1. Jing Xu, Yang Jin,* Kai Liu,* Nawei Lyu, Zili Zhang, Bin Sun, Qianzheng Jin, Hongfei Lu, Huajun Tian, Xin Guo, Devaraj Shanmukaraj, Hui Wu, Meicheng Li, Michel Armand,* Guoxiu Wang*,A Green and Sustainable Strategy towards Lithium Resources Recycling from Spent Batteries, Science Advances 2022,8,eabq7948 (Science子刊,中科院一区Top,遴选为封面) 2. Jing Xu*, Haolin Li, Yang Jin, Dong Zhou, Bing Sun*, Michel Armand*, Guoxiu Wang*,Understanding the Electrical Mechanisms in Aqueous Zinc Metal Batteries: from Electrostatic Interactions to Electric Field Regulation,Advanced Materials 2024,36(3):2309726 (中科院一区Top,IF:30.8) 3. Jing Xu, Kai Liu, Yang Jin,* Bin Sun, Zili Zhang, Yi Chen, Dawei Su, Guoxiu Wang, Hui Wu,* and Yi Cui*, A Garnet Type Solid Electrolyte based Molten Lithium-molybdenum-iron(II) chloride Battery with Advanced Reaction Mechanism, Advanced Materials 2020, 9(3), 2384037 (中科院一区Top,遴选为封面,IF:30.8) 4. Jing Xu, Tom Lawson, Hongbo Fan*, Dawei Su*, Guoxiu Wang*, Updated Metal Compounds (MOFs, -S, -OH, -N, -C) Used as Cathode Materials for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8(10), 1702607. (中科院一区Top,ESI前1%高被引论文,IF:29.7) 5. Jing Xu*, Yashuang Qiu, Jianhao Yang, Haolin Li, Pingan Han, Yang Jin, Hao Liu, Bing Sun*, Guoxiu Wang*,Review of Separator Modification Strategies: Targeting Undesired Anion Transport in Room Temperature Sodium–Sulfur/Selenium/Iodine Batteries, Advanced Functional Materials 2024,34(2):2306206 (中科院一区Top,IF:19.9) 6. Jing Xu, Pingan Hana, Hongfei Lua, Beibei Gaob, ,Bing Sun*, Guoxiu Wang*, Hybrid Molecular Sieve-based Interfacial Layer with Physical Confinement and Desolvation Effect for Dendrite-free Zinc Metal Anodes, ACS Nano, 2024, 18 (28) , 18592 (中科院一区Top,IF:18.7) 7. Jing Xu*, Wenli Lv, Wang Yang, Yang Jin, Qianzheng Jin, Bin Sun, Zili Zhang, Tianyi Wang, Linfeng Zheng, Bing Sun and Guoxiu Wang*, In Situ Construction of Protective Films on Zn Metal Anodes via Natural Protein Additives Enabling High-Performance Zinc Ion Batteries, ACS Nano, 2022, 16, 11392 (中科院一区Top,IF:18.7) 8. Jing Xu∗, Liangliang Xu, Zili Zhang, Bin Sun, Yang Jin, Qianzheng Jin,∗, Hao Liu,∗Guoxiu Wang, Heterostructure ZnSe-CoSe2 embedded with yolk-shell conductive dodecahedral as Two-in-one hosts for cathode and anode protection of Lithium–Sulfur full batteries, Energy Storage Materials 2022, 47, 223 (中科院一区Top,ESI前1%高被引论文,ESI前0.1%热点论文,IF:20.8) 9. Jing Xu, Jianhao Yang, Yashuang Qiu, Yang Jin, Tianyi Wang, Bing Sun,Guoxiu Wang,Achieving high-performance sodium metal anodes: From structural design to reaction kinetic improvement, Nano Research 2024, 17(3), 1288-1312(IF:10.26) 10. Yashuang Qiu,Jing Xu∗,Challenges and Prospects for Room Temperature Solid-State Sodium-Sulfur Batteries,Nano Research 2024, 17(3), 1402-1426 (IF:10.26) 11. Jiahui Lu, Jian Yang, Zhihao Zhang, Chengyin Wang, Jing Xu* and Tianyi Wang*, Silk fibroin coating enables dendrite-free zinc anode for long life aqueous zinc-ion batteries, ChemSusChem 2022, 15(15), 202200656 (中科院二区,IF:9.8) 12. Qianzheng Jin,Jing Xu*,Yang Jin,Synergy of regulating zinc electrodeposition and suppressing hydrogen evolution by functional coating layer for highly reversible zinc anode, Journal of Power Sources 2023, 560, 23271 (中科院二区,IF:9.8) 13. Xianli Guo, Binxiang Xu, Linfeng Zheng, Jing Xu∗, Robustness enhanced capacity estimation method for lithium-ion batteries based on multi-voltage-interval incremental capacity peaks, Frontiers in Energy Research 2023, 11, 1207194(中科院四区) 14. Jing Xu, Wenxue Zhang, Hongbo Fan, Faliang Cheng, Dawei Su*, Guoxiu Wang*; Promoting Lithium Polysulfide/sulfide Redox Kinetics by the Catalyzing of Zinc Sulfide for High Performance Lithium-sulfur Battery, Nano Energy 2018,51: 73-82. (中科院一区Top,ESI前1%高被引论文,IF:19.1) 15. Jing Xu, Wenxue Zhang; Yi Chen; Hongbo Fan; Dawei Su*; Guoxiu Wang*; MOF-derived Porous N-Co3O4@N-C Nanododecahedra Wrapped with Reduced Graphene Oxide as a High Capacity Cathode for Lithium-sulfur Batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6(6): 2797-2807. (ESI前1%高被引论文,IF:12.7) 16. Jing Xu, Dawei Su*, Wenxue Zhang, Weizhai Bao, Guoxiu Wang*, A Nitrogen-Sulfur Co-doped Porous Graphene Matrix as a Sulfur Immobilizer for High Performance Lithium-Sulfur Battery, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016, 4(44), 17381-17393. (IF:12.7) 17.Jing Xu,Tiexin Lin, Chengyin Wang, Wenjian Wu, Dawei Su*, Guoxiu Wang*, The latest advances in the critical factors (positive electrode electrolytes, separators) for sodium-sulfur battery, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2019, 792, 797-817. (中科院二区,IF:6.4) 18. Jing Xu, Tiexin Lin, Wenxue Zhang, Wenjian Wu, Yang Jin, Xiaoli Zhang, Dawei Su*, Guoxiu Wang, Propelling the polysulfide phase transformation of lithium–sulfur battery by VO2-rGO, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2019, 804, 549-553. (中科院二区,IF:6.4) 19.Jing Xu, Hongbo Fan*, Dawei Su*, Guoxiu Wang*, Nitrogen doped yolk-shell carbon spheres as cathode host for lithium sulfur battery, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2018, 747, 283-292. (中科院二区,IF:6.4) 20. Jing Xu, Dawei Su*, Weizhai Bao, Yufei Zhao, Xiuqiang Xie, Guoxiu Wang*,Rose flower-like NiCo2O4 with hierarchically porous structures for highly reversible lithium storage, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016, 684, 691-698. (中科院二区,IF:6.4) 21.Jing Xu, Dawei Su and Guoxiu Wang*, Co3O4-Carbon Cloth free standing cathode for lithium sulfur battery, Material Science & Engineering 2017, 222, 012013. (中科院四区,IF:5.88) |