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The 2021 annual meeting of the Secretary of the Party branch of the business school on the work report and evaluation of Party building was successfully held
Time: Mar 18, 2022

The leading group of the college, members of the Party committee, Secretary of the teaching Party branch, members of the branch, heads and deputy directors of departments attended. The meeting was presided over by Du Daoyun, deputy secretary of the Party committee.

At the meeting, seven Party branch secretaries of the party branches of the finance department, the economy department, the accounting department, the international economy and trade department, the business administration department, the statistics department and the administration department made a report on their work around the contents of "the development of the Party branch work in the past year", "the shortcomings of the Party branch work" and "the direction and improvement measures of the Party branch work". Members of the Party committee of the college commented respectively and pointed out that the secretaries of all Party branches have attached great importance to Party Construction in the past year, can consciously perform the duties of "the first responsible person", and have made outstanding contributions to leading and promoting business development with high-quality branch construction. All branches have played an outstanding role in flood control and disaster relief, grass-roots fighting fortress for epidemic prevention and control, and vanguard and exemplary role of Party members. While recognizing their achievements, We should also deeply analyze the existing deficiencies and clarify the direction of efforts and improvement measures.

Miao Huiqing, Secretary of the Party committee of the Academy, made a concluding speech, fully affirmed the work carried out by all Party branches in the past year, and thanked the secretaries of all Party branches for their efforts and contributions in grass-roots party construction. He pointed out that in order to better promote the party building work in the next year, all branches should deeply consider three questions: how to promote the high-quality development of the college with high-quality party building? How to integrate and promote party building with business and management? Brainstorm suggestions for the rules of procedure of the school Party branch. Miao Huiqing stressed that the work of the branch should stress righteousness, establish righteousness, establish righteousness and promote righteousness, so that the wind of righteousness can be blown to all corners of the college to form an atmosphere of "unity, tension, seriousness and liveliness", so that teachers and students can work and study easily and happily, concentrate on making greater contributions to the transformation and development of research-based business schools, forge ahead and welcome the victory of the 20th CPC National Congress with excellent achievements!