姓 名:李顺方
性 别:男
学 历:博士
电 话:18703683281
2012.06-至今,郑州大学, 物理工程学院物理系,教授, 硕、博士生导师。
2010.04-2012.06,美国田纳西大学物理&材料系&橡树岭国家实验室,Zhenyu Zhang&Yanfei Gao教授课题组,访问学者。
2006.03-2006.06,美国哈佛大学,物理系,Zhenyu Zhang教授课题组,访问学者。
1999.9-2004.7 中国科学院固体物理研究所 硕、博连读
1995.9-1999.7 河南师范大学物理系,本科
2008年河南省教育厅学术技术带头人, 2009年河南省青年骨干教师培养对象,2013年河南省科技创新人才杰出青年基金获得者,河南省科技创新团队科研骨干。主持完成国家自然科学基金2项,作为主要参与人参与完成和在研国家自然科学基金2项。
在包括Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. B, App. Phys. Lett., J. Phys. Chem. C, Phys. Chem. Chem等国际主流杂志上发表SCI论文30多篇。
(1)“用团簇组装一维(磁性)纳米线的理论计算研究”,国家自然科学基金青年项目,起止年限:2007.1-2009.12, 资助金额:28万;
(2)"合金" 与"尺寸"效应双重调控下高效二氧化碳催化剂的第一性原理计算研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,起止年限:2010.1-2013.12,资助金额:38万;
28.“Intriguing Structures and Magic Sizes of Heavy Noble Metal Nanoclusters around Size 55 governed by Relativistic Effect and Covalent Bonding” X. J. Zhao, XinlianXue, Q.Sun, Yu Jia, and S. F. Li, J. Chem. Phys. 143, 174302 (2015)
27.“Sub-surface alloying largely influences graphene nucleation and growth over transition metal substrates” Liying Zhang, Xingju Zhao, Xinlian Xue, Jinlei Shi, Chong Li, Xiaoyan Ren, Chunyao Niu, Yu Jia, Zhengxiao Guo, and Shunfang Li*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 17,30270 (2015) (IF=4.493) (该文被选为PCCP的outside back cover image封面文章。)
26.“Catalytic activities of noble metal atoms on WO3(001): nitric oxide adsorption” Xiaoyan Ren, Shuai Zhang, Chong Li, Shunfang Li, Yu Jia, and Jun-Hyung Cho, Nanoscale Research Letters 10, 60 (2015) (IF=2.779)
25.“Intrinsic spin dependent and ferromagnetic stability on edge saturated zigzag graphene-like carbon-nitride nanoribbons” Shuai Zhang,Chong Li,S. F. Li, Q. Sun, Z. X. Guo, and Yu Jia, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 172111 (2014) (IF=3.302)
24.“Magicity of Transition Metal Nanoclusters Based on Generalized Wulff Construction”S. F. Li, X.J.Zhao, X.S.Xu, Y.F.Gao, and Zhenyu Zhang, Phys.Rev.Lett.111, 115501 (2013) (IF=7.512)
23.“The highly active Ce4O8nanoparticle for CO oxidation”Jinpeng Zhang, Zhaoming Fu, Zongxian Yang, Shunfang Li,Phys. Lett. A, 376,3235 (2012) (IF=1.766)
22.“High inertness of W@Si12cluster toward O2 molecule”S. F. Li*, XinlianXue, HaoZhai, XinchuangNie, Fei. Wang, Q. Sun, Yu Jia, Z.X.Guo and S.A. Shevlin Phys. Lett. A, 376, 1454 (2012) (IF=1.766)
21.“Ab initio study of larger Pbn clusters stabilized by Pb7 units possessing significant covalent bonding”Haisheng Li, Yong Ji, Fei Wang, S. F. Li, Q. Sun, and Yu Jia,Phys. Rev. B 83, 075429 (2011) (IF=3.736)
20.“First-principles calculationson the role of Ni-doping in Cunclusters: from geometric and electronic structures to chemical activities toward CO2” S. L. Han, Xinlian Xue, X. C. Nie, H. Zhai, F. Wang, Q. Sun, Yu Jia, S. F. Li* and Z.X.Guo* Phys. Lett. A, 374, 4324 (2010) (IF=1.766)
19.“Hcp metal nanoclusters with hexagonal A-A bilayer stacking stabilized by enhanced covalent bonding”S. F. Li*, Haisheng Li, XinlianXue, Yu Jia, Z. X. Guo, Zhenyu Zhang and X. G. Gong, Phys. Rev. B 82, 035443 (2010) (IF=3.736)
18.“CO2 Activation and Total Reduction on Titanium (0001) Surface” S. F. Li* and Z. X. Guo,J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 11456 (2010) (IF=4.772)
