
姓 名:宋红章
性 别:男
职 称:直聘教授
学 历:博士
2009/06 – 至今,郑州大学,物理工程学院/材料物理教育部重点实验室,讲师、副教授、硕士生导师、直聘教授
2006/03 – 2009/01,中科院上海硅酸盐所,高性能陶瓷与超微结构国家重点实验室,博士
2002/09 – 2005/06,郑州大学,物理工程学院,硕士
1998/09 – 2002/06,郑州大学,物理工程学院,学士
迄今,宋红章博士在"J. Mater. Chem. A"、 "J. Membrane Sci. "、 "Sensor Actuat. B"、"J. Appl. Phys."、"J. Alloy. Comp. "等期刊上共发表论文93篇,其中SCI、EI收录77篇。发明专利3项。
(1) 纳米热电材料与器件:基于半导体材料的赛贝克效应或帕尔贴效应可实现热能与电能直接相互转换,包括热电制冷和热电发电两种应用形式。热电制冷器件具有结构紧凑、无噪声、无磨损、无泄漏等特点,已广泛应用于局部冷却或温度控制;热电发电器件可为无人区信号发射装置、深空探测器、植入式医疗器械等提供电源,更重要的是可以作为一种实现余热能量回收、降低能源消耗的新型发电方式。通过纳米化是改善热电性能的有效途径,也是最近几年该领域的国际研究热点。
(2) 非化学计量氧化物的氧特性研究: 含有过渡金属元素的钙钛矿型氧化物,大都具有氧的非整比性(非化学计量性)。氧空位的出现,使氧离子可以在氧化物表面和内部晶格中吸附,扩散迁移,脱附,导致氧化物中的氧含量随周围氧分压或温度发生变化。氧化物这种独特性能广泛应用于气体分离和提纯、固体氧化物燃料电池的电极和电解质材料、以及氧传感器等领域。
(1) 主持:河南省高等学校重点科研项目(20A140028: 2020.01.01-2021.12.31).
(2) 主持:河南省重点实验室开放课题(2019.7-2021.6).
(3) 主持:洛阳德晶智能科技有限公司横向课题(2020.11-2021.5).
(4) 主持:河南省科技攻关项目(182102210183: 2018.01.01-2019.12.31).
(5) 主持:中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助(2018M630833: 2018.01.01-2019.12.31).
(6) 主持:河南省博士后基金二等资助(2017.01.01-2018.12.31).
(7) 主持:河南四方达超硬材料股份有限公司横向课题(2017.01.01-2019.12.31).
(8) 主持:河南省高等学校重点科研项目(16A140036: 2016.01.01-2017.12.31).
(9) 主持:河南省基础与前沿技术研究(152300410184: 2015.01.01-2016.12.31)
(10) 主持:河南省基础与前沿技术研究(132300410193: 2013.01.01-2014.12.31)
(11) 主持:河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目(13B140375:2013.02.28-2015.12.31).
(1) 郑州大学物理工程学院2016-2017、2017-2018两学年教学优秀奖。
(3) 河南省自然科学优秀学术论文多篇。
(4) 2015年郑州大学校级优秀硕士学位论文,毕业生:陈宇博,指导教师:马润香、宋红章。
(5) 2011年郑州大学校级优秀硕士学位论文,毕业生:张素梅,指导教师:胡 行、宋红章。
1. X. Liu, M. Fan, X. Zhu, Z. Tian, X.-J. Li, H. Song*, Optimising the thermoelectric properties of Bi2Sr2Co2Oy using Ag substitution and Nano-SiC Doping, Ceramics International 47 (2021) 30657-30664.
2. P. Wang, M. Fan, Y. Zhang, X.-J. Li, H. Song*, Effects of SiC doping on the thermoelectric properties of Bi1.9Ba0.1Sr2Co2Oy ceramics, Ceramics International 47 (2021) 25045-25050.
3. Q. Hu, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, X. Li, H. Song*, High thermoelectric performance in Cu2Se/CDs hybrid materials, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 813 (2020) 152204.
4. M. Fan, Y. Zhang, X.-J. Li, H. Song*, High thermoelectric performance in nano-SiC dispersed Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Co2Oy compounds, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 825 (2020) 154065.
5. C. Ruan, M. Fan, Y. Zhang, H. Song*, X.-J. Li, H. Hao, Enhancing the Thermoelectric Properties of Bi2Ba2Co2Oy by Dispersing SiC Nanoparticles Based on Na Element Doping, Ceramics International 46 (2020) 6899-6905.
