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2024.12~至今                郑州大学                橡塑模具国家工程研究中心           教授(破格)

2019.102024.12             郑州大学                橡塑模具国家工程研究中心         副教授(直聘教授)

2018.92019.9              香港理工大学               土木与环境工程学院                  研究员

2016.32018.6              威斯康星大学                 机械工程学院                 国际交流博士后

2015.62018.7              华南理工大学              机械与汽车工程学院                 师资博士后






·        河南省自然科学基金—优青项目“超临界流体发泡聚合物成型、成性与功能化”,2025/011-2026/12,在研

·        国家自然科学基金—面上项目“复合约束下超临界CO2取向发泡机理与吸能/润湿性能调控52473051”,2025/01-2028/12,在研

·        国家自然科学基金—面上项目“动态超临界CO2发泡的褶皱泡沫形成机理和结构调控52173049”,2022/01-2025/12,在研

·        中国博士后面上基金“基于微孔注射成型的PEEK厚壁制品尺寸稳定性和表面质量优化技术和机理研究2021年,2021M701797,结题

·        河南省联合基金—培育项目“高弹性热塑性聚氨酯吸能泡沫的制备与机理研究2022年, 222301420032,结题

·       国家自然科学基金—青年基金项目“PP/PTFE微孔发泡材料的微纳层级结构构筑及其界面润湿性能研究51603075”,2017/01-2019/12,结题

·       材料成形与模具技术国家重点实验室开放基金基于超临界流体微孔发泡的超疏水及超疏油三维多孔材料的制备技术2018年,结题

·        横向项目,基于机器学习的触觉传感智能抓取技术开发,深圳智眸未来科技有限公司,2024/07,在研

·        横向项目,超临界流体发泡研制超疏水聚丙烯泡沫,苏州申赛新材料有限公司,2021/09 ,结题

·        横向项目,无应PC板的真空辅助模压成型 江苏铁锚玻璃股份有限公司,2022/09 ,在研

·        横向项目,聚丙烯/还原氧化石墨烯共混改性 武汉汉烯科技有限公司,2022/09 ,结题

·        横向项目,轻量化塑料齿轮技术开发,宁波双林汽车部件股份有限公司,2021/09 ,结题

·        教改项目(一般项目),YJSJY202144 ,“三联”协同培养专业学位研究生实践能力的改革与探索,2022-2023,结题



第一及通讯作者发表SCI期刊论文121余篇,中科院一区49篇,在Nano Energy, Advanced Functional Materials, Chemical Engineering Journal, Macromolecules, Composites Science and Technology, Small, ACS Sustainable Chemical Engineering等高水平期刊发表多篇论文。   

Google Scholar 引用9190余次,h指数54




书名:《Functional Polymer Foams: Green Fabrication Methods, Performance and ApplicationsISBN 9783527352951

作者:Haoyang Mi         出版社:Wiley Press       出版时间:2024810






Email: mihaoyang@zzu.edu.cn



1.      M. Zhang, Y. Chen, H. Y. Mi*, W. Zhong, Q. Tian, B. Dong, X. Jing, C. B. Park, C. Liu, C. Shen, Dual-bionic foam with enhanced energy absorption and superhydrophobicity realized by multiple constrained unidirectional foaming, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2025, 503: 158363

2.      F. Zhang, Y. Wang, X. Li, M. Zhang, H.Y. Mi*, C. Liu, C. Shen, Asymmetric hybrid carbonaceous membranes with exceptional electromagnetic interference shielding and superior electro-photo-thermal performance, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 8 (1): 1-15

3.      Y. Zhang, X. Jing, J. Zou, P. Feng, G. Wang, J. Zeng, L. Lin, Y. Liu, H.Y. Mi*, S. Nie, Mechanically Robust and Anti-Swelling Anisotropic Conductive Hydrogel with Fluorescence for Multifunctional Sensing, Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, 2410698

4.      W. H. Cui, X. Zhou, H. Y. Mi*, B. Dong, C. Liu, C. Shen, Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Mechanistic Insights into Wrinkle Formation in TPU under Supercritical CO2 Flow Field, Macromolecules, 2024, 57(15): 6954–6967