17.“First-principles study of structural and electronic properties of zincblende AlxIn1-xN”FeiWang,S. F. Li, Qiang Sun and Yu Jia,Solid State Sciences, 12, 1641 (2010). (IF=1.839)
16.“Stability and electronic properties of the O-terminated Cu2O(111) surfaces: First-principles investigation” Cong Li, FeiWang,S. F. Li, Q. Sun, Yu Jia,Phys. Lett. A, 374, 2994 (2010) (IF=1.766)
15.“Noble and alkali adatoms on a Si(111)√3 × √3–Ag surface: a first-principles study” Xin Xie, JMLi, W G Chen, F.Wang, S. F. Li, Q Sun and Yu Jia, J. Phys: Condens. Matter.22, 085001(2010) (IF=2.346)
14.“Oxygen vacancy pairs on CeO2 (110): A DFT+U study” Zongxian Yang, Xiaohu Yu, Zhansheng Lu, Shunfang Li, Kersti Hermansson Phys. Lett. A 3732786 (2009) ((IF=1.766)
13.“First-principles calculation of the 6.1 Å family bowing parameters and band offsets” Fei Wang, Yu Jia, Shunfang Li, and Qiang Sun,J. Appl. Phys.105, 043101 (2009) (IF=2.183)
12.“First-principles investigation of mechanical and electronic properties of MNNi3 (M=Zn, Mg, or Cd)” Chong Li, W. G. Chen, Fei Wang, S. F. Li, Q. Sun, Songyou Wang, and Yu JiaJ. Appl. Phys.105, 123921 (2009) (IF=2.183)
11.“Role of Ag-doping in small transition metal clusters from first-principles simulations” S. F. Li*, Zelun Shao, Shuli Han, XinlianXue, F. Wang, Q. Sun, Yu Jia, and Z. X. Guo, J. Chem. Phys, 131, 184301 (2009) (IF=2.952)
10.“Size- and charge-dependent geometric and electronic structures of Bin (Bi-n) clusters (n=2–13) by first-principles simulations” Liming Gao, Pinglin Li, Heqiang Lu, S. F. Li*, and Z. X. Guo, J. Chem. Phys.128, 194304 (2008) (IF=2.952)
9.“First-principles local density approximation (generalized gradient approximation) +U study of catalytic CenOmclusters: Uvalue differs from bulk”S. F. Li*, Heqiang Lu, Pinglin Li, Zongxian Yang, and Z. X. Guo J. Chem. Phys. 128, 164718 (2008) (IF=2.952)
8.“No cage, no tube: Relative stabilities of Nanostructures”S. F. Li, Liming Gao, X. G. Gong, Z. X. Guo,J. Phys. Chem. C, 112, 13200 (2008) (IF=4.772)
7.“Structural and electronic properties of Run clusters (n=2-14) studied by first-principles calculations” Shunfang Li*,Haisheng Li, Jing Liu, XinlianXue, Yongtao Tian, Hao He and Yu Jia Phys. Rev. B76, 045410 (2007) (IF=3.736)
6.“Neutral and negatively charged Al12X ( X=Si , Ge, Sn, Pb) clusters”S. F. Li, and X. G. Gong,Phys. Rev. B 74, 045432 (2006) (IF=3.736)
5.“Ab initio studies on the reaction of O2with Ban (n=2, 5) clusters”S. F. Li, XinlianXue, G. Chen and D. W. Yuan, Yu Jia, X. G. Gong ,J. Chem. Phys.124, 224711 (2006) (IF=2.952)
4.“First-principles studies on the adsorption of molecular oxygen on Ba(110) surface” S. F. Li*, XinlianXue, Pinglin Li, Xinjian Li and Yu Jia ,Phys. Lett. A 352, 526(2006) (IF=1.766)
3.“Stable cubic metal-semiconductor alloy clusters:X4Y4(X=Cu, Ag, Au, Ti;Y=C, Si) ” S. F. Li*, XinlianXue, Y. Jia, Gaofeng Zhao, Mingfeng Zhang, and X. G. Gong Phys. Rev. B 73, 165401 (2006) (IF=3.736)
2.“First-principles studies on the reactions of O2 with silicon clusters” S. F. Li, X.G. Gong,J. Chem. Phys. 122, 174311 (2005) (IF=2.952)
1.“Charge-induced structural changes in Al12C clusters”S. F. Li, X.G. Gong, Phys. Rev. B 70,075404 (2004)(IF=3.736)