报告题目: Dynamical Analysis of Neuronal Networks and Dynamical Modeling of Hippocampus Functional Networks
报告人: Xiaojuan Sun, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,教授,博导
报告时间: 19:50-20:40, 28th August 2020.
报告地点: 889 9240 5158 (Zoom ID)
The neuronal system is a high dimensional nonlinear network system. Synchronization and stochastic resonance are two typical nonlinear dynamic phenomena in neuronal networks. We study the effects of coupling strength, network structure and time delay, etc, on the synchronization of neuronal networks, as well as the phenomenon of stochastic resonance induced by noise and time delay. In addition, the experimental results show that neurons in the cerebral cortex have significant heterogeneity. With the continuous progress of experimental technology, researchers have found that neurons as the basic information processing unit have significant information processing function, and play an important role in functional neuronal network. We investigated the important role of heterogeneous neurons in pattern separation of dentate gyrus and pattern completion of CA3 in the hippocampus.
Xiaojuan Sun is an associated professor from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. She has got her PhD degree from Beihang University in 2009. Her major area is neurodynamics. Most of her former researches focus on discussing synchronization, stochastic resonance, firing coherence in neuronal complex neuronal networks using theory of nonlinear dynamics. She had considered the questions how noise, time delay, network topology, etc., could influent neuronal systems. Now, she is also interested in how single neuron integrate signals from dendrites and what roles heterogeneous neurons play in neuronal circuits, such as Dentate Gyrus, CA3, etc. She has published nearly 40 papers, as listed in her researchgate website: