters in islanded AC microgrids[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018, 14(2): 679-690. DOI:10.1109/TII.2017.2749424 [9] Zhongwen Li(第一作者), Chuanzhi Zang, Peng Zeng, Haibin Yu*, Shuhui Li, Jing Bian. Control of a grid-forming inverter based on sliding mode and mixed H2 /H∞ control[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017, 64(5): 3862-3872. DOI:10.1109/TIE.2016.2636798 [10] Zhongwen Li(第一作者), Chuanzhi Zang, Peng Zeng, Haibin Yu, Hepeng Li. MAS based distributed automatic generation control for cyber-physical microgrid system[J]. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2016, 3(1): 78-89. DOI:10.1109/JAS.2016.7373765 [11] Zhongwen Li(第一作者), Zhiping Cheng, Jikai Si, Shuhui Li, Distributed event-triggered secondary control for average bus voltage regulation and proportional load sharing of DC microgrid, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2022, 10(3): 678-688. DOI:10.35833/MPCE.2020.000780 [12] Zhongwen Li(第一作者), Jiashun Zhang, Zhiping Cheng, Jikai Si, Yi Wang, Xinchuang Wang, Distributed cooperative grid synchronization strategy for multiple parallel grid-supporting inverters in AC microgrid, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2024, 155(B): 1-12. DOI:10.1016/j.ijepes.2023.109624 [13] Zhongwen Li (第一作者), Yucheng Zhang, Zhiping Cheng*, Jikai Si, Virtual inertia control of grid-forming energy storage system and adaptive power control of grid-supporting PV system for voltage regulation of DC microgrid[J], Solar Energy, 2024, 275: 112625. DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2024.112625 [14] Zhiping Cheng, Jianshe Liu, Zhongwen Li(通讯作者), Jikai Si, Shuai Xu, Distributed fixed-time secondary control for voltage restoration and economic dispatch of DC microgrids, Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 2023, 34(2023): 1-8. DOI:10.1016/j.segan.2023.101042 [15] Zhiping Cheng, Dongqiang Jia, Zhongwen Li(通讯作者), Shuai Xu, Jikai Si, Multi-time-scale energy management for microgrid using expected-scenario-oriented stochastic optimization, Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 2022, 30: 100670. DOI:10.1016/j.segan.2022.100670 [16] Zhongwen Li(第一作者), Xiaoli Xie, Zhiping Cheng, Changyi Zhi, Jikai Si. A novel two-stage energy management of hybrid AC/DC microgrid considering frequency security constraints, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2023, 146(1): 1-12. DOI:10.1016/j.ijepes.2022.108768 [17] Zhiping Cheng, Zhongwen Li(通讯作者), Jing Liang, Jikai Si, Lianghui Dong, Jinfeng Gao. Distributed coordination control strategy for multiple residential solar PV systems in distribution networks[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2020, 117(1): 1-11. DOI:10.1016/j.ijepes.2019.105660 [18] Zhiping Cheng, Zhongwen Li(通讯作者), Shuhui Li, Jinfeng Gao, Jikai Si, Himadry Shekhar Das, Weizhen Dong. A novel cascaded control to improve stability and inertia of parallel buck-boost converters in DC microgrid[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2020, 119(1): 1-10. DOI:10.1016/j.ijepes.2020.105950 [19] Zhiping Cheng, Dongqiang, Jia, Zhongwen Li(通讯作者), Jikai Si, Shuai Xu. Multi-time scale dynamic robust optimal scheduling of CCHP microgrid based on rolling optimization [J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2022, 139(1):1-16. DOI:10.1016/j.ijepes.2022.107957 [20] Zhiping Cheng, Kaifang Wang, Zhongwen Li(通讯作者), Distributed weighted average predictive control and delay margin analysis for an islanded microgrid with time delay [J], Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 2024, 39: 101474. DOI: 10.1016/j.segan.2024.101474 [21] 李忠文, 王新创, 程志平*, 随权, 王义. 考虑经济调度的交直流混合微电网分布式电压/频率分层控制[J]. 中国电机工程学报,2024, 44(24): 9633-9645. DOI:10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.231330. [22] 李忠文, 柏宁宁, 程志平*, 随权, 王义. 新型电力系统中异质调频机组分布式协同AGC方法研究[J/OL].电网技术,2024, 48(06): 2327-2335. DOI:10.13335/j.1000-3673.pst.2023.1176. [23] 李忠文, 吴龙, 程志平*, 孙浩锋, 贾东强, 刘建设. 光储系统参与微电网频率调节的模糊自适应滑模控制[J]. 高电压技术, 2022, 48(06): 2065-2076. DOI:10.13336/j.1003-6520.hve.20211542 [24] 李忠文, 程志平*, 张书源, 王要强, 司纪凯. 考虑经济调度及电压恢复的直流微电网分布式二次控制[J]. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(21): 4482-4492. DOI:10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.201149 [25] 李忠文, 张玉成, 程志平. 光伏发电参与直流微电网多时间尺度电压支撑的分布式分层控制[J/OL].中国电机工程学报, 1-12 [2025-02-24]. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.2107.tm.20241009.1259.008.html. |