
   报告题目:QCD Exotica (量子色动力学的奇特态)
报 告 人:中国科学院理论物理研究所研究员 郭奉坤
时   间:2016年1月15日(星期五)上午9:30—11:00
地   点:物理工程学院主校区工科实验楼(东物理馆)三楼309室
郭奉坤,中国科学院理论物理研究所研究员,青年…… 。 2007博士毕业于中国科学院高能物理研究所,
物理研究所工作。截至目前发表SCI论文60余篇,其中6篇Physical Review Letters。
现担任Physical Review Letters, Physical Review D,Physical Review B, Physical Review A,
JETP letters, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, European Physics Journal C,
European Physics Journal A, Communications in Theoretical Physcis, Chinese Physics C


The fundamental theory of strong interaction, quantum chromodynamics
(QCD), is nonperturbative at low energies. Thus, it is still a challenge
to understand the structure of hadrons which are composed of quarks and
gluons. There are two kinds of hadrons: mesons and baryons. Most of them
can be well described in a quark model with a meson consisting of a pair
of quark and antiquark and a baryon consisting of three quarks. In
addition, exotic hadrons beyond these configurations are expected to
exist as well, such as glueballs, hybrids, multiquark states and
hadronic molecules. However, strong evidence for the exotic hadrons only
appeared recently due to worldwide experimental efforts. To identify the
nature of QCD exotica from the data is one of the most challenging
problems of hadron physics, and needs well-devised theoretical tools
such as lattice QCD and effective field theories. In this talk, I will
focus on one kind of QCD exotica --- hadronic molecules. Using a few
examples, I will show how they can be identified and that such a goal

should be achieved with joint efforts of experimentalists and theorists.
