


报告题目:Brief introduction to synchrotron radiation: instruments, methods and applications

报告人:徐伟 中国科学院高能物理研究所

时  间: 2017年5月12日(星期五)下午14:30

地  点:物理工程学院B楼学术报告厅(108)

摘要:In this talk, I will present a panoramic introduction to the basics of synchrotron radiation regarding its generation, delivery and usages. I will also touch upon the distribution of the synchrotron facilities around the world as well as those located in China. Some progresses in the HEPS R&D will be reported. Furthermore, the pivotal instruments and key techniques will be briefly introduced with a selected coverage of their respective applications. Owing to the demands from sciences, technology and security, a new high energy photon source (HEPS) was proposed to be built in Beijing around 2018. A R&D project related to the HEPS was launched in 2016 to propel the efforts to the new light source. From this seminar, I wish to establish more collaborations on SR researches including instrumentation development, novel SR techniques as well as frontier scientific researches.

报告人简介:徐伟,中国科学院高能物理研究所副研究员,高能同步辐射光源验证装置-高能量分辨单色器系统负责人,北京高能光源核共振散射光束线负责人。主要围绕同步辐射方法、应用及设备开展研究:1)结合第一性原理计算,同步辐射谱学(如X 射线吸收谱学、红外光谱学、核共振弹性散射谱学等)在热电等功能材料中的应用研究; 2)同步辐射实验方法学的开发(联用红外、X射线谱学技术、核共振非弹性散射); 3)同步辐射光学器件(高能量)分辨单色器)研制。

个人经历:2012年在中科院高能所获凝聚态物理学理学博士学位。曾先后赴意大利核物理研究院弗拉斯卡蒂国家实验室,美国布鲁克海文国家实验室NSLSII 光源,美国阿贡国家实验室APS 光源访问研究。2015年10月应邀成为欧洲罗马国际材料科学研究中心会员。2016年10月获国际会议ACSIN2016青年科学家奖。2017年1月,组织并主持了中国国内召开的第一届核共振散射国际会议。在Journalof Materials Chemistry A, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, Physical Chemistry ChemicalPhysics, Advanced Energy Materials, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 等期刊发表论文60余篇,Google 学术统计H 指数13。目前主持基金委大科学装置联合基金培育项目一项,已完成青年基金目项一项。(个人主页:http://people.ucas.ac.cn/~WeiXuIHEP)
