报告题目:A Joyful Journey in Random Dynamical Systems
报告时间:2023年6月19日下午 16:00-18:00
内容摘要:Complex dynamical systems are often under random fluctuations. The noisy fluctuations may be Gaussian or non-Gaussian, which are usually modeled by Brownian motion or Levy motion, respectively. Stochastic differential equations are appropriate mathematical models for these random dynamical systems.The speaker will present an overview about recent advances in random dynamical systems, including (algebraic topological ) Conley index for stochastic bifurcation, random interacting particle dynamics, stochastic Hamiltonian dynamics, and particularly, probabilistic approaches and data science methods for investigating transition phenomena.
报告人简介:段金桥,国家重大人才工程项目入选者,国家杰出青年基金B类获得者,中国科学院海外评审专家,中国科学院海外杰出学者基金获得者, 中国科协海智计划专家。曾任美国纯粹与应用数学研究所副所长,曾任美国国家基金委数据科学研究所轮值所长与分所长。现任大湾区大学(筹)讲席教授,理学院执行院长。研究方向为应用数学,包括随机动力系统的理论与应用;随机偏微分方程理论与应用;数据驱动的数学建模-分析-学习-预估;非平衡统计物理;以及数学与其它学科的交叉研究。 著作有An Introduction to Stochastic Dynamics与Effective Dynamics of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations等。