研究领域:微分几何 子流形几何
3.主持1项校级教改项目:《解析几何》课程教学的创新与实践 2022ZZUJG160;
2020年5月获评校级本科教育线上教学优秀课程 《概率论与数理统计》.
1.Zhai Shujie*, Xing Cheng,Classification of semi-parallel hypersurfaces of the product of two spheres,Differential Geometry and Its Applications,9,2023, Paper No. 102067, 13 pp.
2.Hu Zejun, Xie Bingxin, Zhai Shujie,Submanifolds with semi-parallel Möbius second fundamental form in the unit sphere.Journal of Geometric Analysis,33, 2023, 44 pp.
3. Xing Cheng, Zhai Shujie*,Minimal Legendrian submanifolds in Sasakian space formswithC-parallel second fundamental form, Journal of Geometry and Physics,187, 2023,15 pp.
4. Zhai Shujie*, Zhang Heng, Minimal Legendrian submanifolds of S^9 with nonnegativesectional curvature, Turkish Journal of Mathematics,46, 2022: 2854-2866.
5. YinBangchao, ZhaiShujie *,Classificationof Moebius minimal and Moebius isotropic hypersurfaces in S^5, AIMS Mathematics,6(8), 2021: 8426–8452.
6. Li Dehe, Zhai Shujie*, Real Hypersurfaces in Complex Grassmannians of Rank Two,Mathematics,9,2021, 3238, 13pp.
7. Hu Zejun, Zhai Shujie*, Submanifolds with parallel Moebius second fundamental form in the unit sphere,Results in Mathematics,73, 2018, Paper No. 93, 46 pp.
8. Zhai Shujie*, Guo Xiuli, Hu Zejun, Hypersurfaces in the unit sphere with parallelMoebius form and constantpara-Blaschke eigenvalues,Turkish Journal of Mathematics,42,2018:1180-1192.
9. Hu Zejun, Li Dehe, Zhai Shujie, On generalized m-quasi-Einstein manifolds with constant Ricci curvatures,Journal of Mathematical analysis and applications,446, 2017: 843-851.
10. Zhai Shujie*, Hu Zejun, Wang Changping, On submanifolds with parallel Moebius second fundamental form in the unit sphere,International Journal of Mathematics,25, 2014:1450062.
11. Hu Zejun,Li Xingxiao, Zhai shujie,On the Blaschke isoparametric hypersurfaces in the unit sphere with three distinct Blaschke eigenvalues, Science China Mathematics,54, 2011: 2171-2194.
12. Hu Zejun, Zhai Shujie,Moebius isoparametric hypersurfaces with three distinct principal curvatures, II, Pacific Journal of Mathematics,249, 2011: 343-370.
13. Chu Yawei, Zhai Shujie,On spacelike hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature in the anti-de Sitter space,Differential Geometry and its Applications,29, 2011: 737–746.
14. Hu Zejun, Zhai Shujie,Classification of Moebius isoparametric hypersurfaces in S^6, Tohoku Mathematical Journal,60, 2008: 499–526.
15. Hu Zejun, Mike Scherfner, Zhai Shujie,On spacelike hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature in the de Sitter space, Differential Geometry and Its Applications,25, 2007: 594–611.
16. Hu Zejun, Zhai Shujie, Hypersurfaces of the hyperbolic space with constant scalar curvature,Results in Mathematics,48, 2005: 65-88.
17. Hu Zejun, Zhai Shujie, ASphere Theorem for even-dimensional submanifolds of the unit sphere,Journal of Zhengzhou University (理学版),37,2005:1-4.