Ø 吴金雷,2022年4月博士毕业于哈尔滨工业大学。
Ø 2022.4-2023.2任职于哈尔滨工业大学(威海),讲师。
Ø 2023年3月加入郑州大学物理学院,特聘副研究员。
Ø 发表SCI论文60余篇,包括Phys. Rev. A, Phys. Rev. B, Phys. Rev. Appl., Photonics Research, SCIENCE CHINA-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Opt. Lett., APL等。
l 里德堡原子系统中的量子计算
l 基于冷/热原子的量子精密测量
l 量子绝热和绝热捷径的理论及应用
l 合成维度拓扑量子模拟和量子信息处理
l 基于量子技术的声/光超构材料设计
l 手性分子的量子光学分辨
(1) 国家自然科学基金青年基金,在研,主持
(2) 国家资助博士后研究人员计划,在研,主持
(3) 中国博士后科学基金特别资助(站前),在研,主持
(4) 郑州大学青年科研人员专项启动基金,在研,主持
n 2024年
1. Wan-Xia Li, Jin-Lei Wu, Shi-Lei Su, and Jing Qian, High-tolerance antiblockade SWAP gates using optimal pulse drivings, Phys. Rev. A 109, 012608 (2024).
n 2023年
2. Zhong-Hui Yuan, Yong-Jian Chen, Jin-Xuan Han, Jin-Lei Wu, Wei-Qi Li, Yan Xia, Yong-Yuan Jiang, and Jie Song*, Periodic photon-magnon blockade in an optomagnonic system with chiral exceptional points, Phys. Rev. B 108, 134409 (2023).
3. Wang Yan, Zhang Hui-Lai, Wu Jin-Lei, Song Jie, Yang Kun, Qin Wei, Jing Hui*, Kuang Le-Man*, Quantum parametric amplification of phonon-mediated magnon-spin interaction. Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 66, 110311 (2023).
4. Yu-xin Feng, Jin-Lei Wu, Bin Ren, Jin-Xuan Han, Shuai Tang, Jie Song and Yongyuan Jiang*, Quantum parametric amplification of phonon-mediated magnon-spin interaction. J. Opt. 25, 105001 (2023).
5. Xiaosai Wang, Jinlei Wu, Bin Ren, Jiabao Yao, Shuai Tang, Cheng Lü, and Yongyuan Jiang*, High-performance polarization-controlled perfect optical vortex generation via all-dielectric metasurfaces in the visible region. Phys. Scr. 98, 085931 (2023).
6. Shuai Tang, Jin-Lei Wu*, Cheng Lü, Jiabao Yao, Yanbo Pei, and Yongyuan Jiang*, Unidirectional beam splitting in acoustic metamaterial governed by double fractional stimulated Raman adiabatic passage. Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 212201 (2023).
7. Jia-Ning Zhang, Jin-Xuan Han, Jin-Lei Wu*, Jie Song, and Yong-Yuan Jiang*, Robust beam splitter with fast quantum state transfer through a topological interface. Frontiers of Physics 18, 51303 (2023).
8. Cheng Lü, Shuai Tang*, Jin-Lei Wu, and Yongyuan Jiang*, Low-frequency acoustic absorption realized by ultrasparse coiling-up metasurfaces. Results in Physics 49, 106488 (2023).
9. Shuai Tang, Jin-Lei Wu*, Cheng Lü, Jia-Bao Yao, Xiaosai Wang, Jie Song, and Yongyuan Jiang*, One-way acoustic beam splitting in spatial four-waveguide couplers designed by adiabatic passage. New J. Phys. 25, 033032 (2023).
10. Xiaosai Wang, Jinlei Wu*, Ruoxing Wang, Li Li, and Yongyuan Jiang*, Reconstructing Polarization Multiplexing Terahertz Holographic Images with Transmissive Metasurface. Appl. Sci.-Basel 13, 2528 (2023).
11. Cheng Lü, Shuai Tang, Jin-Lei Wu, Yanbo Pei*, and Yongyuan Jiang*, Achromatic transmitted acoustic lens arrayed by cascaded Helmholtz resonators. Appl. Phys. Express 16, 014004 (2023).
n 2022年
12. Xiaosai Wang, Ying Cui, Bin Ren, Shuai Tang, Jinlei Wu*, and Yongyuan Jiang*, Metalens for generating multi-channel polarization-wavelength multiplexing metasurface holograms. Opt. Express 30, 47856 (2022).