6. Y. Zhang, M.M. Fan, C.C. Ruan, Y.W. Zhang, X.-J. Li, and H. Song*, Influence of multi-sintering on the thermoelectric properties of Bi2Sr2Co2Oy ceramics, Modern Physics Letters B 34 (2020) 2050019.
7. M. Fan, Y. Zhang, Q. Hu, Y. Zhang, X. Li, and H. Song*, Enhanced thermoelectric properties of Bi2Sr2Co2Oy by alkali metal element doping and SiC dispersion, Ceramics International 45 (2019) 17723–17728.
8. Z. Zhu, Y. Zhang, H. Song*, X.-J. Li, High thermoelectric performance and low thermal conductivity in Cu2-xNaxSe bulk materials with micro-pores, Applied Physics A 125 (2019) 572.
9. R. Cao, Z. Zhu, X. Li, X. Hu, H. Song*, Enhanced thermoelectric properties of the Lu-doped and CNT dispersed Bi2Te3 alloy, Applied Physics A 125 (2019) 126.
10. E. Li, C. Liu, H. Song*, Thermoelectric Properties of Bi2Sr2CO2Oy/Cu2Se Composites, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 585 (2019) 012043.
11. Q.J. Hu, Z. Zhu, Y.W. Zhang, X.J. Li, H. Song*, Y.J. Zhang, Remarkably high thermoelectric performance of Cu2-xLixSe bulks with nanopores, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (2018) 23417-23424.
12. Z. Zhu Y.W. Zhang, H.Z. Song*, X.J. Li, Enhancement of thermoelectric property of Cu1.98Se by Na-doping, Journal of Electronic Materials 47 (2018) 7514-7519.
13. F. Gao, S.L. Leng, Z. Zhu, X.J. Li, X. Hu, H.Z. Song*, Preparation and thermoelectric properties of Cu2Se hot-pressed from hydrothermal synthesis nanopowders, Journal of Electronic Materials 47 (2018) 2454-2460.
14. Z. Zhu, Y.W. Zhang, H.Z. Song*, and X.J. Li, Enhancement of thermoelectric performance of Cu2Se by K doping, Applied Physics A 124 (2018) 871.
15. Z. Zhu, Y.W. Zhang, H.Z. Song*, and X.J. Li, Enhancement of thermoelectric performance of Cu1.98Se by Pb-doping, Applied Physics A 124 (2018) 747.
16. R.J. Cao, E.I. Li, Q.J. Hu, Z. Zhu, Y. Zhang, X.J. Li, X. Hu, H.Z. Song*, Enhanced thermoelectric properties of Cu2-δSe nanopowder dispersed Bi2Ba2Co2Oy ceramics, Applied Physics A 124 (2018) 669.
17. Q.J. Hu, K.L. Wang, Y.J. Zhang, X.J. Li, H.Z. Song*, Enhanced thermoelectric properties of nano SiC dispersed Bi2Sr2Co2Oy Ceramics, Materials Research Express 5 (2018) 045510.
18. E.I. Li, S. Wang, Z. Zhu, R.J. Cao, X. Hu, H.Z. Song*, Enhanced thermoelectric properties of Hg-doped Cu2Se, International Journal of Modern Physics B 32 (2018) 1850087.
19. F. Wu, Q.L. He, M. Tang, H.Z. Song*, Thermoelectric properties of Tl and I dual-doped Bi2Te3 based alloys, International Journal of Modern Physics B 32 (2018) 1850123.
20. S.L Leng, W. Shi, H.Z. Song*, Electrical transport properties of Cu2Se dispersed and Na-doped Bi2Ba2Co2Oy thermoelectric composites, Advances in Engineering Research 163 (2018) 1772-1776.
21. R.J. Cao, H.Z. Song*, W.X. Gao, E.Y. Li, X.J. Li, X. Hu, Thermoelectric properties of Lu-doped n-type LuxBi2-xTe2.7Se0.3 alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 727 (2017) 326-331.
22. W.X. Gao, H. Chai, F. Wu, X.J. Li, X. Hu, H.Z. Song*, Enhanced thermoelectric properties of CNT dispersed and Na-doped Bi2Ba2Co2Oy composites, Ceramics International 43 (2017) 5723–5727.
23. W.X. Gao, G.J. Wang, X.J. Li, X. Hu, H.Z. Song*, Improved Thermoelectric Properties of Hole-Doped Bi2Ba2Co2Oy Ceramics, International Journal of Modern Physics B 31 (2017) 1750042.
24. F. Gao, X.H. Du, F. Wu, X.J. Li, X. Hu and H.Z. Song*, Thermoelectric properties of Cu2Se/xNi0.85Se hot-pressed from hydrothermal synthesis nanopowders, Modern Physics Letters B 31 (2017) 1750093.
