所属部门:物理学院 凝聚态计算与理论物理研究所
职称:副教授 博士生/硕士生导师
电子邮箱: qzz@zzu.edu.cn
1991年11月出生于河南开封。2017年博士毕业于南开大学,之后获德国政府自然科学基金的AICES机构资助,赴亚琛工业大学从事博士后研究。2018年7月,入职郑州大学物理学院,并入选同批次“拔尖博士”。近年来主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目及河南省自然科学基金等科研项目。长期从事凝聚态计算物理研究,近期主要围绕二维Rashba体系设计与调控、Rashba效应对热电性能的优化等方面开展系统性研究。自2013年起,在Phys. Rev. B, npj Computational Materials等知名国际学术期刊共计发表50余篇SCI收录论文,Google Scholar总引用达2000余次,h指数20,兼职中科院一区期刊《Rare Metals》的青年编委及含Phys. Rev. B在内的多个国际主流期刊审稿人。
First-author & Corresponding author*
1. Puxuan Li#, Xuan Wang#, Haoyu Wang, Qikun Tian, Jinyuan Xu, Linfeng Yu, Guangzhao Qin* and Zhenzhen Qin*, Biaxial strain modulated electronic structures of layered two-dimensional MoSiGeN4Rashba systems,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, DOI: 10.1039/D3CP03833E;
2. Dong-Hai Wei, E Zhou, Jin-Yuan Xu, Hui-Min Wang*, Chen Shen*, Hong-Bin Zhang*, Zhen-Zhen Qin* & Guang-Zhao Qin*, Insight into vertical piezoelectric characteristics regulated thermal transport in van der Waals two-dimensional materials,Rare Metals, 2024, DOI: 10.1007/s12598-023-02368-z;
3. Qikun Tian, Puxuan Li, Jinghui Wei, Ziyu Xing, Guangzhao Qin*, and Zhenzhen Qin*, Inverse Janus design of two-dimensional Rashba semiconductors,Phys. Rev. B 108, 115130 (2023), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.115130;
4. Ailing Chen, Donghai Wei, Jinyuan Xu, Aonan Li, Huimin Wang*, Zhenzhen Qin*, and Guangzhao Qin*, Alloying Reversed Anisotropy of Thermal Transport in Bulk Al0.5Ga0.5N,J. Phys. Chem. Lett.14, 43, 9746 (2023);
5. Guangzhao Qin, Jianhua Xu, Huimin Wang*, Zhenzhen Qin*, and Ming Hu*, Activated Lone-Pair Electrons Lead to Low Lattice Thermal Conductivity: A Case Study of Boron Arsenide,J. Phys. Chem. Lett.14, 1, 139 (2023);
6. Guangzhao Qin, Jianzhou Lin, Huimin Wang, Jianjun Hu, Zhenzhen Qin* and Ming Hu*, Anomalous thermal transport behavior in graphene-like carbon nitride (C3N),J. Mater. Chem. C 10, 12080 (2022);
7. Donghai Wei, E Zhou, Xiong Zheng, Huimin Wang*, Chen Shen*, Hongbin Zhang, Zhenzhen Qin* and Guangzhao Qin*, Electric-controlled tunable thermal switch based on Janus monolayer MoSSe,npj Comput. Mater. 8, 260(2022);
8. Chengdong Qi, Linfeng Yu, Xiaolu Zhu, Shaoxun Li, Kun Du, Zhenzhen Qin*, Guangzhao Qin* and Zhihua Xiong*, Significantly suppressed thermal transport by doping In and Al atoms in gallium nitride,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.24, 21085 (2022);
9. Guangzhao Qin*, Jianhua Xu, Huimin Wang*, Zhenzhen Qin*, and Ming Hu*, Activated Lone-Pair Electrons Lead to Low Lattice Thermal Conductivity: A Case Study of Boron Arsenide,J. Phys. Chem. Lett.14, 139 (2022);
10. Linfeng Yu, Yuqi Zhan, Donghai Wei, Chen Shen⁎, Hongbin Zhang, Zhenzhen Qin⁎, Guangzhao Qin*, Multifunctional two-dimensional graphene-like boron nitride allotrope of g-B3N5: A competitor to g-BN?J. Alloy Compd.921, 165913 (2022);
11. Guangzhao Qin*, An Huang, Yinqiao Liu, Huimin Wang, Zhenzhen Qin*, Xue Jiang, Jijun Zhao, Jianjun Hu and Ming Hu*, High-throughput computational evaluation of lattice thermal conductivity using an optimized Slack model,Mater. Adv.3, 6826(2022);
12. Zhenzhen Qin, Hongbin Zhang and Guangzhao Qin, A brief perspective to the development of emerging thermoelectric materials,Front. Mater.9, 803853 (2022);
