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一、 妇女与人口
1、 人口及人口构成(单位:万)
年 总人口 百分比 市镇人口 百分比 乡村人口 百分比
男 女
1998 124810 50.98 49.02 37942 30.4 86868 69.6
1999 125909 50.98 49.02 38892 30.89 87017 69.11
2000 126583 51.63 48.37 45844 36.22 80739 63.78
2001 127627 51.46 48.54 48064 37.66 79563 62.34
2002 128453 51.5 48.5 50212 39.1 78241 60.9

平均预期寿命 男性 女性
1990 69 68 71
1996 70.8 68.71 73.04
1998 71.2 69.4 73.1
2001 71.7 69.8 73.6



二、 妇女与经济
女职工 比例
1998 4678万名 37.9%
1999 4613万名 39.2%
2000 4411万名 38%
2001 4226万名 39%
2002 4156万名 37.9%



三、 妇女与政治
届 年 女代表 百分比 女常委 百分比
一 1954 147 12 4 5
二 1959 150 12.3 5 6.3
三 1964 542 17.8 20 17.4
四 1975 653 22.6 42 25.1
五 1978 742 21.2 33 21
六 1983 632 21.2 14 9
七 1988 634 21.3 16 11.9
八 1993 626 21.03 19 12.3
九 1998 650 21.81 17 12.69
十 2003 604 20.2 21 13.2

届 年 女委员 百分比 女常委 百分比
一 1949 12 6.6 4 6.9
二 1954 83 14.3 5 6.5
三 1959 87 8.1 8 5
四 1969 76 6.3 9 5.6
五 1978 289 14.5 24 7.6
六 1983 258 12.5 33 11
七 1988 288 13.8 28 10
八 1993 283 13.52 29 9.2
九 1998 341 15.54 29 8.97
十 2003 373 16.7 35 11.71

专门委员会 委员 女委员 百分比
九届 十届 九届 十届 九届 十届
民族委员会 23 26 2 4 8.7 15.4
法律委员会 19 24 0 3 0 12.5
内务司法委员会 20 26 3 4 15 15.4
教科文卫委员会 34 35 6 5 17.7 14.3
外事委员会 15 18 3 2 20 11.1
华侨委员会 26 20 4 4 15.4 20
环境与资源保护委员会 21 28 6 5 28.6 17.9
农业与农村委员会 26 24 1 3 3.9 12.5
总计 184 201 25 30 13.6 14.9

专门委员会 委员 女委员 百分比
九届 十届 九届 十届 九届 十届
提案委员会 34 45 5 4 14.7 8.9
经济委员会 61 62 6 7 9.8 11.3
人口资源环境委员会 42 64 3 10 7.1 15.6
教科文卫体委员会 63 92 6 14 9.5 15.2
社会和法制委员会 46 64 11 7 23.9 10.9
民族和宗教委员会 53 70 5 14 9.4 20
文史资料委员会 34 32 5 5 14.7 15.6
港澳台侨委员会 51 50 8 12 15.7 24
外事委员会 39 41 8 8 20.5 19.5
总计 423 520 57 81 13.5 15.6

十五大 十六大
女性 总数 百分比 女性 总数 百分比
代表 344 2048 16.8 382 2114 18.1
中央政治局委员 0 22 0 1 24 4.2
中央委员 8 193 4.1 5 198 2.5
候补中央委员 17 151 11.2 22 158 13.9
中纪委委员 14 115 12.1 14 121 11.6

党派 主席 副主席 成员 百分比
中国国民党革命委员会 何鲁丽 程志青
钮小明 21482 31.6
中国民主同盟 张梅颖 56274 35.7
中国民主建国会 张榕明 25218 28.3
中国民主促进会 潘贵玉
贺旻 37422 44.2
中国农工民主党 左焕琛 39106 46.7
九三学社 谢丽娟 29385 33.4
中国致公党 9759 44.7
台湾民主自治同盟 林文漪 880 64.3


四、 妇女与科技

年份 百分比
1997 38.7
1998 39.3
1999 39.9
2000 40.6
2001 41


五、 妇女与教育
年 高等学校 中专 普通中学 职业中学 小学 总计
1998 130.6 272.7 2877.7 259.7 6645.6 10186.3
1999 162.1 287.5 3109.2 254.7 6454.9 10268.4
2000 227.9 277.3 3402.4 237.4 6194.6 10339.6
2001 302.3 262.9 3643.3 221.7 5936.8 10367
2002 397 258.4 3870.2 243.3 5738.1 10507

