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The leading group of the business school held a special democratic life meeting on the study and education of party history
Time: Jan 29, 2022

Du Juan, leader of the first tour Guidance Group for the study and education of party history of the University, Secretary of the Party committee of the school of pharmacy, Xu Dayou, member and vice president of the school of calligraphy, attended the meeting, which was presided over by executive Dean Wang Haijie.
The Party committee of the business school attaches great importance to this special democratic life meeting. Before the meeting, according to the relevant requirements of the school, carefully studied and formulated the implementation plan. Members of the team focused on the theme of "vigorously carrying forward the great spirit of Party building, adhering to and developing the party's historical experience of hundred years of struggle, strengthening historical self-confidence, practicing the mission of the times, cultivating feelings for the people, being brave in taking responsibility, and uniting and leading the people to take a new road to catch up with the examination", In accordance with the objectives and requirements of "learning history to make sense, learn history to increase trust, learn history to uphold morality and practice" and "learning party history, understand ideas, do practical things and open a new situation", we have extensively solicited opinions, conducted in-depth investigation and research, deeply examined the existing problems, carefully wrote control inspection materials and speech outline, and made full preparations for the special democratic life meeting.
At the meeting, Wang Haijie, on behalf of the Party committee of the business school, combined with the actual situation of the school's work, made a comparative inspection report of the leading group around the contents of "five aspects", and from establishing a correct view of party history, strengthening faith and confidence, implementing the new development concept, performing duties and taking responsibility, doing practical things and solving problems for teachers and students, enhancing the sense of gain, happiness and security of teachers and students, enhancing the sense of hardship and coping with risks and challenges, It thoroughly investigated and analyzed the outstanding problems and deficiencies in the aspects of fulfilling the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, correcting the "four ethos" and establishing new ethos, and analyzed the root causes of the problems from the aspects of theoretical learning effectiveness, system implementation, work style and clean government construction; At the same time, it puts forward the direction of future efforts and rectification measures from four aspects: first, strengthen theoretical learning and enhance the effectiveness of party history learning and education in integrity and innovation; Second, transform learning achievements and create a good atmosphere for officers to start their own businesses; Third, maintain integrity and self-discipline and build a leading group with excellent style; Fourth, strengthen party building and lead the high-quality development of the college with high-quality party building. The team members made individual inspection speeches one by one, talked about understanding, experience, gaps and deficiencies around the theme, deeply analyzed the root causes of the existing problems, put forward the direction of efforts and defined the rectification measures.
Du Juan pointed out that the business school team and team members have comprehensively, seriously and sincerely investigated their own problems, achieved the combination of theory and practice, height and breadth, whole and part, key work and daily work, goal promotion and basic support, analyzed the causes accurately and deeply, and the rectification measures are practical and feasible. She stressed the need to continue to strengthen the theoretical arm, constantly consolidate and expand the effectiveness of party history learning and education, and turn the party's latest theoretical achievements into an ideological force leading the development of business schools.
At the special democratic life meeting, the members of the college team carried out criticism and self-criticism with the blade inward self revolutionary spirit and struggle spirit, and achieved the purpose of unifying ideas, strengthening unity, mutual supervision and common improvement. The college will continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of party history learning and education, establish a long-term mechanism for the normalization of party history learning and education, carry forward the great spirit of Party building, defend the "two establishment" and "two maintenance", implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, the provincial Party committee and the school Party committee, pay close attention to the rectification of problems in this democratic life meeting, and reflect the rectification results in the whole process of promoting the transformation and development of research-oriented first-class business schools, We will promote the construction of first-class universities and the development plan of the 14th five year plan with high quality, strive to achieve the peak in the Central Plains, contribute to the construction of modern Henan, and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent achievements and a new atmosphere.