报告题目:Discrete and continuous KP systems and Lagrangian multi-form structures
报告人:Prof. Frank W. Nijhoff (University of Leeds)
报告摘要: In the talk I will first a give brief summary of (discrete and semi-discrete) KP systems. Next I will give an outline of the ideas behind Lagrangian multi-form theory, illustrated by the 1-form case, as a preparation for the Lagrangian 3-form structure of the KP systems mentioned before.
报告人简介:Frank W. Nijhoff,英国利兹大学数学学院教授、博士生导师、洪堡学者、英国物理学会会士(Fellow of the Institute of Physics),曾担任Leeds大学应用数学系主任。Nijhoff教授长期从事离散可积系统的研究,是国际公认的离散可积系统领域的领军学者,在离散可积系统的直接线性化理论、多维相容理论、Lagrangian多形式理论等方面做出了开创性贡献。 Nijhoff教授主持英国EPSRC基金多项,2012年当选为英国皇家学会Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellow,长期担任离散可积系统国际系列会议SIDE (Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations)指导委员会主席,同时他还是可积系统领域多个重要期刊主编或编委。众多研究成果发表在《Communications in Mathematical Physics》、《International Mathematics Research Notices》、《Proceedings of the Royal Society》、《Nonlinearity》等国际一流数学物理期刊上。