关于邀请美国威斯康星大学麦迪森校区Francois Vict...

为促进郑州大学外语学院与国外知名大学及研究机构之间的国际学术交流与合作,提升我院教师的课堂以及网络教学能力和水平,推动我院的慕课建设,我院特别邀请美国威斯康星大学麦迪森校区Francois Victor Tochon教授4月9日下午3:30来院做有关“Designing Flipped Classrooms ” (翻转课堂的设计)的学术报告,讲座地点:学院一楼报告厅。敬请全院专业英语以及大外的老师们积极参加!


Dr. Francois Victor Tochon
Professor, University of Wisconsin Madison
Chairman, Board of Trustees of Deep University
Chief Editor, Deep University Press
President, International Network for Language Education Policy Studies
Vice-President, APAMALL
Dr. Francois Victor Tochon is a Professor in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he headed Teacher Education in his area for 6 years. He has a Ph.D. in Curriculum & Instruction (Université Laval) and a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology (Ottawa University), and received the equivalent of Honorary Doctorates from two universities in Argentina and Peru. Prof. Tochon received an award from the U.S. Department of Education to create, research and evaluate a “deep approach” to curricula that would adopt a pluralistic education policy. It allowed him to format an interface between education policies and classroom curricula and practices in higher education. In 2007-2008, he was awarded grants from Spencer and Tubitak—National Science and Technology Foundation of Turkey—to study ways to internationalize Education through e-portfolios, and a deep approach. With twenty-five books and more than hundred articles and book chapters to his credit, Prof. Tochon has also been Visiting Professor in many universities in over twenty countries. He is currently published in 11 languages. Among his books are: "The Foreign Self: Truth Telling as Educational Inquiry"  (Atwood); Tropics of Teaching: Productivity, Warfare, and Priesthood" at University of Toronto Press. His article published in the Review of Educational Research (79/2) received the 2010 Award of Best Review of Research from the American Educational Research Association (AERA).  In 2012 he received the Award of International Excellence for his research from the University of Granada in Spain. He is among the 1% most visited profiles of the vocational network LinkedIn and received the 2013-2014 Medal of the International Lions Club Foundation for his contributions to Academia and Humanity.  His 2014 book on the Deep Approach is an international best-seller in its specialty.


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