
Computational Intelligence Laboratory

An article of Professor Jing Liang was chose as the primacy of the Top 10-Year Cited Articles in the field of Evolutionary Computing by Google Scholar


According to the latest Classic Papers of Google Scholar, " Comprehensive learning particle swarm optimizer for global optimization of multimodal functions ", An article published in 2006 by Professor Jing Liang, was chose as the primacy of the Top 10-Year Cited Articles in the field of Evolutionary Computing. And this article’s publications have been well cited with over 2208 Google scholar Citations.

Professor Jing Liang is the academic leader of the provincial innovation team of "modern industrial intelligent optimization and control", She is an experienced scholar in the field of computing intelligence. She is a regular reviewer of some journals including IEEE Transactions On Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B、Information Sciences. She has authored more than 80 research articles in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences, and the publications of Professor Jing Liang have been well cited with over 7800 Google scholar Citations. She has proposed a series of swarm intelligence algorithms and its standard test functions and performance evaluation criteria, and provided function test packages. The algorithm has been successfully applied to practical optimization problems such as antennas, raster and production lines.