
作者:王光辉 时间:2023-04-13 点击数:

2023410日,我院邀请英国南安普顿大学Daniil教授来院做了题为《Triboelectric energy harvesting technology》学术报告。学院党委书记王定标、副院长高建设以及师生100多人参加报告会。报告会由王军雷教授主持。






Dr. Yurchenko is interested in Nonlinear and Stochastic Dynamics, Control Theory, Vibration, Stability and Bifurcation Analysis, Mathematical and Experimental Modelling of complex dynamic systems with application in energy harvesting. In 2001 he obtained a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA on the development of stochastic optimal control theory and analysis of non-smooth systems and accepted the position of Assistant Professor at the University of Miami. In 2005 he was offered a post of Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematical Sciences of Saint-Petersburgh State Polytechnic University, Russia. He received a Doctor of Science degree (habilitation) in 2007 and in 2008 he received a Young Scientists Award from the Russian President Science Council. In 2008 he was promoted to a full Professor and became a deputy head of the MS program in Mechanics. In 2010 Dr. Yurchenko joined the Mechanical Engineering Department of Heriot-Watt University as an Associate Professor, leading the research work in Dynamics and Control theory, then later he moves to the University of Southampton. Dr. Yurchenko has published over 150 scientific publications including peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings, delivered multiple invited talks and keynote lectures, led a number of industrial projects and received grants from EPSRC and the Royal Society. He is an Editorial board member of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Int. J. of Dynamics and Control, Vibrations, Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics.

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