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发布日期:2017-09-04     作者: admin     浏览数:    分享到:

报告题目:Curvature dimension condition and heat semigroup operator on graphs



报告人:中国人民大学  林勇  教授

报告摘要:In this talk, we derive that if a graph has non-negative curvature then it has the volume doubling property, from this we can prove the Gaussian estimate for heat kernel, and then Poincar\'{e} inequality and Harnack inequality. Under the assumption of positive curvature on graphs, we derive the Bonnet-Myers type theorem that the diameter of graphs is finite and bounded above in terms of the positive curvature. The proof used the heat semigroup technique. Using the similar heat semigroup method, we also proved the stochastic completeness for graphs satisfying the curvature dimension condition. The talk is based on a series of joint works with Horn, Hua, Liu and Yau.  


林勇,博士生导师,1997年获芬兰Jyvaskyla大学理学博士,1998年到中国人民大学信息学院任教至今。 20049-20056月为美国哈佛大学博士后,访问学者,20099-201012月为美国哈佛大学高级访问学者,并应邀访问过芬兰赫尔辛基大学, 香港中文大学等。研究方向是图上的几何与分析、几何测度论。主持国家自然科学基金5项。在 J. Differential Geom., Comm. Math. Phys.等知名刊物上发表论文30余篇。

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