代表文章 (1) Yong Zeng, Peng Xu*, Xiaodong He, Yangyang Liu, Min Liu, Jin Wang, D. J. Papoular, G. V. Shlyapnikov, Mingsheng Zhan*, Entangling Two Individual Atoms of Different Isotopes via Rydberg Blockade, Physical Review Letters, 2017, 119(16): 160502-1-160502-5.(中科院一区Top) (2) Yong Zeng1,*, MengMeng Yan1, JiaJin Fan, RuiJun Guo, SaiLi Zhao, JianGong Hu, XiaoHong Sun, Generating dipole trap arrays based on dielectric metasurface at 808 nm, Optics and Laser Technology, 2024, 177, 111077-1-111077-8. (3) Yong Zeng, JiaJin Fan, RuiJun Guo, YiXing Song, Xiang Zhang, SaiLi Zhao, XiaoHong Sun, Generating controllable optical trap arrays with a polarization-based metalense, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2024, 184: 108577-1-108577-6. (4) XiaoHong Sun, MengMeng Yan, Shuang Huo, JiaJin Fan, SaiLi Zhao, RuiJun Guo, Yong Zeng*, High-NA broadband achromatic metalens in the visible range, Optical Materials Express, 2023, 13(9): 2690-2698. (5) Rui-Jun Guo, Xiao-Dong He, Cheng Sheng, Kun-Peng Wang, Peng Xu, Min Liu, Jin Wang, XiaoHong Sun, Yong Zeng*, Ming-Sheng Zhan, In situ calibrating angle between the quantization axis and the propagating direction of light field for trapping neutral atoms, Chinese Physics B, 2023, 33: 023701-1-023701-6. (6) Yong Zeng, Kun-Peng Wang, Yang-Yang Liu, Xiao-Dong He, Min Liu, Peng Xu*, Jin Wang, Ming-Sheng Zhan*, Stabilizing dual laser with a tunable high-finesse transfer cavity for single-atom Rydberg excitation, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2018, 35(2): 454-459. (7) Yong Zeng, Zhuo Fu, Yang-Yang Liu, Xiao-Dong He, Min Liu, Peng Xu*, Xiao-Hong Sun, Jin Wang, Stabilizing a laser frequency by the Pound–Drever–Hall technique with an acousto-optic modulator, Applied optics, 2020, 60(5): 1159-1163. (8) Xiaohong Sun†, Shuang Huo†, He Yang, Mengmeng Yan, Jianing Zhai, Saili Zhao, Yong Zeng*, Optimizing Metasurface-Component Performance by Improving Transmittance and Phase Match of the Nanopillars, Nanomaterials, 2022, 12, 3720. (9) Yang Gao†, Yong Zeng†, Mingming Cui, Yingying Qiao, Xun Yang, Chaonan Lin, Jiale Zhao, Lei Li, Yi Wang, Chongxin Shan, Diamond NV Centers Based Quantum Sensor Using a VCO Integrated With Filtering Antenna, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022, 71, 2005112. (10) Xiaohong Sun, Kaiyuan Zheng, Kangping Liu, Yong Zeng, Generating vector optical field arrays for laser direct writing chiral nanostructures based on metasurface, Optics and Lasers In Engineering, 2025, 186: 108843-1-108843-10. (11) Yixing Song, Kaiyuan Zheng, Yong Zeng, Xiaohong Sun*, Multichannel vortex beam array based on quarter-wave plate metasurface, Optical Engineering, 2024, 63(10): 105105-1-105105-16. (12) Yixing Song, Jianing Zhai, Shuang Huo, Yong Zeng, Xiaohong Sun, Dual-function polarization converter of an all-dielectric metasurface with a chiral L-type meta-atom, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2022, 39(12): 3255-3262. (13) F.-Q. Guo, J.-L. Wu, X.-Y. Zhu, Z. Jin, Y. Zeng, S. Zhang, L.-L. Yan, M. Feng, S.-L. Su, Complete and nondestructive distinguishment of many-body Rydberg entanglement via robust geometric quantum operations, Physical Review A, 2020, 102(6): 062410-1-062410-14. (14) DeLi Chen, Zhan Wang, Yong Zeng, XiaoRong Zhang, XiaoHong Sun, Preparation of graded photonic structure by using multi-beam interfering method based on dual-parameter hexagonal prism, Physics Letters A, 2022, 432:128020. (15) Peng Xu, Jiaheng Yang, Min Liu, Xiaodong He, Yong Zeng, Kunpeng Wang, Jin Wang, D.J. Papoular, G.V. Shlyapnikov, Mingsheng Zhan, Interaction-induced decay of a heteronuclear two-atom system, Nature Communications, 2015, 6:7803. (16) Saili Zhao, Ruijun Guo, Yong Zeng, Effects of frequency-dependent Kerr nonlinearity on higher-order soliton evolution in a photonic crystal fiber with one zero-dispersion wavelength, Physical Review A, 2022,106:033516. |