1)Liqun Pu,Hung-Lin Fu,Hao Shen.C4-decomposition of Dv/P and DvUpwhereP is a 2-regular subgraph of Dv,Graphs and Combinatorics,2006,22:515-525.(SCI:123VH.)
2)Jun Ma,Liqun Pu,Hao Shen. Cycle decompositions of Knn-I, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics,2006,20:603-609.(SCI:113BM.)
3)Liqun Pu,Hao Shen,Jun Ma and San Ling, Cycle systems in the complete bipartite graphplusa one factor, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics,2008,vol21,no4:1083-1092.(SCI:260NF.)
4)Liqun Pu,Hung-Lin Fu,Hao Shen.Maximal sets of Hamilton cycles in Dn,Discrete Mathematics,2008,308:3706-3710. (SCI:315HS.)
5)Liqun Pu,Hung-Lin Fu,Hao Shen.
Maximum Packing of Dt-P and Dt boolean OR P with Mendelsohn Triples, Ars Combinatoria, 2009,91:165-182(sci)
6)Liqun Pu,Hung-Lin Fu,Hao Shen.Directed 3-cycle decompositions of complete directed graphs with quadratic leaves, Discrete Mathematics, 2009, 309(14):4705- 4715(sci)
7) Pu, Liqun; Chai, Yanling; Bu, Hailin, Maximum Hexagon Packing of K-v-L Where L is a 2-regular Subgraph, Ars Combinatoria, 2013,112:225-237(sci)
8)Liqun Pu, Yajuan Cui,Weak saturation number for multiple copies of the completegraph with a star removed,Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2016,204: 216-220(sci)
9) Liqun Pu, Jia Fang, Jun Ma,Maximum hexagon packing of Kv-F where F is a spanning forest, Journal of mathematical research with application, 32(2012)(2):143-156,BSCD
10)Liqun Pu, Hengzhou Xu, Hao Shen,All nearly 2-regular leaves of partial 6-cycle systems, Journal of mathematical research with application, 33(2013), (6):653-665,BSCD
11)Hai Zhu ,1 Liqun Pu,2 Hengzhou Xuetal,Construction of Quasi-Cyclic LDPC Codes Based on Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic,Hindawi Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Volume 2018, Article ID 5264724, 9 pages,(SCI)
12) Cui Yajuan, Pu LiqunWeak saturation numbers of K2,t and Kp ⋃ Kq ✩ AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 16 (2019) 237–240, EI
13)Liqun Pu, Yuan Tang, Xiaoli Gao, Packing Four Copies of a Tree Into a Complete Bipartite Graph,Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 72 (147) (2022), 39–57(SCI)
14)Liqun Pu, Jun Ma, Small orders of (v,5,2)-OOC ,J. of Zheng zhou U niv. ( Nat. Sci. Ed. ), 2006(38)4: 1-6(核心)