5.      X. Ren, R. Li, H.Y. Mi*, M.M. Zhang, Q. Tian, X. Jing, X. Zhu, J. Han, Y. Ren, B. Dong, C. Zhang, C. Liu, C. Shen, Scorpion-inspired multi-scale contact enabled multifunctional piezoresistive pressure sensor based on hybrid nanofiber decoration, Chem. Eng. J., 2024, 499: 156496

6.      Z. Qin, Y. Yang, H. Y. Mi*, Q. Tian, X. Jing, M. F. Antwi-Afari, B. Dong, C. Liu, C. Shen, Hierarchical H-bonding and metal coordination bonds enabled supramolecular dual networks for high-performance energy-dissipation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 498(15): 155414

7.      Y. Wang, H. Li, Y. Xie, X. Li, S. Sun, X. Jing, H.Y. Mi*, Y. Wang, C. Liu, C. Shen, Regulating microstructures of aerogels by controlling phase separation mechanism for improving specific surface area and energy harvesting, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2024, 658, 772-782

8.      S Sun, H Li, Y Wang, F Zhang, Q Tian, P Yang, H.Y. Mi*, C Liu, C Shen, Ion-Doped Water-Induced Electricity Generator with Enhanced Electrical Output in Water-Segregated Connection Mode, Nano Energy, 2024, 123, 109355

9.      X. Ren, Q. Tian, X. Zhu, H.Y. Mi*, X. Jing, B. Dong, C. Liu, C. Shen, Multi-scale closure piezoresistive sensor with high sensitivity derived from polyurethane foam and polypyrrole nanofibers, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 474, 145926

10.   Y. Xie, T. Shan, R. Chen, M. Zhang, S. Sun, X. Jian, H.Y. Mi, C. Liu, C. Shen, Triple-electrode Integrated Self-supporting Triboelectric Nanogenerators with High Output and Durability Based on Dynamic Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Foaming, Nano Energy, 2023, 116: 108786

11.   Z. Du, C. Zhou, H.Y. Mi*, H. Li, Z. Qin, R. Xu, Y. Wang, C. Liu, C. Shen, Recorded Low-reflection in Gradient MXene-decorated Melamine Microwave Shielding Foam Integrated with Piezoresistive Sensing and Energy Absorption Properties, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2023, 173: 107694

12.   Z. Qin, Y. Yang, Q. Tian, H.Y. Mi*, H. Li, R. Guo, Y. Wang, C. Liu, C. Shen, Strain-Hardening, impact protective and Self-Healing supramolecular polyurethane nanocomposites enabled by quadruple H-Bonding, disulfide bonds and nanoparticles, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 467, 143434

13.   Y. Xie, Z. Wang, X. Ren, M. F. Antwi-Afari, Y. Wang, H. Y. Mi*, B. Yang, C. Liu, C. Shen, An internal electrode strategy for enhancing the stability and durability of triboelectric nanogenerator, Composites Science and Technology, 2023, 237, 110014

14.   H. Yuan, S. Han, S. Wang, P. Yang, S. Li, H.Y. Mi*, C. Liu, C. Shen, Plant-derived adhesive hydrogel with high stretchability and conductivity for wearable electronics, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2023, 379, 133195

15.   X. Jing, X. Hu, Q. Zhang, P. Feng, S. Li, Y. Liu, H.Y. Mi*, Highly permeable polyamide-holey graphene oxide composite membrane prepared by pressure spray interface polymerization for desalination, Carbon, 2023, 206, 286-294

16.   B. Sun, S. Sun, Y. Guo, H.Y. Mi*, X. Jing, X. Jiang, B. Dong, C. Liu, C. Shen, Asymmetric magnetic-electric dual-functional composite foams for ultra-efficient electromagnetic interference shielding with unprecedented low reflection, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2023, 164:107301

17.   S. Sun, Q. Tian, H.Y. Mi*, J. Li, X. Jing, Z. Guo, C. Liu, C. Shen, Fabric-based all-weather-available photo-electro-thermal steam generator with high evaporation rate and salt resistance, Science China Materials, 2022, 65: 2479–2490

