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王俊俏 教授
时间:2025-01-17   阅读次数:


姓名:王俊俏      学历:博士



学术兼职:《光散射学报》编委,《Discover Applied Sciences》编委,全国光散射专业委员会委员

招生专业:070207|光学(1~2人)0854|电子信息 (仪器仪表工程)(2~3人);0804|仪器科学与技术(测试计量技术及仪器)(1~2人)









(4)2013年7月~至今,郑州大学物理学院。在Optics Express , Journal of optics等SCI期刊上发表论文80余篇。


张 佳2018届 北京拓普光研科技发展有限公司

高念2018届 登封外国语高级中学

袁栋栋2019届 汝阳第一高级中学

吴亚南2020届 南阳利达光电科技有限公司

任梦珂2020届 郑州市第64中学

李冉 2020届 郑州市航空港区招教教师

赵文涵 2022届 郑州西亚斯学院

孙帅2021届 周口实验高中,郸城一高

毛雨2021届 西北大学 读博

贺梦悦 2021届 考公

田硕 2021届 郑州航空管理学院

孙婧怡 2022届 青岛工学院

熊晶 2022届 南阳中南钻石(中兵红箭上市公司)

刘向鹏 2022届 洛阳中航光电












       1. Junqiao Wang*, Jingyi Sun, Shuai Sun, Hao Zhang, Qiaoqiao Wang, Jinyuan Yang and Yewen Mei, “Numerical simulation of electromagnetically induced transparency in composite metamaterial,” Phys. Scr. 100 025512 (2025)


1. Jing Xiong, Junqiao Wang*, Xiangpeng Liu, Hao Zhang, Qiaoqiao Wang, Jingyi Sun, and Baolin Zhang, "Enhanced spontaneous radiation of quantum dots based on modulated anapole states in dielectric metamaterial," Opt. Express 32(11), 19910-19923 (2024)

2. Jiajun Gao, Lu Zhao, Ziyi Zhang, Shuhao Liu, Ruomeng Li, Kaijun Mu, Bin Zhang and Junqiao Wang*, “Dynamically tunable terahertz multi-band perfect absorber based on photosensitive silicon,” Phys. Scr. 99, 065565 (2024) (一作为本科生)

3. Xiangpeng Liu, Junqiao Wang*, Jing Xiong, Qiaoqiao Wang, Hao Zhang, and Jingyi Sun, “Numerical simulation on high quality anapole resonator with large electric field concentration in all-dielectric metasurface,” Phys. Scr. 99, 055552 (2024).

4. Mengshuai Ren, Bo Mao, Pei Ding, Luyang Niu, Zhi Yuan, Xuan Jia, Zhihuan Wang, Kun Xu, and Junqiao Wang, Improvement of electrothermal and photothermal properties of ultra-thin graphite film on oxygen plasma-treated polyimide substrate, Nanotechnology 35, 235703 (2024).

5. Yu Mao, Hao Zhang, Jing Xiong, Xiangpeng Liu, Qiaoqiao Wang, and Junqiao Wang, Controlling of spontaneous emission of quantum dots based on hyperbolic metamaterials, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 57, 255111(2024)

6. Mengyue He, Qiaoqiao Wang, Hao Zhang, Jing Xiong, Xiangpeng Liu, and Junqiao Wang, Analog electromagnetic induced transparency of T-type Si-based metamaterial and its applications, Phys. Scr. 99, 035506 (2024)

7. Jiuru He, Pengwei Zhang, Jianpo Su, Junqiao Wang, Yongzhi Tian, Yongsheng Hu, and Fengying Ma, Edge enhancement in three-dimensional vortex imaging based on FINCH by Bessel-like spiral phase modulation, Optics Express 32(2), 1438-1450 (2024)


1.       Pei Wang ,Jinchao Su ,Pei Ding ,Bo Mao ,Mengshuai Ren ,Kun Xu ,Shuo Tian ,Yan Li ,Ximin Tian ,Junqiao Wang, Graphene-metal based tunable radiative metasurface for information encryption and anticounterfeiting, Diamond and Related Materials 131, 109548 (2023)

2.       Shuo Tian, Junqiao Wang, Shuai Sun, Mengyue He, Yu Mao and Pei Ding,The anapole state excited by an oblique incidence,Phys. Scr. 98, 085515 (2023)