13. Jin-Lei Wu*, Yan Wang, Jin-Xuan Han, Shi-Lei Su, Yan Xia, Yongyuan Jiang, and Jie Song*, Fast and Robust Multiqubit Gates on Rydberg Atoms by Periodic Pulse Engineering. Adv. Quantum Technol. 2200042 (2022).
14. Jin-Xuan Han, Jin-Lei Wu*, Zhong-Hui Yuan, Yan Xia, Yong-Yuan Jiang, and Jie Song*, Fast topological pumping for the generation of large-scale Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states in a superconducting circuit. Front. Phys. 17, 62504 (2022).
15. Qianyu Zhu, Cheng Lü, Jin-Lei Wu*, and Yan Li*, Gaussian soft control for controlled-Z gate on superconducting qubits with unilateral external driving. Laser Phys. Lett. 19, 095206 (2022).
16. Shuai Tang, Jin-Lei Wu*, Cheng Lü, Jie Song, and Yongyuan Jiang*, Functional Acoustic Metamaterial Using Shortcut to Adiabatic Passage in Acoustic Waveguide Couplers. Phys. Rev. Appl. 18, 014038 (2022).
17. Bin Ren, Yuxin Feng, Shuai Tang, Jin-Lei Wu, Bingyi Liu, Jie Song, and Yongyuan Jiang*, Ultra-thin 2-bit anisotropic Huygens coding metasurface for terahertz wave manipulation. Opt. Express 30, 16229 (2022).
18. Shuai Tang, Cheng Lü, Jin-Lei Wu*, Jie Song, and Yongyuan Jiang*, Wavelength-selected bifunctional beam shaping for transmitted acoustic waves via coding metasurface. Appl. Acoust. 194, 108786 (2022).
19. Shuai Tang, Jin-Lei Wu*, Cheng Lü, Xiaosai Wang, Jie Song, and Yongyuan Jiang*, Acoustic wavelength-selected metamaterials designed by reversed fractional stimulated Raman adiabatic passage. Phys. Rev. B 105, 104107 (2022).
20. Jin-Xuan Han, Jin-Lei Wu*, Yan Wang, Yan Xia, Yong-Yuan Jiang, and Jie Song*, Tripartite high-dimensional magnon-photon entanglement in phases with broken PT-symmetry of a non-Hermitian hybrid system. Phys. Rev. B 105, 064431 (2022).
21. Yan Wang, Jin-Lei Wu, Jin-Xuan Han, Yan Xia, Yong-Yuan Jiang, and Jie Song*, Enhanced Phonon Blockade in a Weakly Coupled Hybrid System via Mechanical Parametric Amplification. Phys. Rev. Appl. 17, 024009 (2022).
22. JinLei Wu, Shuai Tang, Yan Wang, XiaoSai Wang, JinXuan Han, Cheng Lü, Jie Song, ShiLei Su, Yan Xia, and Yongyuan Jiang, Unidirectional acoustic metamaterials based on nonadiabatic holonomic quantum transformations. Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron.65, 220311 (2022).
n 2021年
23. Jin-Lei Wu, Yan Wang, Jin-Xuan Han, Yongyuan Jiang, Jie Song*, Yan Xia, Shi-Lei Su*, and Weibin Li*, Systematic-Error-Tolerant Multiqubit Holonomic Entangling Gates. Phys. Rev. Appl. 16, 064031 (2021).
24. Jin-Lei Wu, Yan Wang, Jin-Xuan Han, Shi-Lei Su, Yan Xia, Yongyuan Jiang, and Jie Song*. Unselective ground-state blockade of Rydberg atoms for implementing quantum gates. Front. Phys. 17, 22501 (2022).
25. Wei Niu, Jin-Lei Wu, Pan Wang, and Xin Ji*, Error-Insensitive 3D Entanglement Gate with Optimal Control of Geometric Evolution, Ann. Phys-Berlin 533, 2100145 (2021).
26. Jin-Lei Wu, Yan Wang, Jin-Xuan Han, Yu-Kun Feng, Shi-Lei Su, Yan Xia, Yongyuan Jiang, and Jie Song*, One-step implementation of Rydberg-antiblockade SWAP and controlled-SWAP gates with modified robustness. Photo. Res. 9, 814 (2021).
27. Yan Wang, Jin-Lei Wu, Yu-Kun Feng, Jin-Xuan Han, Yan Xia, Yong-Yuan Jiang, and Jie Song*, Optimal Control for Robust Photon State Transfer in Optomechanical Systems. Ann. Phys-Berlin 533, 2000608 (2021).
