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2. Wang Y.P., Sun X.H.*, Xue Q., et al, “The study of the Raman-based optical fiber-folded distributed temperature sensing system with simplex code”, Optics Communications, 2018, 420: 200-204
3. Ren J., Sun X.H.*, Wang S., “A narrowband filter based on 2D 8-fold photonic quasicrystal”, Superlattices and Microstructures, 2018, 116: 221-226, JCR二区
4. Ren J., Sun X.H.*, Wang S., A low threshold nanocavity in a two-dimensional 12-fold photonic quasicrystal, Optics and Laser Technology, 2018, 101:42-48,JCR二区
5. Wang S., Sun X.H.*, Ding M., Peng G.D., Qi Y.L., The investigation of an LSPR refractive index sensor based on periodic gold nanorings array, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018,51:0451011-0451017,中科院SCI二区