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The ucpc appointed Miao Huiqing as the party secretary of the business school
Time: Feb 9, 2022

On February 8, 2022, the business school held a cadre meeting and a meeting for the new party secretary to take office. Li Xingcheng, deputy secretary of the ucpc, Wang Yuliang, member of the Standing Committee of the ucpc and head of the Organization Department, all members of the Zheng team of the business school, secretaries and directors of all department (Office) branches attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Wang Haijie, executive dean of the business school.

Wang Yuliang announced the decision of the Party committee of Zhengzhou University to appoint comrade Miao Huiqing as the party secretary of the business school.

Li Xingcheng made an important speech. He pointed out: the adjustment of leading cadres of the business school is a decision made by the ucpc according to the actual situation of the school, after careful consideration, full study and judgment, repeated consideration, and according to requirements and procedures; Comrade Miao Huiqing once held a leading position in the business school for a long time. He understands the business school, has a good mass base, a positive work style and strong ability and quality. He believes that returning to the business school as party secretary this time will be able to unite with the team members and all teachers and students of the school, reform and innovation and make greater contributions.

Li Xingcheng fully affirmed the achievements made by the business school in discipline construction and talent training in recent years, and put forward five requirements for the work in the next stage: first, adhere to the party's leadership, adhere to the socialist school running direction and adhere to the party's educational policy. The Party committee of the college should grasp major events, set the direction, make decisions and ensure implementation, so as to cultivate more builders and successors of the socialist cause with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor for the country. Second, adhere to democratic centralism. We should strictly implement the rules of procedure of the College (Department) party organization meeting, the rules of procedure of the College (Department) party and government joint meeting, and the detailed rules for the implementation of the "three important and one large" system of the College (Department), so as to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the majority of faculty officers to start a business. Third, adhere to building morality and cultivating people. The primary task of a university is to cultivate talents. At any time, we should not forget the original mission of educating, establishing morality and cultivating people. We should raise the training standards and improve the level of running a school with a highly responsible attitude towards students. Fourth, adhere to strengthening the academy by disciplines. There is still a gap between the discipline construction of business school and the requirements of the Party committee and economic and social development. It is necessary to further demonstrate and plan in combination with the construction goal of "first-class university" and vigorously enhance the social influence and contribution. Fifth, adhere to the principle of rejuvenating the hospital with talents. Talents are the primary productive force and the most fundamental support for the development of the college. We should further strengthen the introduction of talents, optimize the structure of teachers, constantly improve the level of teaching and scientific research, and accumulate strength for the sustainable development of the college.
Miao Huiqing expressed his gratitude for the training of the organization and will live up to the trust of the ucpc. He will unite and cooperate with the team members, stress righteousness and cultivate righteousness, build a broad stage for teachers and students who want to do things and can do things, and jointly promote the innovative development of the college.
On behalf of all teachers and students of the college, Wang Haijie expressed heartfelt thanks to the ucpc for its appointment. He pointed out that the college firmly supports the overall deployment and arrangement of the school Party committee, further improves the political position, defines the goal orientation, and leads high-quality development with high-quality party construction; Firmly take unity and cooperation as the premise and guarantee for officers' entrepreneurship, further improve the realm, enlarge the pattern, concentrate, and promote the development of various undertakings of the college with a strong sense of responsibility and mission; Firmly adhering to the motto of "seeking truth and taking responsibility", under the leadership of president Jin Bei and Secretary Miao Huiqing, promote the implementation of the "ten projects" for the transformation and development of the business school, and jointly create a new situation for the connotation development of the school.