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发布日期:2018-11-06     作者: admin     浏览数:    分享到:

报告题目Statistical meta-analysis and its application in evidence-based medicine

童铁军 教授 博士生导师



   Evidence-based medicine is attracting increasing attention to improve decision making in medical practice. Meta-analysis is a statistical technique widely used in evidence-based medicine for analytically combining the findings from independent clinical trials to provide an overall estimation of a treatment effectiveness. In this talk, I will first give an overview of the history and the main procedure of conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis. I will then present some statistical challenges in meta-analysis, and provide our new developments in this direction to advance the literature. Our proposed methods not only improve the existing ones significantly but also share the same virtue of the simplicity. They are also capable to serve as ‘‘rules of thumb’’ and will be widely applied in evidence-based medicine.

报告人简介童铁军,香港浸会大学数学系教授,博士生导师。童教授1998年本科毕业于中国科学技术大学,2001年硕士毕业于中国科学技术大学,2005年博士毕业于美国加利福尼亚大学圣芭芭拉分校,2005-2007年在耶鲁大学做博士后研究。研究兴趣包括高维数据分析、非参数半参数回归、医学统计和Meta分析、Mediation分析等。已在《Journal of the American Statistical Association》、《Biometrika》、《Statistical Science》、《Journal of Machine Learning Research》、《Bioinformatics》等国际顶级统计期刊上发表高质量的SCI论文70多篇。目前主持研究国家自然科学基金面上项目和港府科研基金项目多项。



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