职称:副教授 硕士生导师
2008.9−2012.6 河南大学物理与电子学院,学士
2012.9−2017.6 吉林大学超硬材料国家重点实验室,博士
2017.7至今 郑州大学物理学院,师资博士后、讲师、副教授
主要从事新型热电能量转换材料的性能优化、热电器件的设计和制备、高压下新能源材料的物相和物性调控、高压物理、高温高压合成技术等研究,研究包括Bi2S3、MoSe2、Cu2Se、Cu-Sb-S等低成本高性能体系的能带结构、微观结构、热电输运以及转换效率的调控和优化。在Nano Energy, Applied Physics Letters, Chemical Engineering Journal等期刊发表SCI论文100余篇。担任Advanced materials、Chemical Science、Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers等期刊审稿人。
以第一作者或通讯作者在Nano Energy, Applied Physics Letters, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Materiomics, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等期刊发表SCI论文40余篇,部分论文如下:
[1] Lai Zhang, Weixia Shen, Zhuangfei Zhang, Chao Fang, Qianqian Wang, Biao Wan, Liangchao Chen, Yuewen Zhang*, Xiaopeng Jia. Stabilizing n-type cubic AgBiSe2thermoelectric materials through alloying with PbS. Journal of Materiomics, 2024, 10(1), 70-77.
[2] Yinghao Zhu, Biao Wan, Weixia Shen, Zhuangfei Zhang, Chao Fang, Qianqian Wang, Liangchao Chen, Yuewen Zhang*, Xiaopeng Jia. Controllable 2H/3R phase transition and conduction behavior change in MoSe2: Nb substitution by high pressure synthesis for promising thermoelectric conversion. Applied Physics Letters, 2023, 122(13), 133903.
[3] Jingwen Yang, Xiao-Lei Shi, Qishuo Yang, Weixia Shen, Meng Li, Zhuangfei Zhang, Wei-Di Liu, Chao Fang, Yuanqing Mao, Qianqian Wang, Liangchao Chen, Biao Wan, Yuewen Zhang*, Xiaopeng Jia, Zhi-Gang Chen*. Approaching high thermoelectric performance in p-type Cu3SbS4-based materials by rational electronic and nano/microstructural engineering. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 469, 143965.
[4] Wenting Ji, Xiao-Lei Shi, Wei-Di Liu, Hualei Yuan, Kun Zheng, Biao Wan, Weixia Shen, Zhuangfei Zhang, Chao Fang, Qianqian Wang, Liangchao Chen, Yuewen Zhang*, Xiaopeng Jia, Zhi-Gang Chen*. Boosting the thermoelectric performance of n-type Bi2S3by hierarchical structure manipulation and carrier density optimization. Nano Energy, 2021, 87, 106171.
[5] Manjie Shen, Siyu Lu*, Zhuangfei Zhang, Hanyu Liu, Weixia Shen, Chao Fang, Qianqian Wang, Liangchao Chen, Yuewen Zhang*, Xiaopeng Jia. Bi and Sn co-doping enhanced thermoelectric properties of Cu3SbS4materials with excellent thermal stability. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(7), 8271-8279.
[6] Lisha Xue, Weixia Shen, Zhuangfei Zhang*, Manjie Shen, Wenting Ji, Chao Fang,Yuewen Zhang*, Xiaopeng Jia. Off-stoichiometry effects on the thermoelectric properties of Cu2+δSe (−0.1≤δ≤0.05) compounds synthesized by a high-pressure and high-temperature method. CrystEngComm, 2020, 22(4), 695-700.
[7] Lisha Xue, Chao Fang, Weixia Shen, Manjie Shen, Wenting Ji, Yuewen Zhang*, Zhuangfei Zhang*, Xiaopeng Jia. High pressure synthesis and thermoelectric performances of Cu2Se compounds. Physics Letters A, 2019, 383(29), 125917.
[8] Lisha Xue, Zhuangfei Zhang, Weixia Shen, Hongan Ma, Yuewen Zhang*, Chao Fang*, Xiaopeng Jia. Thermoelectric performance of Cu2Se bulk materials by high-temperature and high-pressure synthesis. Journal of Materiomics, 2019, 5(1), 103-110.
[9]Yuewen Zhang, Hongan Ma*, Bing Sun, Binwu Liu, Haiqiang Liu, Lingjiao Kong, Baomin Liu, Xiaopeng Jia*, Xin Chen*. Thermoelectric performance of graphene composited BiSbTe bulks by high pressure synthesis. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 715, 344-348.
[10]Yuewen Zhang, Xiaopeng Jia, Hairui Sun, Bing Sun, Binwu Liu, Haiqiang Liu, Lingjiao Kong, Hongan Ma*. Enhanced thermoelectric performance of nanostructured CNTs/BiSbTe bulk composite from rapid pressure-quenching induced multi-scale microstructure. Journal of Materiomics,2016, 2(4), 316-323.
[11]Yuewen Zhang, Xiaopeng Jia, Hairui Sun, Bing Sun, Binwu Liu, Haiqiang Liu, Lingjiao Kong, Hongan Ma*. Effect of high pressure on thermoelectric performance and electronic structure of SnSe via HPHT. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 667, 123-129.
[12]Yuewen Zhang, Xiaopeng Jia, Le Deng, Xin Guo, Hairui Sun, Bing Sun, Binwu Liu, Hongan Ma*. Evolution of thermoelectric properties and anisotropic features of Bi2Te3prepared by high pressure and high temperature. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 632, 514-519.