讲座题目:On generators and defining relations of quantum affine superalgebra

主讲人: 张红莲
时间:2022.5.22. 10:00--11:00
Two presentations of quantum affine superalgebras were introduced by Yamane which were called Drinfeld-Jimbo realization and Drinfeld realization, respectively. Drinfeld realization contains infinitesequences of generators and relations. In this talk, we consider the Drinfeld realization of quantum affine superalgebra
associated to type slm|nand define a simple algebra
generated by only a finite part of these sequences of quantum affine superalgebra
. We show that the algebra
is isomorphic to the quantum affine superalgebra
. Using the above isomorphism, we prove there exists an isomorphism between the two realizations. This talk is based on the joint work with Prof H. Yamane and Hongda Lin.
主讲人简介:张红莲,博士,上海大学数学系教授、硕士生导师。主要从事李代数、量子群的研究工作。在双参数量子仿射代数方面已做出实质性进步的工作,获得了重要的研究成果,并得到了国内外同行的充分认可。主持国家自然科学基金委的青年基金项目及面上项目,美国数学会Fan-基金。获上海市优秀博士学位论文及全国百篇优秀博士学位论文提名奖。在国外重要学术刊物Comm. Math. Phys.,Trans. American Math. Soc., Lett. Math. Phys., J. Algebra等发表SCI论文多篇。