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作者:赵煦妍 来源: 阅读次数: 日期:2019-07-12

        应胡泽军教授的邀请,福建师范大学王鹏教授将于7月16-18日前来郑州大学进行学术访问,并就共同感兴趣的微分几何课题开展深入交流与研讨。访问期间,王鹏教授将做学术报告,介绍其与(UMass Amherst)Rob Kusner教授关于Willmore泛函相关课题合作研究的最新成果。报告的具体安排如下:

报告题目:Willmore stability and Morse index of minimal surfaces in spheres



内容提要:Urbano's index theorem on Clifford torus plays an important role in Marques and Neves's proof of Willmore conjecture in S^3. We generalize Urbano's theorem to minimal tori in S^4 by showing that a minimal torus in S^4 has index at least 6 and the equality holds if and only if it is the Clifford torus. It is also natural to ask whether the Clifford torus is Willmore stable when the co-dimension increases and whether there are other Willmore stable tori or not. We answer these problems for minimal tori in S^n, by showing that the Clifford torus in S^3 and the equilateral Bryant-Itoh-Montiel-Ros torus in S^5 are the only Willmore stable minimal tori in arbitrary higher co-dimension. Moreover, the Clifford torus is the only minimal torus (locally) minimizing the Willmore energy in arbitrary higher co-dimension, and the equilateral (Bryant-Itoh-Montiel-Ros) torus is a (local) constrained-Willmore minimizer, but not a (local) Willmore minimizer.