3.       Shuo Tian, Junqiao Wang, Shuai Sun, Mengyue He, Yu Mao, Ya Gao, Pei Ding, Strong field enhancement and hot spot manipulation based on anapole state in Si disk-ring metasurface, Results in Physics 49, 106485(2023)

4       Mingli Wan , Xiaopeng Zhang , Shuqing Yuan , Junqiao Wang , Jinna He,Generating elliptic perfect optical vortex beams with efficient dielectric metasurface in the ultraviolet spectrum,Optics Communications 531, 129224(2023)

5.       Chu, Bo; Zhong, Facheng; Hu, Taozheng; Li, Yan; Yan, Rujiang; Shao, Li; Zeng, Fanguang; Ding, Pei; Du, Yinxiao; Gu, Ping; Wang, Junqiao; Chen, Zhuo, Blue-light-blocking films enabled by optimal absorption in plasmonic nanoparticles, Physica Scripta 98(1), 015517 (2023).


1. Shuai Sun, Mengyue He, Yu Mao, Ran Li, Shuo Tian, Junqiao Wang*, Anapole Manipulation in Tailored Si Nanocubes for Near-Field Enhancement and High Q-Factor Resonance, ACS Applied Nano Materials  5(10), 14833–14840 (2022).

2.       He, Jinna; Wan, Mingli; Zhang, Xiaopeng; Yuan, Shuqing; Zhang, Liufang; Wang, Junqiao, Generating ultraviolet perfect vortex beams using a high-efficiency broadband dielectric metasurface, Optics Express 30(4), 4806-4816 (2022).

3.       Li, Ran; He, Mengyue; Wang, Junqiao; Zhao, Wenhan; Sun, Shuai; Mao, Yu; Tian, Shuo; Fan, Chunzhen , Ultranarrow perfect absorber with linewidth down to 1 nm based on optical anapole mode, Results in Physics 37, 105484 (2022).

4.       Zhao, Wenhan; Wang, Junqiao; Li, Ran; Zhang, Bin, Ultranarrow dual-band metamaterial perfect absorber and its sensing application, Journal of Optics 24, 035103 (2022)

5.       Mao, Miao; Wang, Junqiao; Mu, Kaijun; Fan, Chunzhen; Jia, Yuanlin; Li, Ran; Chen, Shu; Liang, Erjun, Realizing PIT-like transparency via the coupling of plasmonic dipole and ENZ modes, Optics Express 30(6), 8474-8481 (2022).

6.       Mao, Yu; Wang, Junqiao; Sun, Shuai; He, Mengyue; Tian, Shuo; Liang, Erjun, Plasmon mode manipulation based on multi-layer hyperbolic metamaterials, Optics Express 30(13), 22353-22363 (2022)

7.       Ding, Pei; Wang, Pei; Su, Jinchao; Mao, Bo; Ren, Mengshuai; Xu, Kun; Tian, Shuo; Li, Yan; Tian, Ximin; Wang, Junqiao, Multilayer graphene-based radiation modulator for adaptive infrared camouflage with thermal management, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55(34), 345103 (2022).

8.       Li, Ran; Wang, Junqiao; Ren, Mengke; Zhao, Wenhan; He, Mengyue; Sun, Shuai; Mao, Yu; Tian, Shuo; Li, Yan; Ding, Pei Resonantly enhanced absorption in bifurcation plasmonic nanostructure for refractive index sensing, Optics Communications 512, 128040 (2022).

9.       He, Mengyue; Wang, Junqiao; Sun, Shuai; Mao, Yu; Li, Ran; Tian, Shuo; ul Taqi, M. Munib ul Hassan Noor; Liang, Erjun, Improved strong field enhancement and ultranarrow perfect absorption based on anapole mode in slotted Si nanodisk metamaterial, Results in Physics 40, 105809 (2022)

10.       Wan, Mingli; Zhang, Xiaopeng; Yuan, Shuqing; Wang, Junqiao; He, Jinna, Generating elliptic perfect optical vortex beams with efficient dielectric metasurface in the ultraviolet spectrum, Optics Communications 531, 129224 (2022).

11.       Zhang, Houjiao; Liu, Ye; Liu, Zhengqi; Liu, Xiaoshan; Liu, Guiqiang; Fu, Guolan; Wang, Junqiao; Shen, Yun, Multi-functional polarization conversion manipulation via graphene-based metasurface reflectors, Optics Express 29(1), 70-81 (2021).