13. Qikun Tian, Wenqi Zhang, Zhenzhen Qin* and Guangzhao Qin, Novel optimization perspectives for thermoelectric properties based on Rashba spin splitting: a mini review,Nanoscale,13, 18032 (2021) (Inside Front Cover);
14. Zhenzhen Qin*, Guangzhao Qin*, Bin Shao, Xu Zuo*, Rashba spin splitting and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of Gd-adsorbed zigzag graphene nanoribbon modulated by edge states under external electric fields,Phys. Rev. B,101, 014451 (2020);
15. Guangzhao Qin*andZ henzhen Qin*, Negative Poisson's ratio in two-dimensional honeycomb structures,npj Comput. Mater.6, 51(2020);
16. Guangzhao Qin*#, Huimin Wang#, Li-Chuan Zhang, Zhenzhen Qin*, Ming Hu*, Giant effect of spin-lattice coupling on the thermal transport in two-dimensional ferromagnetic CrI3,J. Mater. Chem.C 8, 3520 (2020);
17. Zhenzhen Qin, Guangzhao Qin* and Ming Hu*, Origin of anisotropic negative Poisson's Ratio in Graphene,Nanoscale,10, 10365 (2018);
18. Zhenzhen Qin, Guangzhao Qin, Bin Shao and Xu Zuo*, Unconventional magnetic anisotropy in one-dimensional Rashba system realized by adsorbing Gd atom on zigzag graphene nanoribbons,Nanoscale,9, 11657 (2017);
19. Zhenzhen Qin, Guangzhao Qin, Xu Zuo*, Zhihua Xiong* and Ming Hu*, Orbitally driven low thermal conductivity of monolayer gallium nitride (GaN) with planar honeycomb structure: A comparative study,Nanoscale,9, 4295 (2017);
20. Zhenzhen Qin, Ping Liu, Min Feng and Xu Zuo*, Ferrimagnetism of Ti-adsorbed graphene,IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,52(7), 1100403 (2016);
21. Guangzhao Qin*, Yi Wei, Linfeng Yu, Jinyuan Xu, Joshua Ojih, Alejandro David Rodriguez, Huimin Wang, Zhenzhen Qinand Ming Hu*, Predicting lattice thermal conductivity from fundamental material properties using machine learning techniques,J. Mater. Chem. A 11, 5801 (2023);
22. Linfeng Yu, Ailing Chen, Xiaoxia Wang, Huimin Wang, Zhenzhen Qin, and Guangzhao Qin*, Softened sp2-sp3bonding network leads to strong anharmonicity and weak hydrodynamics in graphene+,Phys. Rev. B,106,125410 (2022);
23. Linfeng Yu, Zhenzhen Qinand, Huiming Wang, Xiong Zheng, and Guangzhao Qin*, Half-Negative Poisson's Ratio in Graphene+ With Intrinsic Dirac Cone: A Competitor to Graphene?Cell Rep. Phys. Sci.3,100790 (2022);
24. Huimin Wang, Donghai Wei, Junfei Duan, Zhenzhen Qin, Guangzhao QinYagang Yao and Ming Hu,The exceptionally high thermal conductivity after ‘alloying’ two-dimensional gallium nitride (GaN) and aluminum nitride (AlN),Nanotechnology,32, 135401(2021);
25. Huimin Wang, Guangzhao Qin*, Jiayue Yang, Zhenzhen Qin, Yagang Yao, Qiang Wang*, Ming Hu*, First-principles study of electronic, optical and thermal transport properties of group III–VI monolayer MX (M= Ga, In; X= S, Se),J. Appl. Phys.125, 245104 (2019);
26. Guangzhao Qin, Zhenzhen Qin, Huimin Wang, Ming Hu*, Lone-Pair Electrons Induced Anomalous Enhancement of Thermal Transport in Strained Planar Two-dimensional Materials,Nano Energy 50, 425-430 (2018);
27. Ning Wu, Zhihua Xiong*, Zhenzhen Qin, Effect of interfacial composition on Ag-based Ohmic contact of GaN based vertical light emitting diodes,J. Appl. Phys.123, 055301 (2018);
28. Guangzhao Qin, Zhenzhen Qin, Huimin Wang, Ming Hu*, On the diversity in the thermal transport properties of graphene: A first-principles-benchmark study testing different exchange-correlation functionals,Comp. Mater. Sci.151, 153-159 (2018);