年 高等学校 中专 普通中学 职业中学 小学 总计
1998 38.3 54.7 45.7 47.9 47.6 47.1
1999 39.2 55.8 45.9 47.7 47.6 47.1
2000 41 56.6 46.2 47.2 47.6 47.1
2001 42.04 57.4 46.5 47.5 47.3 47.1
2002 43.95 56.6 46.7 47.6 47.2 46.9

年 高等学校 中专 普通中学 职业中学 小学 总计
1998 14.8 12.3 145.4 13.8 284.6 470.9
1999 15.9 12.2 155 14.2 291 488.3
2000 17.7 11.5 165.7 13.7 296.7 505.3
2001 21.1 10.6 178.5 13.4 302.4 526
2002 25.1 9.8 189.6 13.8 305.8 544.1

年 高等学校 中专 普通中学 职业中学 小学 总计
1998 36.3 44 39.3 41.1 48.9 44.7
1999 37.6 46.6 40.4 42.3 49.7 45.5
2000 38.2 44.9 41.4 42.9 50.6 46.3
2001 39.6 46.1 42.6 43.9 52.2 47.6
2002 40.7 47.1 43.3 44.2 52.9 50.5


年 小学学龄儿童入学率 小学学生辍学率
总计 女童 男女童之差 总计 女生 男生
1998 98.9 98.86 0.14 0.93 0.92 0.95
1999 99.1 99 0.1 0.9 0.86 0.93
2000 99.1 99.07 0.07 0.55 0.61 0.5
2001 99.1 99.01 0.07 0.27 0.31 0.23





六、 妇女与健康
年 妇幼保健院 妇产医院 儿童医院
1998 514 47 37
1999 595 45 38
2001 584 43 37
◆ 全国有各类妇幼卫生保健院(所、站)3067个。

年 新法接生率 住院分娩率
总计 市 县 总计 市 县
1998 94.2 66.8 79.8 58.3
1999 96.8 98.9 95.4 70 83.3 61.5
2000 96.6 98.9 95.2 72.9 84.9 65.2
2001 97.3 99 96.1 76 87 69
2002 97.2 98.8 96 78.8 89.4 71.6

年 婴儿死亡率 5岁以下儿童死亡率
1991 50.19 61.03
1995 36.4 44.5
1998 33.2 42
2000 32.2 39.7
2001 30 35.9

年 全国 城市 农村
1990 88.9 45.9 112.5
1995 61.9 39.2 76
1997 63.6 38.3 80.4
1998 56.2 28.6 74.1
2000 53 29.3 69.6
2001 50.2 33.1 61.9

年 孕期 分娩期
1998 87.13 83.91
1999 89.25 85.86
2000 89.36 86.15
2001 90.31 87.15



七、 婚姻与家庭
年 登记婚姻 离婚 离婚率(‰)
1998 8916913 1191162 1.91
1999 8799079 1201541 1.9
2000 8485000 1212000 1.92
2001 8050000 1250000 1.96
2002 7860000 1177000 1.8

八、 妇联组织





Chinese Women and Children: Facts and Data
All—China Women’s Federation
August, 2003

一、 Women and Population
二、 Women and Economy
三、 Women and Politics
四、 Women and Science
五、 Women and Education
六、 Women and Health Care
七、 Marriage and Family
八、 Women’s Federations

一、 Women and Population
1、Population and Population Structure(Unit:10,000)
Year Total
population Percentage Urban
population Percentage Rural
population Percentage
Men Women
1998 124810 50.98 49.02 37942 30.4 86868 69.6
1999 125909 50.98 49.02 38892 30.89 87017 69.11
2000 126583 51.63 48.37 45844 36.22 80739 63.78
2001 127627 51.46 48.54 48064 37.66 79563 62.34
2002 128453 51.5 48.5 50212 39.1 78241 60.9

2、Life Expectancy of the Population(Unit: Year)
Average life
expectancy Men Women
1990 69 68 71
1996 70.8 68.71 73.04
1998 71.2 69.4 73.1
2001 71.7 69.8 73.6

3、Members of the population aged 14 and under accounted for 22.9 percent; the population aged 15—64,69.99 percent; and the population aged 65 and over,7.09 percent.

4、In 1995,there were 70 million poverty—stricken people who did not have enough food. By 2001,however,that number had fallen to less than 30 million, and 60 percent of those people were especially poor. They included people who needed family support and social relief.