1.       Yao, Yu; Liao, Zhefu; Liu, Zhengqi; Liu, Xiaoshan; Zhou, Jin; Liu, Guiqiang; Yi, Zao; Wang, Junqiao, Recent progresses on metamaterials for optical absorption and sensing: a review, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54(11), 113002 (2021).

2.       Jia Yuanlin; Yin, Huaiyuan; Yao, Huawei; Wang, Junqiao; Fan, Chunzhen, Realization of multi-band perfect absorber in graphene based metal-insulator-metal metamaterials , Results in Physics 25, 104301 (2021).

3.       Zhou, Jin; Liu, Xiaoshan; Zhang, Houjiao; Liu, Mulin; Yi, Qing; Liu, Zhengqi; Wang, Junqiao, Cross-Shaped Titanium Resonators Based Metasurface for Ultra-Broadband Solar Absorption, IEEE Photonics Journal 13(1), 4800108 (2021).

4.       Jia, Yuanlin; Wang, Xiaoxia; Yin, Huaiyuan; Yao, Huawei; Wang, Junqiao; Fan, Chunzhen, Highly unable thermal emitter with vanadium dioxide metamaterials for radiative cooling, Applied Optics 60(19), 5699-5706 (2021).

5.       Yao, Huawei; Wang, Xiaoxia; Yin, Huaiyuan; Jia, Yuanlin; Gao, Yong; Wang, Junqiao; Fan, Chunzhen, Efficient realization of daytime radiative cooling with hollow zigzag SiO2 metamaterials, Chinese Physics B 30(6), 064214 (2021).

6.       Yin, Huaiyuan; Yao, Huawei; Jia, Yuanlin; Wang, Junqiao; Fan, Chunzhen, Realization of efficient radiative cooling in thermal emitter with inorganic metamaterials, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54(34), 345501 (2021).

7.       Fan, Chunzhen; Ren, Peiwen; Jia, Yuanlin; Zhu, Shuangmei; Wang, Junqiao, Highly tunable plasmon-induced transparency with Dirac semimetal metamaterials, Chinese Physics B 30(9), 096103 (2021)

8.       Zhang, Houjiao; Liu, Zhengqi; Liu, Guiqiang; Zhan, Xuefeng; Fu, Guolan; Liu, Xiaoshan; Wang, Junqiao, DVD assisted titanium metasurface for solar energy perfect absorption and potential applications for local thermal antibacterial treatment, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54(11), 115106 (2021).

9.       Ran Li,Junqiao Wang*, Mengke Ren, Chunzhen Fan, Pei Ding, Yan Li and Jinna He, Improved dual-band refractive index sensing based on gap plasmon, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 47 10095 (2021).

10.       Mengke Ren, Ran Li,Junqiao Wang*, Chunzhen Fan, Pei Ding, Yan Li and Jinna He, Tuning the optical response of a plasmonic T-shaped dimer with nanowire loads for improved SERS and sensing applications, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 084001 (2021).


1.       Yanan Wu, Junqiao Wang*, Mengke Ren, Wenhan Zhao, Ran Li, Chun Zhen Fan, Erjun Liang, Yan Li, Pei Ding and Jinna He, Double-wavelength nanolaser based on strong coupling of localized and propagating surface plasmon, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53, 135108 (2020)

2.       J. Q. Wang*, Y. N. Wu, C. Z. Fan, E. J. Liang, Y. Li, and P. Ding, “Unmodified hot spot in hybridized nanorod dimer for extended surface-enhanced Raman scattering,” J. Phys. Chem. Solids 136, 109125 (2020)

3.       Peng Tang, Guiqiang Liu, Xiaoshan Liu, Guolan Fu, Zhengqi Liu, and Junqiao Wang, "Plasmonic wavy surface for ultrathin semiconductor black absorbers,"Opt. Express 28, 27764-27773 (2020)

4.       C. Lv, P. Ding, X. M. Tian, Y. Li, L. Shao, F. G. Zeng andJ. Q. Wang,“Broadband and wide-angle terahertz carpet cloaks based on pattered graphene metasurfaces,”J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53, 155107 (2020)

5.       Z. Q. Liu, H. Z. Zhong, G. Q. Liu, X. S. Liu, Y. Wang, and J. Q. Wang, "Multi-resonant refractory prismoid for full-spectrum solar energy perfect absorbers,"Opt. Express 28, 31763-31774 (2020)