29. Huimin Wang, Guangzhao Qin, Zhenzhen Qin, Guojian Li, Qiang Wang* and Ming Hu*, Lone-Pair Electrons Do Not Necessarily Lead to Low Lattice Thermal Conductivity: An Exception of Two-Dimensional Penta-CN2,J. Phys. Chem. L,9, 2474 (2018);
30. Guangzhao Qin, Zhenzhen Qin, Huimin Wang and Ming Hu*, Anomalously temperature-dependent thermal conductivity of monolayer GaN with large deviations from the traditional 1/T law,Phys. Rev. B 95, 195416 (2017);
31. Ping Liu, Zhenzhen Qin, Yunliang Yue, Xu Zuo*, Structural electronic and magnetic properties of vanadium atom-adsorbed MoSe2monolayer,Chin. Phys. B,26(2), 027103 (2017);
32. Guangzhao Qin, Zhenzhen Qin, Sheng-Ying Yue, Qing-Bo Yan and Ming Hu*, External electric field driving the ultra-low thermal conductivity of silicene,Nanoscale,9, 7227 (2017);
33. Qian Zhao, Zhihua Xiong*, Lan Luo, Zhenhui Sun, Zhenzhen Qin, Lanli Chen, Ning Wu, Design of a new two-dimensional diluted magnetic semiconductor: Mn-doped GaN monolayer,Appl. Surf. Sci. 396, 480-483 (2017);
34. Guangzhao Qin, Zhenzhen Qin, Wu-Zhang Fang, Li-Chuan Zhang, Sheng-Ying Yue, Qing-Bo Yan*, Ming Hu* and Gang Su*, Diverse anisotropy of phonon transport in two-dimensional group IV-VI compounds: A comparative study,Nanoscale 8, 11306 (2016);
35. Guangzhao Qin, Xiaoliang Zhang, Sheng-Ying Yue, Zhenzhen Qin, Huimin Wang, Yang Han and Ming Hu*, Resonant bonding driven giant phonon anharmonicity and low thermalconductivity of phosphorene,Phys. Rev. B 94, 165445 (2016);
36. Guangzhao Qin, Qing-Bo Yan*, Zhenzhen Qin, Sheng-Ying Yue, Ming Hu* and Gang Su*, Anisotropic intrinsic lattice thermal conductivity of phosphorene from first principles,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.17, 4854 (2015);
37. Zhihua Xiong*, Zhenzhen Qin, QianZhao and Lanli Chen, Role of Ag-alloy in the thermal stability of Ag-based ohmic contact to GaN(0001) surface,Scripta. Mater.99, 81-84 (2015);
38. Guangzhao Qin, Qing-Bo Yan*, Zhenzhen Qin, Sheng-Ying Yue, Hui-Juan Cui, Qing-Rong Zheng and Gang Su*, Hinge-like structure induced unusual properties of black phosphorus and new strategies to improve the thermoelectric performance,Sci. Rep.4, 6946 (2014).
1.中国物理学会秋季学术会议,Zhengzhou, China, 2019-9-22, “Rashba spin splitting and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of Gd-adsorbed zigzag graphene nanoribbon modulated by edge states under external electric fields”,口头报告(J2-061);
2.美国材料学会春季年会,2018 Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, Phoenix, USA, 2018-04-04, Unconventional magnetic anisotropy in one-dimensional Rashba system realized by adsorbing Gd atom on zigzag graphene nanoribbons,口头报告(NM07.03.10);
3.美国材料学会春季年会,2018 Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, Phoenix, USA, 2018-04-04, Negative Poisson’s Ratio in Two-dimensional honeycomb structures,口头报告(NM11.06.04);
4.美国材料学会春季年会,2018 Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, Phoenix, USA,2018-04-05, Orbitally driven low thermal conductivity of monolayer gallium nitride (GaN) with planar honeycomb structure: A comparative study,口头报告(EN10.09.02);
5.美国材料学会春季年会,2018 Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, Phoenix, USA, 2018-04-05, Lone-Pair Electrons Induced Anomalous Enhancement of Thermal Transport in Strained Planar Two-dimensional Materials,口头报告(EN10.09.02).