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Vice Governor of Henan Visits the Academy of Medical Sciences

Author:   Time:March 6, 2017   Clicks:

On 15th February, Ms. Wang Yanling, Vice Governor of Henan Province visited the Academy of Medical Sciences of Zhengzhou University. She was accompanied by senior officials of the Provincial Government, Human Resources and Social Security Department, Health and Family Planning Commission, Henan Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs, etc. President Liu Jiongtian, Party Secretary of CPY Zhengzhou University Niu Shucheng, Vice President Song Maoping, Vice President Kan Quancheng, Vice President Gu Zhenqing, Dean of AMS Nick Lemoine and other University officials received Vice Governor Wang Yanling.

Vice Governor Wang Yanling visited the Clinical Training Center and Translational Medicine Platform on the East Campus as well as the Basic Medical Sciences Platform on the Main Campus.

After the visit, an official meeting was held to discuss the internationalization and development of Medical Sciences at Zhengzhou University. Vice President Gu Zhenqing made an overall report on the development of medical science and AMS at Zhengzhou University. Dean Nick Lemoine gave a presentation on the vision, structure, platforms and work plan of the AMS as well as highlighting its innovation in high-level talent introduction and student training. President Liu Jiongtian summarized the report by emphasizing the significance of the AMS in the internationalization of Zhengzhou University.

Vice Governor Wang expressed her gratitude to Dean Nick Lemoine for his contribution to the education and medical science of Henan Province. She was impressed by the achievement made by Zhengzhou University and AMS in recent years. She expressed the hope that Zhengzhou University will continue to promote excellence in the medical care services in Henan Province and to develop solutions for the pressing health issues faced by the people of the Province. She exhorted all relevant departments and bodies of Henan Province to give their full support in the development of AMS of Zhengzhou University.

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