6.       C. Meng, F. F. Lu. W. D. Zhang,J. Q. Wang, D. Mao, F. Gao, T. Mei., "Selective Remote-Excitation of Gap Mode in Metallic Nanowire-Nanoparticle System Using Chiral Surface Plasmon Polaritons," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 56(6), 7200506 (2020)

7.       G. Z. Du, G. L. Fu, P. P. Pan, X. S. Liu, Y. Yao,J. Q. Wang, X. F. Zhan and Z. Q. Liu, Refractory Ti/TiN resonators based meta-surface for perfect light absorption, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53, 485101 (2020)

8.       W. D. Zhang, T. Y. Xue, F. F. Lu, L. Zhang, C. Meng,J. Q. Wang, and T. Mei, “Second-order surface optical nonlinear response of plasmonic tip axially excited via ultrafast vector beams,” Appl. Phys. Express 13, 032002 (2020)

9.       J. K. Li, X. F. Chen, Z. Yi, H. Yang, Y. J. Tang, Y. Yi, W. T. Yao,J. Q. Wang, Y. G. Yi, “Broadband solar energy absorber based on monolayer molybdenum disulfide using tungsten elliptical arrays,” Materials Today Energy 117, 113840 (2020)


1.       D. D. Yuan, S. Chen, Y. N. Wu,J. Q. Wang*, “A facile surface enhanced Raman scattering substrate based on silver deposited sandpaper,”Mod. Phys. Lett. B 33(21), 1950239 (2019)

2.       L. Wang, M. L. Bie, W. Cai, L. X. Ge, Z. C. Ji, Y. L. Jia, K. Gong, X. Z. Zhang,J. Q. Wang,and J. J. Xu, "Giant near-field radiative heat transfer between ultrathin metallic films,"Opt. Express 27(25), 36790-36798 (2019)

3.       J. Zhang, S. Chen,J. Q. Wang*, K. J. Mu, C. Z. Fan, E. J. Liang, and P. Ding, “An engineered CARS substrate with giant field enhancement in crisscross dimer nanostructure,”Sci. Rep. 8(1), 740 (2018)

4.       H. Y. Xin, C. Z. Fan,J. Q. Wang*, E. J. Liang, and S. M. Zhu, “Synthesis of indium–silver bimetallic nanocomposites for surface-enhanced Raman scattering,” Opt. Rev. 25(6), 678-683 (2018)

5.       Gao Nian,Wang Junqiao, Zhang Jia, Chen Shu, Liang Erjun, Pan Zhifeng, "Large field enhancement and perfect absorption by coupling between dark plasmon mode and surface plasmon polaritons," Journal of Optics 47(3), 301-306 (2018) Cover Article

6.       P. Ding, Y. Li, L. Shao, X. M. Tian,J. Q. Wang, and C. Z. Fan, “Graphene aperture-based metalens for dynamic focusing of terahertz waves,” Opt. Express, 26(21), 28038-28050 (2018)

7.       D. D. Yuan,J. Q. Wang*, Y. Li, and P. Ding, “A multi-wavelength SPASER based on plasmonic tetramer cavity,”J. Opt. 21(11), 115001 (2019).

8.       H. Y. Xin, C. Z. Fan,J. Q. Wang*, E. J. Liang, and S. M. Zhu, “Synthesis of indium–silver bimetallic nanocomposites for surface-enhanced Raman scattering,” Opt. Rev. 25(6), 678-683 (2018)

9.       Pei Ding, YanLi, MingyuLi, LiShao,Junqiao Wang, ChunzhenFan, FanguangZeng, Tunable dualband light trapping and localization in coupled graphene grating-sheet system at mid-infrared wavelengths.Optics Communications, 407: 410-416.(2018).

10.       Junqiao Wang*, Jia Zhang, Yongzhi Tian, Chunzhen Fan, Kaijun Mu, Shu Chen, Pei Ding, Erjun Liang, Theoretical investigation of a multi-resonance plasmonic substrate for enhanced coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering, Optics Express, 25(1): 497-507 (2017).

