2015.09-2021.07 郑州大学 硕博连读 应用数学
2019.10-2020.11 滑铁卢大学 联合培养博士生
2019.03-2019.09 威廉玛丽学院 联合培养博士生
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,主持
2. 中国博士后科学基金71批、76批面上基金,主持
3. 2023年度省重点研发与推广专项(科技攻关)项目,主持
4. 2025年河南省高等学校重点科研项目,主持
1. Tao Y*, Campbell S A, Poulin F J. Dynamics of a diffusive nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton model with spatio-temporal delay. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2021, 81(6): 2405-2432
2. Tao Y, Sun Y, Zhu H, Lyu J, Ren J*. Nilpotent singularities and periodic perturbation of a GIbeta model: A pathway to glucose disorder. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2023, 33(3): 49
3. Tao Y, Ren J, Zhu H, Li J, Cui H* . Exploring spatiotemporal patterns of algal cell density in lake Dianchi with explainable machine learning. Environmental Pollution, 2024, 124395
4. Liang Z, Li P, Gu Y, Tao Y*. Prescribed-time formation tracking in multi-agent systems via reinforcement learning-based hybrid impulsive control with time delays[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2025, 272(4):126723
5. Tao Y, Shi J*. On a reaction-diffusion-advection glucose metabolism model. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Accepted