主要论著 [1] Yuefeng Liao, Guo Xu*, Yao Sun, Tao Peng, Mei Su, Bin Guo and Wenjing Xiong. Single-stage DAB-LLC Hybrid Bidirectional Converter with Tight Voltage Regulation under DCX Operation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2021, 68(1): 293-303. (SCI, IF= 8.236,中科院一区Top) [2] Yuefeng Liao, Guo Xu*, Tao Peng, Yao Sun, Dong Liu, Yongheng Yang and Mei Su. An LLC-DAB Bidirectional DCX Converter with Wide Load Range ZVS and Reduced Switch Count. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 2022, 37(2): 2250-2263. (SCI, IF=6.153,中科院一区Top) [3] Yuefeng Liao, Jing Liangping*, Guo Xu, Caitong yue, Shan miao and Duo Yang. Optimization design method of power distribution relationship for LLC-DAB hybrid bidirectional converter based on Sigma structure. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems. Early Access. (SCI, IF= 6.9,中科院二区) [4] Yuefeng Liao, Guo Xu*, Tao Peng, Yao Sun, Yongheng Yang and Wenjing Xiong. Power-Estimation-Based Synchronous Rectification Solution for Bidirectional DABLLC Converter. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II-Express Briefs. 2022, 69(3), 1213-1217. (SCI, IF=3.292,中科院二区Top) [5] Xiao Han, Yuefeng Liao* and Duo Yang. Model Predictive Control Strategy for DAB-LLC Hybrid Bidirectional Converter Based on Power Distribution Balance. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2024, 71(6), 3236-3240. (SCI, IF=3.292,中科院二区Top) [6] Asad Ali and Yuefeng Liao*. Optimized Control for Modified Push-Pull Dual Active Bridge Converter to Achieve Wide ZVS Range and Low Current Stress [J]. IEEE Access. 2021, Early Access. (SCI, 中科院三区) [7] Bin Guo, Mei Su, Yao Sun*, Hui Wang, Xing Li, Yuefeng Liao, Jianheng Lin and Yongheng Yang. Cost-Effective DC Current Suppression for Single-Phase Grid Connected PV Inverter, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics , 2020, 9(2): 1808-1823. (SCI, IF=4.472,中科院二区) |