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作者:陈强 来源: 阅读次数: 日期:2018-06-19

报告题目Systems of partially linear models with gradient boosting for data integration

报告人邵永照教授New York University , USA




报告内容摘要:Combining data sets collected from multiple cohorts or studies is increasingly used to achieve a larger sample size and higher statistical power.  Such information integration is commonly needed in precision medicine and many other applications. The motivation of this paper arises from the consideration of data heterogeneity in terms of study population and study design. In this paper, we introduce systems of partially linear models with gradient boosting for data integration and for building integrated prediction models.  Application to integrating Alzheimer’s disease studies is used for illustration.


报告人简介:邵永照  北京师范大学: 81级数学本科,  85级概率统计研究生; 北京大学医学院生物统计学助理教授; (1987-1990) Tufts University, Ph.D 1994 .

1994年在美国 Tufts University 获博士学位后,在哥伦比亚大学先后担任统计学助理教授和副教授职务。2003年邵教授加盟纽约大学医学院,目前为纽约大学医学院公共卫生,环境医学和生物统计研究所终身教授。主要从事统计学方法、统计推断,临床试验设计、遗传流行病学、风险预测模型, 高维数据分析, 遗传统计学及生物信息学等方面的研究。在学术任职方面,邵教授当选为American Statistical AssociationASA)的院士(Fellow); 担任多个统计学与医学前沿期刊的编委,包括Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA) Clinical and Translational Science (CTS)等;他还是美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)、美国国家癌症研究所(NCI)等多个咨询委员会的成员和评议组成员。