18.   Z. Du, G. Zhang, K. Chen, C. Zhou, X. Zhu, Y. Zhang, K. Chen, H.Y. Mi*, Y. Wang, C. Liu, C. Shen, MXene/Polylactic Acid Fabric-Based Resonant Cavity for Realizing Simultaneous High-Performance Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Shielding and Efficient Energy Harvesting, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2022, 14, 12, 14607–14617

19. Y. Xie, J. Hu, H. Li, H.Y. Mi*, G. Ni, X. Zhu, X. Jing, Y. Wang, G. Zheng, C. Liu, C. Shen, Green fabrication of double-sided self-supporting triboelectric nanogenerator with high durability for energy harvesting and self-powered sensing, Nano Energy, 2022, 93: 106827

20. B. Sun, J. Li, Y. Guo, H. Li, H. Y. Mi*, B. Dong*, C. Liu, C. Shen, Superhydrophobic UHMWPE Foams with High Mechanical Robustness and Durability Fabricated by Supercritical CO2 Foaming. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2021, 9, 37, 12663–12673

21. Xin Jing, Peiyong Feng, Zhuo Chen, Zhihui Xie, Heng Li, Xiang-Fang Peng, H. Y. Mi*, Yuejun Liu. Highly Stretchable, Self-Healable, Freezing-Tolerant, and Transparent Polyacrylic Acid/Nanochitin Composite Hydrogel for Self-Powered Multifunctional Sensors. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2021, 9, 28, 9209–9220

22.   S. Sun, B. Sun, Y. Wang, M.F. Antwi-Afari, H.Y. Mi*, Z. Guo, C. Liu, C. Shen, Carbon black and polydopamine modified non-woven fabric enabling efficient solar steam generation towards seawater desalination and wastewater purification. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 278(6):119621

23. G.L. Ni, X. Zhu, H.Y. Mi*, P.Y. Feng, J. Li, X. Jing, B. Dong, C. Liu, C. Shen, Skinless porous films generated by supercritical CO2 foaming for high-performance complementary shaped triboelectric nanogenerators and self-powered sensors, Nano Energy, 2021, 87: 106148

24. B. Sun, S. Sun, P. He, H.Y. Mi*, B. Dong, C. Liu, C. Shen, Asymmetric layered structural design with segregated conductive network for absorption-dominated high-performance electromagnetic interference shielding, Chem. Eng. J., 2021, 416: 129083

25. P.Y. Feng, Z. Xia, B. Sun, X. Jing, H. Li, X. Tao, H.Y. Mi*, Y. Liu, Enhancing the Performance of Fabric-Based Triboelectric Nanogenerators by Structural and Chemical Modification, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 14, 16916–16927

26. S. Sun, Y. Wang, B. Sun, F. Zhang, Q. Xu, H.Y. Mi*, H. Li, X. Tao, Z. Guo, C. Liu, C. Shen, Versatile Janus Composite Nonwoven Solar Absorbers with Salt Resistance for Efficient Wastewater Purification and Desalination, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, 13, 21, 24945–24956

27. F. Zhang, J. Hu, P. Zhao, P. He, H.Y. Mi*, Z. Guo, C. Liu, C. Shen, Multifunctional electromagnetic interference shielding films comprised of multilayered thermoplastic polyurethane membrane and silver nanowire, Compos. Part A-Appl. S, 2021, 147, 106472

28.   J. Zhang, S. Xi, G. Mao, R. Yin, L. Zhu, D. Li, Z. Yao, H.Y. Mi*, J. Han, C. Liu, C. Shen, Robust and efficient UV-reflecting one-dimensional photonic crystals enabled by organic/inorganic nanocomposite thin films for photoprotection of transparent polymers. J. Mater. Chem. C. 2021, 9(12): 4223-4232.

29.   B. Dong, Y. Guo, S. Sun, H.Y. Mi*, P. He, M.F. Antwi-Afari, C. Liu, C. Shen, Shish–Kebab-Structured UHMWPE Coating for Efficient and Cost-Effective Oil–Water Separation. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2020, 12(52): 58252–58262

30.   X. Jing, H. Li, H.Y. Mi*, P.Y. Feng, X. Tao, Y. Liu, C. Liu, C. Shen, Enhancing Performance of Stretchable and Transparent Triboelectric Nanogenerator by Optimizing Hydrogel Ionic Electrode Property. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12(20): 23474–23483


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