25. S.L. Leng, X.X. Wang, H.Z. Song*, Enhanced Thermopower of YBaCo4O7+δ by Na-for-Ba Substitution, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 61 (2017) 012014
26. L. Yao, F. Wu, X.X. Wang, R.J. Cao, X.J. Li, X. Hu, and H.Z. Song*, Effects of Thallium Doping on the Transport Properties of Bi2Te3 Alloy, Journal of Electronic Materials 45 (2016) 3053-3058.
27. Y.B. Chen, X.L. Cao, R.X. Ma, F. Gao, X. Hu, and H.Z. Song*, Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties of Hole-Doped Lu1-xPbxBaCo4O7 Ceramics, Journal of Electronic Materials 44 (2015) 3545-3549.
28. K. Wang, Q. He, Y. Chen, X. Hu, H.Z. Song*, Oxygen Resistance Sensor Properties of YBaCo4O7+δ and Y0.5Tb0.5BaCo4O7+δ, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 12 (2015) 1184–1188.
29. Y.B. Chen, R.X. Ma, K.L. Wang, F. Gao, X. Hu, and H.Z. Song*, Thermoelectric properties of hole-doped Yb1-xPbxBaCo4O7+δ ceramics, International Journal of Modern Physics B 29 (2015) 1550082.
30. F. Gao, Q.L. He, R.J. Cao, F. Wu, X. Hu, H.Z. Song*, Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties of Hole-Doped Bi2-xKxSr2Co2Oy Ceramics, International Journal of Modern Physics B 29 (2015) 1550192.
31. F. Gao, Q.L. He, F. Wu, D.L. Yang, X. Hu, H.Z. Song*, Influence of R3+ Ion Sizes on the Thermoelectric Properties of RBaCo4O7+δ Ceramics, Modern Physics Letters B 29 (2015) 1550154.
32. Q.L. He, S.Y. Li, F. Gao, Z. Zhu, X. Hu, H.Z. Song*, High temperature thermoelectric properties of Bi2-xNaxSr2Co2Oy ceramics, Modern Physics Letters B 29 (2015) 1550159.
33. K. Wang, Z. Qin, X. Wang, J. Jia, X. Hu, H.Z. Song*, Investigation on the oxygen resistance properties of Ca2AlMnO5+δ ceramics, Sensor Letters, 13(3), 236-239, 2015.
34. Q.L. He, Z. Qin, J. Zhang, F. Gao, X. Hu, H.Z. Song*, Enhanced thermoelectric properties of hole doped Bi2-xBaxSr2Co2Oy ceramics, Journal of Electronic Materials 43, 1432-1435, 2014.
35. Q.L. He, X.X. Shang, H.Z. Song*, H.S. Hao, Effect of Al doping on the Oxygen Adsorption and Electronic Transport Properties of YBaCo4O7, Functional Materials,45(16),16148-16152,2014。
36. H.Z. Song*, Z. Qin, F. Gao, J.F. Jia, D.L. Yang, X. Hu, High temperature oxygen sensing properties of oxygen deficient RBaCo2O5+δ thick films, Sensors and Actuators B 177, 50-54, 2013.
37. Q.L. He, J. Zhang, F. Gao, F. Wu, X. Hu, H.Z. Song*, Thermoelectric Properties of Y1-xAgxBaCo4O7+δ Ceramics, Journal of Electronic Materials 42, 2570-2573, 2013.
38. Z. Qin, H.Z. Song*, F. Gao, J.F. Jia, D.L. Yang, X. Hu, Influence of R3+ Ion Sizes on the Transport Properties of RBaCo2O5+δ Ceramics, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 10, E145–E150, 2013.
39. F. Gao, J. Zhang, H.Z. Song*, Z. Qin, D. Yang, X. Hu, Thermoelectric properties of GdBaCo2-xFexO5+δ ceramics, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 24, 3095-3100, 2013.
40. Q.L. He, F. Gao, H.Z. Song*, X. Hu, Influence of Eu substitution for Y on the high temperature electric transport properties of YBaCo4O7+δ, Advanced Materials Research 724-725, 1029-1032, 2013.
41. Q.L. He, Z.Y. Guo, X. Hu, H.Z. Song*, Influence of Cu doping on the thermoelectric properties of Bi1.5Pb0.5Sr1.8La0.2Co2Oy, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 423-426 (2013) 593-596.