11.       Junqiao Wang, Jia Zhang, Chunzhen Fan, Kiajun Mu, Erjun Liang, Pei Ding, Electromagnetic field manipulation in planar nanorod antennas metamaterial for slow light application,Optics Communications, 383: 36-41 (2017)

12.       Junqiao Wang, Jia Zhang, Yongzhi Tian, Kaijun Mu, Chunzhen Fan, Shu Chen, Pei Ding, Fano resonances in nanorod dimers antenna, Modern Physics Letters B, 31(18): 1750202 (2017).

13.       Wang Junqiao, Fan Chunzhen, He Jinna, Ding Pei, Liang Erjun(*), Xue Qianzhong, Double Fano resonances due to interplay of electric and magnetic plasmon modes in planar plasmonic structure with high sensing sensitivity, Optics Express, 2013, 21(2): 2236-2244.

14.       Wang Junqiao, Fan Chunzhen, Ding Pei, He Jinna, Cheng Yongguang, Hu Weiqin, Cai Genwang, Liang Erjun(*), Xue Qianzhong, Tunable broad-band perfect absorber by exciting of multiple plasmon resonances at optical frequency, Optics Express, 2012, 20(14): 14871-14878.

15.       Wang Junqiao(*), Yuan Baohe, Fan Chunzhen, He Jinna, Ding Pei, Xue Qianzhong, Liang Erjun, A novel planar metamaterial design for electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light, Optics Express, 2013, 21(21): 25159-25166.

16.       Wang Junqiao(*), Liu Xiaomin, Li Lei, He Jinna, Fan Chunzhen, Tian Yongzhi, Ding Pei, Chen Dongxia, Xue Qianzhong, Liang Erjun(*), Huge electric field enhancement and highly sensitive sensing based on the Fano resonance effect in an asymmetric nanorod pair, Journal of Optics, 2013, 15(10): 105003

17.       Wang junqiao(*), Mu Kaijun, Ma Fengying, Zang Huaping, Fan Chunzhen, He Jinna, Liang Erjun, DingPei, Optical refractive nanosensor with planar resonators metamaterial, Optics Communications, 2015, 338: 399-405.

18.       Zhou Wenjin, Wang Xiaoxia,Wang Junqiao(*), Polarization and angle quasi-independent metamaterial crystal with electromagnetically induced transparency based on plasmon hybridization, Journal of Modern Optics, 2015, 62(12): 1027-1031.

19.       Jinna He, Junqiao Wang, Pei Ding, Chunzhen Fan and Erjun Liang, Gain-assisted plasmon induced transparency in T-shaped metamaterials for slow light,Journal of Optics, 2015,17(05):055002.

20.       Fan Chunzhen(*), Wang Junqiao, Zhu Shuangmei, He Jinna, Liang Erjun, Optical properties in one-dimensional graded soft photonic crystals with ferrofluids, Journal of optics, 2013, 15(5).

21.       Song Wenbo, Wang Junqiao, Li Zhiyuan, Liu Xiansheng, Yuan Baohe, Liang Erjun(*), Phase transition and thermal expansion property of Cr2-xZr0.5xMg0.5xMo3O12 solid solution, Chinese Physics B, 2014, 23(6): 066501.

22.       Fan chunzhen, Wang Junqiao, He Jinna, Ding Pei and Liang Erjun, “Theoretical study on the photonic band gap in one-dimensional photonic crystals with graded multilayer structure,” Chinese Physics B, 2013, 22(7), 074211.

23.       Fan Chunzhen(*), Wang Junqiao, Cheng Yongguang, Ding Pei, Liang Erjun, Huang Jiping, Electric field distribution around the chain of composite nanoparticles in ferrofluids, Chinese Physics B, 2013, 22(8): 084703.

24.       Liu Xiansheng, Wang Junqiao, Liang Erjun(*), Zhang Weifeng, Enhancing mechanism of visible-light absorption for photovoltaic response and photoluminescence of Zn2SnO4 with high solubility of Bi3+, Applied Surface Science, 2013, 280: 556-563.

25.       Liu Xiansheng, Wang Junqiao, Fan Chunzhen, Rui Shang, Fuxing Cheng, Baohe Yuan, Song Wenbo, Chen Yongguang, Liang Erjun, and Chao Mingju. “Control of Reaction Pathways for Rapid Synthesis of Negative Thermal Expansion Ceramic Zr2P2WO12 with Uniform Microstructure,” International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology,2015, 12(S2): E28-E33.

