Email: bbchang@zzu.edu.cn
2018.9~2018.12,德国莱布尼茨高分子研究所(Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V.),访问学者
2014.9~2018.9,德国德累斯顿工业大学(Technische Universität Dresden)机械学院,材料学专业,博士,导师:Senior Prof. Gert Heinrich
1. 河南省自然科学基金面上项目:近Tg固态拉伸诱导PLLAPDLA冷结晶成核-生长机制研究,主持,10万,在研
2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:固态拉伸制备聚-4-甲基-1-戊烯隔膜过程中孔洞形成-演化机制研究,主持,30万,已结题
3. 河南省自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:干法拉伸工艺制备聚丙烯电池隔膜的孔洞成核机制研究(结题)主持,5万,已结题
4. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助:原位研究等规聚丙烯微孔膜制备过程中的空洞形成机理,主持,8万,已结题
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:透明聚碳酸酯(PC)航天面窗月尘粘附机制和电帘除尘,参与,在研
6. 人因工程重点实验室开放基金:登月服头盔面窗除月尘透明电帘技术研究,参与,结题
[1] X. Liu, S. Wang, K. Huang, H. Liu, X. Zhang, L. Zou, H. Shi, B. Chang*, C. Liu, Competition effect of solid-state stretching induced orientation and phase separation on stereocomplex crystallization of PLLA/PDLA during annealing, Polymer 269 (2023) 125739.
[2] L. Zou, X. Liu, H. Liu, X. Zhang, E. Euchler, C. Liu, B. Chang*, Strong and anti-freezing alginate-based hydrogel with humidity response and wide-temperature-range strain sensing ability, Polymer 295 (2024) 126735.
[3] L. Zou, B. Chang*, H. Liu, X. Zhang, H. Shi, X. Liu, E. Euchler, C. Liu, Multiple Physical Bonds Cross-Linked Strong and Tough Hydrogel with Antibacterial Ability for Wearable Strain Sensor, ACS Applied Polymer Materials 4(12) (2022) 9194-9205.
[4] T. Li, L. Zou, K. Cheng, X. Liu, H. Shi, Q. Yang, B. Chang*, X. Shi, J. Ma, C. Liu, C. Shen, Environment-tolerant conductive and superhydrophobic poly(m-phenylene isophthalamide) fabric prepared via γ-ray activation and reduced graphene oxide/nano SiO2 modification, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 139(16) (2022) 52004.
[5] K. Cheng, L. Zou, B. Chang*, X. Liu, H. Shi, T. Li, Q. Yang, Z. Guo, C. Liu, C. Shen, Mechanically robust and conductive poly(acrylamide) nanocomposite hydrogel by the synergistic effect of vinyl hybrid silica nanoparticle and polypyrrole for human motion sensing, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials 5 (2022) 2834–2846.
[6] Q. Yang, X. Liu, H. Shi, L. Zou, K. Cheng, T. Li, B. Chang*, C. Liu, C. Shen, Influence of crystal orientation on stretching induced void formation in poly(4-methyl-1-pentene) investigated by in-situ small-angle and wide-angle X-ray scattering, Polymer Crystallization 4(6) (2021) e10215.
[7] X. Liu, L. Zou, B. Chang*, H. Shi, Q. Yang, K. Cheng, T. Li, K. Schneider, G. Heinrich, C. Liu, C. Shen, Strain dependent crystallization of isotactic polypropylene during solid-state stretching, Polymer Testing 104 (2021) 107404.
[8] M. He, H. Shi, B. Chang*, G. Zheng, W. Cao, C. Liu, C. Shen, The Synergistic Effect of Rare-Earth Complex Nucleating Agent and Graphene Oxide on the Non-Isothermal Crystallization Behavior of iPP Originating From the Diverse Self-Assembly Morphology, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 222(3) (2021) 2000357.
[9] B. Chang*, H. Shi, M. He, K. Schneider, G. Heinrich, C. Liu, C. Shen, The retardation effects of lamellar slip or/and chain slip on void initiation during uniaxial stretching of oriented iPP, Polymer 215 (2021) 123342.
[10] 何满;, 常宝宝*;, 曹伟, 氧化石墨烯对iPP稀土成核剂自组装行为的影响, 现代塑料加工应用 33(05) (2021) 5-9.
[11] 李陶林, 常宝宝*, 石宪章, 刘春太, 申长雨, 面向月尘防护的舱外航天服面料芳纶1313的功能化修饰, 载人航天 28(02) (2022) 196-201.