代表文章 [1] Shida Zhang, Shaoyun Ge, Hong Liu, Bo Zhao, Chouwei Ni, Guocheng Hou, Chengshan Wang. Region-based flexibility quantification in distribution systems: An analytical approach considering spatio-temporal coupling, Applied Energy, 2024, 355: 122175. (SCI一区收录,TOP期刊) [2] Shida Zhang, Shaoyun Ge, Hong Liu, Junkai Li, Chengshan Wang. Model and observation of the feasible region for PV integration capacity considering Wasserstein-distance-based distributionally robust chance constraints, Applied Energy, 2023, 347: 121312. (SCI一区收录,TOP期刊) [3] Shida Zhang, Shaoyun Ge, Hong Liu, Guocheng Hou, Chengshan Wang. An Analytical Method for Delineating Feasible Region for PV Integration Capacities in Net-zero Distribution Systems Considering Battery Energy Storage System Flexibility, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2024, 12(2): 475-487. (SCI一区收录) [4] Shida Zhang, Shaoyun Ge, Hong Liu, Junkai Li, Chenghong Gu, Chengshan Wang. A Multi-objective Chance-constrained Information-gap Decision Model for Active Management to Accommodate Multiple Uncertainties in Distribution Networks, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2023, 11(1): 17-34. (SCI一区收录) [5] Shida Zhang, Shaoyun Ge, Hong Liu, Bo Zhao, Chouwei Ni, Zhengyang Xu, Chenghong Gu. Distributionally robust hierarchical multi-objective voltage risk management for unbalanced distribution systems, International Journal of Electrical Power Energy Systems, 2023, 154: 109446. (SCI二区收录,TOP期刊) [6] Yaoqiang. Wang, Wuqing Yan, Shida Zhang*, Fuquan Nie and Jun Liang. Optimized Modulation for Single-Stage Dual-Active-Bridge AC–DC Converter Under Wide Voltage Range. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2025.3539377, 2025. (SCI一区收录,TOP期刊) [7] Junkai Li, Shaoyun Ge, Shida Zhang*, Zhengyang Xu*, Liyong Wang, Chengshan Wang, Hong Liu. A multi-objective stochastic-information gap decision model for soft open points planning considering power fluctuation and growth uncertainty. Applied Energy, vol. 317, p. 119141, 2022. (SCI一区收录,TOP期刊) [8] Hong Liu, Junkai Li, Shida Zhang*, Shaoyun Ge, Baijie Yang, Chengshan Wang. Distributionally robust co-optimization of the demand-side resources and soft open points allocation for the high penetration of renewable energy. IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 713-725, 2022. (SCI四区收录) [9] 张世达, 孙永辉, 卫志农,孙国强,李逸驰. 考虑可控光伏系统概率模型的主动配电网日前优化调度. 电网技术, 2018, 42(1): 247-257. (Ei收录,中国科技期刊卓越行动计划“梯队期刊”) [10] 张世达, 孙永辉, 赵景涛, 卫志农,孙国强. 基于随机响应面法的主动配电网无功优化[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2017, 41(13): 30-38.(Ei收录,中国科技期刊卓越行动计划“梯队期刊”) |