42. H.Z. Song*, J.F. Jia, S.M. Zhang, D.L. Yang, H.W. Sun, X. Hu, Remarkable oxygen adsorption/desorption capability of Y0.5Tb0.5BaCo4O7+δ under temperature cycles, Materials Research Bulletin 47, 518–520, 2012.
43. H.Z. Song*, Z. Qin, F. Gao, J.F. Jia, D.L. Yang, X. Hu, Investigation on oxygen resistance properties of RBaCo2O5+δ ceramics, Journal of Inorganic Materials 27(8), 887-890, 2012.
44. H.Z. Song*, H.R. Zeng, Y.X. Li, Q.R. Yin, and X. Hu, Ferroic domain characterization of Ni55Mn20.6Ga24.4 ferromagnetic shape memory alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 21, 2015-2019, 2011.
45. S.M. Zhang, H.Z. Song*, J.F. Jia, D.L. Yang, H.W. Sun, X. Hu, Oxygen behavior in Y1-xZrxBaCo4O7+δ, Ceramics-Silikaty, 55(2), 195-197, 2011.
46. S.M. Zhang, H.Z. Song*, X.H. SU, J.F. Jia, D.L. Yang, H.W. Sun, X. Hu, Preparation and Oxygen Intake/Release Characteristics of YBaCo2Fe2O7, Advanced Materials Research 306-307, 1520-1523, 2011.
47. H.Z. Song, Y.X. Li, K.Y. Zhao, H.R. Zeng, S.X. Hui, G.R. Li, and Q.R. Yin, Influence of stress on the magnetic domain structure in Fe81Ga19 alloys, Journal of Applied Physics 105, 013913, 2009.
48. H.Z. Song, Y.X. Li, K.Y. Zhao, H.R. Zeng, G.R. Li, and Q.R. Yin, The scanning electron acoustic microscopy investigation on ferroic materials under local stress, Journal of Materials Research, 24(7), 2173-2178, 2009.
49. H.Z. Song, Y.X. Li, K.Y. Zhao, H.R. Zeng, S.X. Hui, G.R. Li, and Q.R. Yin, Direct and simultaneous observation of ferroelectric and magnetic domains, Materials Letters 63, 589-591, 2009.
50. H.Z. Song, Y.X. Li, J.T. Zeng, G.R. Li, and Q.R. Yin, Observation of magnetic domain structure in Terfenol-D by scanning electron acoustic microscopy, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320, 978-982, 2008.
51. H.Z. Song, Y.X. Li, K.Y. Zhao, H.R. Zeng, S.X. Hui, G.R. Li, and Q.R. Yin, Contrast mechanism of magnetic domains in electron acoustic imaging, Journal of Applied Physics 104, 094913, 2008.
52. H.Z. Song, Y.X. Li, H.R. Zeng, L. Ma, G.H. Wu, S.X. Hui, G.R. Li, and Q.R. Yin, Electron acoustic imaging of Mn50Ni28Ga22 ferromagnetic shape memory alloy, Applied Physics A 92, 309-311, 2008.
53. H.Z. Song, Y.X. Li, K.Y. Zhao, H.R. Zeng, and Q.R. Yin, Effects of local stress on microstructure of some ferroic materials, 2008 International Materials Research Conference, Invited paper, Chongqing, China, June 9-12, 2008.
54. H.Z. Song, M.M. Huang, D.L. Yang, X. Hu, and Y.X. Li, Oxygen permeability of perovskite-type Y1-xMxBa2Cu3O7-δ (M = La, Ca) membranes, Materials Science and Engineering B 137, 284-288, 2007.
55. H.Z. Song, Y.X. Li, Q.R. Yin, Progress in Research on Critical size of Phase Transition in Ferroelectrics, Journal of Inorganic Materials, 22(4), 583-589, 2007.
56. H.Z. Song, D.L. Yang, J. Hu, H.S. Hao, X. H, Oxygen Permeability of Mixed Ionic and Electronic Conductivity, Journal of Inorganic Materials, 21(1), 199-203, 2006.
1. 郭娟,卢喜凤,郜超军,张腊花,宋红章,贾建峰,胡行,氧化物热电材料Ca3-xKxCo4O9的微波烧结合成方法,2015/5/6,中国,专利公开号CN104591299A.
2. 宋晓辉,赵华东,吕鹏,张瑞,张景双,李和林,许俊杰,张响,宋红章,田增国,一种高可靠性热电器件及制备方法,申请号:202011297638.8,申请日期:2020.11.19
3. 宋晓辉,张瑞,吕鹏,赵华东,张景双,李和林,许俊杰,张响,宋红章,田增国,一种热电器件封装界面及其连接方法,申请号:202011301033.1,申请日期:2020.11.19