28. Jin-Xuan Han, Jin-Lei Wu*, Yan Wang, Yan Xia, Yong-Yuan Jiang, and Jie Song*, Large-scale Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states through a topologically protected zero-energy mode in a superconducting qutrit-resonator chain. Phys. Rev. A 103, 032402 (2021).
29. Jin-Lei Wu, Yan Wang, Jin-Xuan Han, Shi-Lei Su, Yan Xia, Yongyuan Jiang, and Jie Song, Resilient quantum gates on periodically driven Rydberg atoms. Phys. Rev. A 103, 012601 (2021).
n 2020年
30. F.-Q. Guo, J.-L. Wu, X.-Y. Zhu, Z. Jin, Y. Zeng, S. Zhang, L.-L. Yan*, M. Feng*, and S.-L. Su*, Complete and nondestructive distinguishment of many-body Rydberg entanglement via robust geometric quantum operations. Phys. Rev. A 102, 062410 (2020).
31. Yan Wang, Jin-Lei Wu, Jin-Xuan Han, Yong-Yuan Jiang, Yan Xia, Jie Song*, Resilient Mølmer-Sørensen gate with cavity QED. Phys. Lett. A 388, 127033 (2021).
32. Jin-Lei Wu, Yan Wang, Shi-Lei Su, Yan Xia, Yongyuan Jiang*, and Jie Song*, Discrimination of enantiomers through quantum interference and quantum Zeno effect. Opt. Express 28, 33475 (2020).
33. Shi-Lei Su*, Fu-Qiang Guo, Jin-Lei Wu, Zhen Jin, Xiao-Qiang Shao, and Shou Zhang, Rydberg antiblockade regimes: Dynamics and applications. EPL, 131, 53001 (2020).
34. Yan Wang, Jin-Lei Wu, Jin-Xuan Han, Yong-Yuan Jiang, Yan Xia, and Jie Song*, Noise-resistant phase gates with amplitude modulation. Phys. Rev. A, 102, 032601 (2020).
35. Yan Wang, Jin-Lei Wu, Jie Song*, Zi-Jing Zhang, Yong-Yuan Jiang, and Yan Xia, Enhancing atom-field interaction in the reduced multiphoton Tavis-Cummings model. Phys. Rev. A, 101, 053826 (2020).
36. Jin-Lei Wu, Yan Wang, Jin-Xuan Han, Cong Wang, Shi-Lei Su, Yan Xia, Yongyuan Jiang*, and Jie Song*, Two-Path Interference for Enantiomer-Selective State Transfer of Chiral Molecules. Phys. Rev. Appl. 13, 044021 (2020).
37. Cong Wang, Jin-Xuan Han, Jin-Lei Wu*, Yan Wang, Yongyuan Jiang, Yan Xia, and Jie Song*, Generation of three-dimensional entanglement between two antiblockade Rydberg atoms with detuning-compensation-induced effective resonance. Laser Phys. 30, 045201 (2020).
38. Jin-Lei Wu, Shi-Lei Su, Yan Wang, Jie Song*, Yan Xia, and Yong-Yuan Jiang, Effective Rabi dynamics of Rydberg atoms and robust high-fidelity quantum gates with a resonant amplitude-modulation field. Opt. Lett. 45, 1200 (2020).
39. Jin-Xuan Han, Jin-Lei Wu*, Yan Wang, Yongyuan Jiang, Yan Xia, and Jie Song*, Multi-qubit phase gate on multiple resonators mediated by a superconducting bus. Opt. Express 28, 33475 (2020).
40. Jin-Lei Wu, Jie Song*, Shi-Lei Su*, Resonant-interaction-induced Rydberg antiblockade and its applications. Phys. Lett. A 384, 126039 (2020).
n 2019年
41. Guang-Qing Sun, Jin-Lei Wu, Wei Niu, Wan-Rang Yu, and Xin Ji*, Remote Implementation of a Fredkin Gate via Virtual Excitation of an Atom-Cavity-Fiber System. Ann. Phys-Berlin 532, 1900372 (2019).
42. Jin-Lei Wu, Yan Wang, Jie Song*, Yan Xia, Shi-Lei Su, and Yong-Yuan Jiang, Robust and highly efficient discrimination of chiral molecules through three-mode parallel paths. Phys. Rev. A 100, 043413 (2019).
43. Jin-Xuan Han, Jin-Lei Wu*, Yan Wang, Yan Xia, Jie Song*, and Yong-Yuan Jiang. Constructing multi-target controlled phase gate in circuit QED and its applications. EPL 127, 50002 (2019).