二、 Women and Economy
1、Women Workers in Cities and Towns
Year Women workers Percentage
1998 46.78 million 37.9 percent
1999 46.13 million 39.2 percent
2000 44.11 million 38 percent
2001 42.26 million 39 percent
2002 41.56 million 37.9 percent

2、In 2001,there were 730.25 million employees in the country. Women accounted for 37.4 percent in enterprises,44.1 percent in institutions ,24.8 percent in state organs, Party and government departments and NGOs,42.7 percent in service trades ,and 57.5 percent in the sectors of public health, physical culture and social welfare service. Among the 6.81 million registered unemployed people in cities and towns, women totaled 49 percent, and the rate was 3.6 percent.

3、From 1998 to 2002,women’s federations at all levels issued a combined 950 million yuan in micro credit to poverty—stricken rural women. As s result, more than 2 million rural women shook off poverty.
From 1995 to 2002, women’s federations at all levels established a 204—million—yuan micro credit fund to help urban women become reemployed. At present, the initiative has been launched in 23 provinces , autonomous regions and municipalities.

三、 Women and Politics
1、Women Deputies to and Women SC Members of Each NPC
Session Year Women deputies Percentage Women sc members Percentage
1st 1954 147 12 4 5
2nd 1959 150 12.3 5 6.3
3rd 1964 542 17.8 20 17.4
4th 1975 653 22.6 42 25.1
5th 1978 742 21.2 33 21
6th 1983 632 21.2 14 9
7th 1988 634 21.3 16 11.9
8th 1993 626 21.03 19 12.3
9th 1998 650 21.81 17 12.69
10th 2003 604 20.2 21 13.2
◆“SC” means “Standing Committee.”

2、Women Members and Women SC Members of Each CPPCC
Session Year Women members Percentage Women sc members Percentage
1st 1949 12 6.6 4 6.9
2nd 1954 83 14.3 5 6.5
3rd 1959 87 8.1 8 5
4th 1969 76 6.3 9 5.6
5th 1978 289 14.5 24 7.6
6th 1983 258 12.5 33 11
7th 1988 288 13.8 28 10
8th 1993 283 13.52 29 9.2
9th 1998 341 15.54 29 8.97
10th 2003 373 16.7 35 11.71

3、Women in the 9th and 10th NPC Special Committees
Special committee Members Women members Percentage
9th 10th 9th 10th 9th 10th
Nationalities Affairs Committee 23 26 2 4 8.7 15.4
The Law Committee 19 24 0 3 0 12.5
The Internal and Judicial Affairs Committee 20 26 3 4 15 15.4
Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee 34 35 6 5 17.7 14.3
Foreign Affairs Committee 15 18 3 2 20 11.1
The Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee 26 20 4 4 15.4 20
The Environmental Protection and Resources Conservation Committee 21 28 6 5 28.6 17.9
The Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee 26 24 1 3 3.9 12.5
Total 184 201 25 30 13.6 14.9

4、Women in the 9th and 10th CPPCC Special Committees
Special committees Members Women members Percentage
9th 10th 9th 10th 9th 10th
Committee for Handling Proposals 34 45 5 4 14.7 8.9
Committee for Economic Affairs 61 62 6 7 9.8 11.3
Committee of Population, Resources and the Environment 42 64 3 10 7.1 15.6
Committee of Education ,Science, Culture, Health and Sports 63 92 6 14 9.5 15.2
Committee for Social and Legal Affairs 46 64 11 7 23.9 10.9
Committee for Ethnic and Religious Affairs 53 70 5 14 9.4 20
Committee of Cultural and Historical Data 34 32 5 5 14.7 15.6
Committee for Liaison with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese 51 50 8 12 15.7 24
Committee of Foreign Affairs 39 41 8 8 20.5 19.5
Total 423 520 57 81 13.5 15.6

5、Women in the 15th and 16th CPC National Congresses
15th 16th
Women Total Percentage Women Total Percentage
Delegates 344 2048 16.8 percent 382 2114 18.1 percent
Members of the Political Bureau 0 22 0 1 24 4.2 percent
Members of the Central Committee 8 193 4.1 percent 5 198 2.5 percent
Alternate Members of the Central Committee 17 151 11.2 percent 22 158 13.9 percent
Members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection 14 115 12.1 percent 14 121 11.6 percent

