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发布时间:2019年03月04日 来源:




21 世纪是全球化与知识经济的大时代。全球化标志着跨国活动愈加频繁,人口流动的速度与幅度不断扩大,经济活动更加国际化;知识经济标志着无形的知识与创意有时比有形的“产品”更有市场价值。适应这一时代的新人应具有国际视野,能够理解多元文化,具有与不同种族、文化沟通的能力,拥有新形态的公民素养。21世纪的国际教育发展,多元格局渐渐彰显。亚洲各国、各地区的政府对高等教育越来越重视,在资源的投放、高端人才的引入、研究产出的扶持等方面已取得了积极成果,亚洲大学尤其是中国大学,在国际上崛起,举世瞩目。







An Introduction to the International

and Comparative Citizenship Education Research Centre

Director: Professor Wingon Lee

Established in September 2017, The International and Comparative Citizenship Education Research Centre is attached to School of Education, Zhengzhou University. This center now employs 16 full-time researchers, including two professors, six associate professors, and one postdoc. Of these researchers, fifteen hold a doctor's degree.

The 21st century is a big era of globalization and the knowledge economy. Globalization indicates the increasing frequency of cross-border activities, the constantly expanding speed and extent of population movements, and the more internationalized economic activities.Knowledge economy marks that intangible knowledge and creativity are sometimes more marketable than tangible “products”.Newcomers to this era should have an international perspective, be able to understand multicultures, have the ability to communicate with different races and cultures, and have a new form of citizenship.In the 21st century, the development of international education has gradually highlighted the diversified pattern. Governmentsof Asian countries and various regions have pay more and more attention to higher education, and have made positive achievements in resources allocation, high-end talent introduction, research output support, etc. Asian universities, especially Chinese universities, have risen internationally and attracted worldwide attention.

In accordance with the requirements of this era, we set up the International and comparative Citizenship Education Research Centre, which has three theoretical interests and research purposes:

First, we are dedicated to studying what new forms of civic literacy are, what are their characteristics and how to further develop these characteristics through education in the process of rapidly changing globalization.Here, we put forward the concept of “Asian citizens”, tapping the Chinese culture attaches great importance to the concept of human relations and citizens of a home under the sun, the unity of nature and world view, and the unity of mind and feelings, summarizing its value friendship, understanding and empathy of citizen moral education method, expanding international citizen concept, connotation and methods of moral education, strengthening citizen moral education in Asia international voice and dialogue.

Second, we are committed to looking at the development trend of global citizen moral education, comparing different understandings and different education programs of different countries and cultures on the same problem, analyzing their advantages and disadvantages, and finding the best scheme, so as to provide the theoretical guidance for citizen moral education in the field of practice.

Third, we are devoted to building friendships with international partners, exploring and learning from each other, and expanding the world influence and international contribution of the civic moral education concept based on Chinese culture.

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