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International Workshop on Ethical Governance on Advanced Therapies

Author:   Time:May 15, 2019   Clicks:

With the development of new biotherapies and new technologies in Medical Sciences, ethical governance has become more and more significant in facilitating research and safeguarding the participants in clinical trials.In order to promote the development of ethical governance in advanced therapies such as cell and gene therapy, and to enhance communication between the ethics community in China and international peers, the Academy of Medical Sciences at Zhengzhou University is hosting an International Workshop on Ethical Governance on Advanced Therapies between 17 and 18th May, 2019.We would like to invite you to join us at the workshop.

 Time 9am-12am,18th May, 2019

Venue:  No. 2 Lecture Hall Main Campus at Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou, Henan.

Invited Speakers and Presentation Titles :

1.        Presentation TitleThe 100,000 Genomes Project – set-up and learning

SpeakerDr. Monika Preuss,Head of Genomics Science and Emerging Technologies, Department of Health & Social Care, UK

2.        Presentation Title:  Embedding ethics and encouraging preparedness: assisting scientists and practitioners in developing and adopting new technologies

SpeakerProfessor Bobbie Farsides, Professor at Brighton and Sussex Medical School, UK

3.        Presentation Title:  Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy and Genome Editing: case studies in the ethics and governance of novel medical procedures

SpeakerDr. Hugh Whittall, Director of Nuffield Council on Bioethics, UK

4.        Presentation Title: The bioethics of ‘hype’ and ‘empowerment’ in debates on innovative biotechnologies.

SpeakerDr. Ainsley Newson, Associate Professor and Deputy Director of Sydney Health Ethics, University of Sydney

5.        Presentation Title: Undetermined

SpeakerProfessor Xiaomei Zhai, Professor at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

6.        Presentation Title: Ethical Review and Quality Improvement: Reflections Based on Practice

SpeakerDr. Haihong Zhang, Peking University Human Research Protection Program

7.        Presentation TitlesDiscussion about the Clinical Application and Management of New diagnosis and Therapeutics from the Perspective of Medical Institutions

SpeakerHui Jiang,Economist (Human Resources Management),secretary and member of the ethics committee of Zhangzhou Hospital of Fujian Medical University

8.        Presentation Title: The Ethical Review of Clinical Trails Protocol

SpeakerTao Shi, Director of Office for Ethics Review Board, Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital( 1st Affiliated Hospital of Shenzhen University)

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