澳大利亚麦考瑞大学Rich Mildren教授和河北工业大学白振旭教授来我院学术交流


827日,应我院邀请,澳大利亚麦考瑞大学Rich Mildren教授和河北工业大学白振旭教授来我院进行学术交流。Rich Mildren教授为我院师生做了题为《Narrow linewidth stimulated scattering crystal lasers》的格物致理系列报告。报告由倪佩楠教授主持

报告会上,Rich Mildren教授首先介绍了金刚石材料作为增益介质研制高性能拉曼激光器和布里渊激光器的优势和发展历史。随后,Rich Mildren教授结合其团队的研究成果详细阐述了金刚石拉曼激光和金刚石布里渊激光的研究现状,亟待解决的关键问题,以及未来发展和应用的主要方向,包括在大功率、窄线宽、高光束质量激光等方面的应用前景。Rich Mildren教授还与现场师生进行交流,回答了师生提出的问题

Rich Mildren is a Professor of Physics in the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at Macquarie University. He is the Deputy Director of the MQ Photonics Research Centre, where he leads the Diamond Laser Group. His group is highly recognized for their ground-breaking work in diamond lasers and for their achievements in high power diamond lasers that operate across the electromagnetic range from UV to infrared, including both ultrafast and continuous wave time signatures.  Most recently, his team has made significant strides in leveraging the potential of diamond for narrow-linewidth generation, a breakthrough that holds promise for transformative applications in quantum science, sensing, metrology, and space adaptive optics. He has a distinguished record of research in nonlinear optics and lasers and has successfully spearheaded several large programs funded by the Australian Research Council, industry, and government agencies. He has made 6 patents and published more than 120 papers. He is a Eureka Award winning scientist for Outstanding Science for Safeguarding Australia in 2017. He was elected as the OSA Fellow in 2018.