44. Yan Wang, Jin-Lei Wu, Jie Song*, Yong-Yuan Jiang, Zi-Jing Zhang, and Yan Xia, Squeezing-Enhanced Atom–Cavity Interaction in Coupled Cavities with High Dissipation Rates. Ann. Phys-Berlin 531, 1900220 (2019).
45. J L Wu and S L Su*, Universal speeded-up adiabatic geometric quantum computation in three-level systems via counterdiabatic driving. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52 335301 (2019).
46. Jin-Lei Wu and Shi-Lei Su*, Auxiliary-qubit-driving–induced entanglement and logic gate. EPL, 126, 30001 (2019).
47. Cai-Peng Shen, Jin-Lei Wu, Shi-Lei Su*, and Erjun Liang, Construction of robust Rydberg controlled-phase gates. Opt. Lett. 44, 2036 (2019).
48. Ju-Cheng Dong, Jin-Lei Wu, and Xin Ji*, Superadiabatic Shortcuts for Fast Generating Two-Atom Four-Dimensional Entanglement. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 58, 745 (2019).
n Before 2019
49. Ju-Cheng Dong, Jin-Lei Wu, and Xin Ji*, Fast Generation of Four-Dimensional Entanglement Between Two Spatially Separated Atoms via Shortcuts to Adiabatic Passage. Int. J. Theor. Phys. 57, 3149 (2018).
50. Xi Tan, Jin-Lei Wu, Can Deng, Wei-Jian Mao, Hai-Tao Wang, and Xin Ji*, Implementation of quantum phase gate between two atoms via Rydberg antiblockade and adiabatic passage. Chinese Phys. B 27, 100307 (2018).
51. Jin-Lei Wu, Xin Ji*, and Shou Zhang, Dressed-state scheme for a fast CNOT gate. Quantum Inf. Process. 16, 294 (2017).
52. Jin-Lei Wu, Shi-Lei Su, Xin Ji*, and Shou Zhang, Superadiabatic scheme for optimizing the fast generation of tree-type 3D entanglement. Ann. Phys. 386, 34 (2017).
53. Jin-Lei Wu, Xin Ji*, and Shou Zhang, Shortcut to adiabatic passage in a three-level system via a chosen path and its application in a complicated system. Opt. Express 25, 21084 (2017).
54. Jing Xu, Lin Yu, Jin-Lei Wu, and Xin Ji*, Invariants-based shortcuts for fast generating Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger state among three superconducting qubits. Chinese Phys. B 26, 090301 (2017).
55. Rui Peng, Yue Zheng, Si-Wen Liu, Xiao-Pan Li, Jin-Lei Wu, and Xin Ji*, Shortcuts to adiabaticity for rapidly generating two-atom qutrit entanglement. Quantum Inf. Process. 16, 172 (2017).
56. Lin Yu, Jing Xu, Jin-Lei Wu, and Xin Ji*, Fast generating W state of three superconducting qubits via Lewis–Riesenfeld invariants. Chinese Phys. B 26, 060306 (2017).
57. Jin-Lei Wu, Xin Ji*, and Shou Zhang, Fast adiabatic quantum state transfer and entanglement generation between two atoms via dressed states. Sci. Rep. 7, 46255 (2017).
58. Xiao-Qin Yang, Dian-Yang Huang, Peng Xue, Yong-Yong Gong, Jin-Lei Wu, and Xin Ji*, Laser Phys. Lett. 14, 055209 (2017).
59. Jin-Lei Wu, Xin Ji*, and Shou Zhang, Fast generations of tree-type three-dimensional entanglement via Lewis-Riesenfeld invariants and transitionless quantum driving. Sci. Rep. 6, 33669 (2016).
60. Jin-Lei Wu, Chong Song, Xin Ji*, and Shou Zhang, Fast generation of three-dimensional entanglement between two spatially separated atoms via invariant-based shortcut. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 33, 2026 (2016).
61. Jin-Lei Wu, Chong Song, Jing Xu, Lin Yu, Xin Ji*, and Shou Zhang, Adiabatic passage for one-step generation of n-qubit Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger states of superconducting qubits via quantum Zeno dynamics. Quantum Inf. Process. 15, 3663 (2016).
62. Chong Song, Shi-Lei Su, Jin-Lei Wu, Dong-Yang Wang, Xin Ji*, and Shou Zhang, Generation of tree-type three-dimensional entangled states via adiabatic passage. Phys. Rev. A 93, 062321 (2016).