题目: The formation of trapped surfaces in general relativity
报告人:刘珏(哈佛大学,BHI Fellow)
时间:2022年4月28日 09:00-12:00
摘要: One of the fundamental open problems in mathematical general relativity is the weak cosmic censorship conjecture (WCCC), which states that for generic asymptotically flat spacetime the singularities should be hidden behind the black holes. This conjecture has close relationship to the concept of trapped surfaces. Motivated by the results on spherically symmetric solutions, Christodoulou proposed the trapped surfaces conjecture (TSC) viewed as the local version of the WCCC. In this talk I will review the successful work by Christodoulou on the WCCC for spherically symmetric spacetimes, and then discuss how to extend the similar results to generic spacetime without symmetries. As a result the TSC is established for spherical singularities caused by the self-gravitating scalar fields, which implies the spherical naked singularities are not stable under the gravitational perturbations without any symmetric assumptions.
报告人简介: Jue Liu got the PhD degree at Sun Yat-sen University in 2018. His research interests include geometric analysis and mathematical general relativity. He had deep studies in the weak cosmic censorship conjecture, one of the fundamental problems in the dynamics of black holes, and proved that the spherical naked singularities constructed by Christodoulou is unstable even under the gravitational perturbations. Recently he is trying to find some physical quantity such as quasilocal mass which is useful to describe the dynamics of spacetime in particular situations. One such example is the Penrose inequality, which can indirectly verify the weak cosmic censorship conjecture from the view of spacelike hypersurfaces embedded in spacetime.