26.       He Jinna, Wang Junqiao, Ding Pei, Fan Chunzhen, Luk R. Arnaut, Liang Erjun(*), Optical Switching Based on Polarization Tunable Plasmon-InducedTransparency in Disk/Rod Hybrid Metasurfaces, Plasmonics, 2015, 10(5):1115-1121.

27.       Ding Pei(*), Wang Junqiao, He Jinna, Fan Chunzhen, Cai Genwang, Liang Erjun, Interplay between out-of-plane magnetic plasmon and lattice resonance for modified resonance lineshape and near-field enhancement in double nanoparticles array, Chinese Physics B, 2013, 22(12): 127802.

28.       Tan Xinhui, Wang Junqiao, Cai Wei, Meng Tao, Xiang Yinxiao, Li Wei, Zhang Xinzheng(*), Coherence preservation during light-surface plasmon polaritons-light transformation, Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 2013, 56(9): 1679-1683.

29.       Yuan Baohe, Zhou Wenjin, and Wang Junqiao(*), Novel H-shaped plasmon nanoresonators for efficient dual-band SERS and optical sensing applications, Journal of Optics, 2014, 16(10): 105013.

30.       He Jinna, Ding Pei, Wang Junqiao, Fan Chunzhen, and Liang Erjun(*), Ultra-narrow band perfect absorbers based on plasmonic analog of electromagnetically induced absorption, Optics Express, 2015, 23(5): 6083-6091.

31.       Zhu Shuangmei, Fan Chunzhen, Wang Junqiao, He Jinna, Liang Erjun(*), Chao Mingju, Realization of high sensitive SERS substrates with one-pot fabrication of Ag-Fe3O4 nanocomposites, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 438(1): 116-121.

32.       Zhu Shuangmei, Fan Chunzhen, Wang Junqiao, He Jinna, Liang Erjun(*), Chao Mingju, Surface enhanced Raman scattering of 4-aminothiophenol sandwiched between Ag nanocubes and smooth Pt substrate: The effect of the thickness of Pt film, Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 116(4), 044312.

33.       Ding Pei(*), Cai Genwang, Wang Junqiao, He Jinna, Fan Chunzhen, Liu Xiaomin, Liang Erjun, Low-threshold resonance amplification of out-of-plane lattice plasmons in active plasmonic nanoparticle arrays, Journal of Optics, 2014, 16(6), 065003.

34.       He Jinna, Fan Chunzhen, Wang Junqiao, Ding Pei, Cai Genwang, Cheng Yongguang, Zhu Shuangmei, Liang Erjun(*), A giant localized field enhancement and high sensitivity in an asymmetric ring by exhibiting Fano resonance, Journal of Optics, 2013, 15(2), 025007.

35.       Zhu Shuangmei, Fan Chunzhen, Wang Junqiao, He Jinna, Liang Erjun(*), Chao Mingju, Surface-enhanced Raman scattering of 4-mercaptobenzoic acid and hemoglobin adsorbed on self-assembled Ag monolayer films with different shapes,, Applied Physics A, 2014, 117(3): 1075-1083.

36.       Zhu Shuangmei, Fan Chunzhen, Wang Junqiao, He Jinna, Liang Erjun(*), Self-assembled Ag nanoparticles for surface enhanced Raman scattering, Optical Review, 2013, 20(5): 361-366.

37.       Zhang jie, Yuan Chao, Wang Junqiao, Liang Erjun, and Chao Mingju, Oxygen ion conductivity of La0. 8Sr0. 2Ga0. 83Mg0. 17− xCoxO3− δ synthesized by laser rapid solidification[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2013, 22(8): 087201.

38.       He Jinna, Ding Pei, Wang Junqiao, Fan Chunzhen, and Liang Erjun(*),Double Fano-type resonances in heptamer-hole array transmission spectra with high refractive index sensing, Journal of Modern Optics, 2015, 62(15), 1241-1247.

39.       Ding Pei(*), He Jinna, Wang Junqiao, Fan Chunzhen, and Liang Erjun, Electromagnetically induced transparency in all-dielectric metamaterial-waveguide system, Applied Optics, 2015, 54(12):3708-3714.

40.       Ding Pei, Li Mingyu, He Jinna, Wang Junqiao, Fan Chunzhen, and Zeng Fanguang, Guided mode caused by silicon nanopillar array for light emission enhancement in color-converting LED, Optics Express, 2015, 23(16): 21477-21489.

下一条:史志锋 教授