6、Women in Democratic Parties
Parties Chairpersons Vice--chairpersons Members Percentage
Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang He Luli Cheng Zhiqing
Niu Xiaoming 21482 31.6
China Democratic League Zhang Meiying 56274 35.7
China Democratic National Construction Association Zhang Rongming 25218 28.3
China Association for Promoting Democracy Pan Guiyu
Yan Junqi
He Min 37422 44.2
Chinese Peasants’ and Workers’ Democratic Party Zuo Huanchen 39106 46.7
Jiu San Society Xie Lijuan 29385 33.4
China Zhi Gong Dang 9759 44.7
Taiwan Democratic Self—Government League Lin Wenyi 880 64.3

7、China has 3 women vice—chairpersons of the NPC Standing Committee(He Luli, Gu Xiulian and Wuyun Qimuge); 1 woman vice—premier(Wu Yi);2 women vice—chairpersons of the CPPCC National Committee (Liu Yangdong and Hao Jianxiu);1 woman state councilor(Chen Zhili).
There were 48 women in the ministry- or commission—level leading groups of departments under the Party’s Central Committee and the State Council; 56 women in the leading groups of 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; 647 women in the leading groups of 396 municipalities, prefectures and leagues; and 4,353 women in the leading groups of 2,813 counties, county—level municipalities, districts and banners.

四、 Women and Science
1、Women as Professional and Technical Personnel
Year Percentage
1997 38.7
1998 39.3
1999 39.9
2000 40.6
2001 41

2、There were 1,263 academics in the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and 78, or 6.2 percent, of them were women.

3、In 2001,there were 69,907 women teachers at the associate—professor level or above in China’s colleges and universities, accounting for 29.64 percent of the total.

五、 Women and Education
1、Number of Girl Students in School(Unit:10,000)
Year Colleges and universities Polytechnic schools Ordinary middle schools Vocational middle schools Primary schools Total
1998 130.6 272.7 2877.7 259.7 6645.6 10186.3
1999 162.1 287.5 3109.2 254.7 6454.9 10268.4
2000 227.9 277.3 3402.4 237.4 6194.6 10339.6
2001 302.3 262.9 3643.3 221.7 5936.8 10367
2002 397 258.4 3870.2 243.3 5738.1 10507

2、Proportion of Girl Students in School(Unit:Percentage)
Year Colleges and universities Polytechnic schools Ordinary middle schools Vocational middle schools Primary schools Total
1998 38.3 54.7 45.7 47.9 47.6 47.1
1999 39.2 55.8 45.9 47.7 47.6 47.1
2000 41 56.6 46.2 47.2 47.6 47.1
2001 42.04 57.4 46.5 47.5 47.3 47.1
2002 43.95 56.6 46.7 47.6 47.2 46.9

3、Number of Women Teachers(Unit:10,000)
Year Colleges and universities Polytechnic schools Ordinary middle schools Vocational middle schools Primary schools Total
1998 14.8 12.3 145.4 13.8 284.6 470.9
1999 15.9 12.2 155 14.2 291 488.3
2000 17.7 11.5 165.7 13.7 296.7 505.3
2001 21.1 10.6 178.5 13.4 302.4 526
2002 25.1 9.8 189.6 13.8 305.8 544.1

4、Proportion of Women Teachers(Unit:Percentage)
Year Colleges and universities Polytechnic schools Ordinary middle schools Vocational middle schools Primary schools Total
1998 36.3 44 39.3 41.1 48.9 44.7
1999 37.6 46.6 40.4 42.3 49.7 45.5
2000 38.2 44.9 41.4 42.9 50.6 46.3
2001 39.6 46.1 42.6 43.9 52.2 47.6
2002 40.7 47.1 43.3 44.2 52.9 50.5

5、Proportion of Schoolchildren and Dropouts(Unit:Percentage)

Year Proportion of schoolchildren Proportion of dropouts
Total School—age girls Gap between school—age boys and girls Total Schoolgirls Schoolboys
1998 98.9 98.86 0.14 0.93 0.92 0.95
1999 99.1 99 0.1 0.9 0.86 0.93
2000 99.1 99.07 0.07 0.55 0.61 0.5
2001 99.1 99.01 0.07 0.27 0.31 0.23

6、In 2001,the proportion of schoolchildren entering junior middle schools was 95.5 percent, and the proportion of students of junior middle schools entering senior middle schools was 52.9 percent.

7、In 2001,there were 111,706 kindergartens in China with 861,700 staff members and 20.22 million children. There were 1,531 special—education schools with 386,400 blind, deaf—mute and mentally challenged students.

8、According to the fifth national census, conducted in 2000, China had 86.99 million illiterate people ,or a 9.08—percent illiteracy rate. Among the 61.81 million illiterate adult women, there were 15.03 million illiterate young and middle—aged women, or a 4.21-percent illiteracy rate.

9、In 2000,women received on average 7.07 years of education .The education gap between men and women had been reduced from 1.4 years in 1995 to 1.07 years in 2000.

六、 Women and Health Care
1、Health Setups for Women and Children
Year Hospitals for mother and child care Hospitals for gynecology and obstetrics Children’s hospitals
1998 514 47 37
1999 595 45 38
2001 584 43 37
◆ China had 3,067 hospitals ,clinics and stations especially suited to care for women and children.

2、Proportion of New Midwifery and Hospitalized Delivery(Unit: Percentage)
Year Proportion of new midwifery Proportion of hospitalized delivery
Total City County Total City County
1998 94.2 66.8 79.8 58.3
1999 96.8 98.9 95.4 70 83.3 61.5
2000 96.6 98.9 95.2 72.9 84.9 65.2
2001 97.3 99 96.1 76 87 69
2002 97.2 98.8 96 78.8 89.4 71.6

3、Mortality Rate of Infants and Children Under 5(Unit: Per Thousand)
Mortality rate of infants Mortality rate of children under 5
1991 50.19 61.03
1995 36.4 44.5
1998 33.2 42
2000 32.2 39.7
2001 30 35.9

4、Mortality Rate of Pregnant and Lying—in Women(Unit: 1/100,000)
Year Nationally Urban areas Rural areas
1990 88.9 45.9 112.5
1995 61.9 39.2 76
1997 63.6 38.3 80.4
1998 56.2 28.6 74.1
2000 53 29.3 69.6
2001 50.2 33.1 61.9

5、Proportion of Pregnant and Lying—in Women Served by Qualified Persons(Unit: Percentage)

Year Gestation Parturition
1998 87.13 83.91
1999 89.25 85.86
2000 89.36 86.15
2001 90.31 87.15

6、There were 160,000 gynecologists, obstetricians and pediatricians,42,000 midwives and 227,000 rural midwives in China by 2001.

7、By 2000,China had 17,000 comprehensive hospitals with birth control sections,306 prefectures and municipalities with birth control services, and 41,086 stations and clinics specially designed for birth control care. Meanwhile ,there were more than 60,000 comprehensive hospitals, hospitals for mother and child care, hospitals for gynecology and obstetrics and small hospitals offering birth control care, and more than 500,000 persons working in birth control care either full-or part—time .Information networks for childbearing—age women were formed in all parts of the country, and the proportion of pregnant and lying—in women care surpassed 86 percent.

七、 Marriage and Family
1、Marriage Registration and Divorce
Year Registered marriages Divorces Divorce rate(per thousand)
1998 8916913 1191162 1.91
1999 8799079 1201541 1.9
2000 8485000 1212000 1.92
2001 8050000 1250000 1.96
2002 7860000 1177000 1.8
◆ A divorce rate means the ratio between divorcees and year—end population the same year.

2、By the end of 2001, China had 351.23 million households with the average number, 3.46,members.

八、Women’s Federations
1、 There were 52,529 full—time staff members working with the All—China Women’s Federation and local federations at all levels.

2、In China, there are 435 prefecture- or municipality—level women’s federations; 2,336 county-or district—level women’s federations; 48,066 township- or neighborhood—level women’s federations; 73,885 basic women’s representatives’ committees in urban areas; 611,734 basic women’s representatives’ committees in rural areas; 48,516 working committees on women’s issues in offices of all levels; 24,599 women’s committees in institutions and women’s organization in colleges and universities ; 233,514 women workers’ committees; 32,157 women’s organizations in non—public—economy groups; 1,212 women’s NGOs registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs; and 1,392 women’s committees in democratic parties.

3、The All—China Women’s Federation has 16 group members.

4、The All—China Women’s Federation and local women’s federations administer 46 publishing units—which print 9 newspapers and 59 magazines. Most of the publications are in Chinese. The rest are in English, Mongolian or Uygur.

5、The All—China Women’s Federation has established friendly relations with 697 women and children’s organizations in 151 countries and regions.

With the exception of the special explanations, all data in this book predate the end of 2002.
The information was compiled from the following:
Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee
National Bureau of Statistics
“Report on the Social Status of Women in China (the Second Issue)”
“Final Report of Monitoring and Evaluation on Implementation of the Program for the Development of Chinese Women (1995--2000)”
ACWF Human Resources Department
ACWF Information Center